Beer Me Up is an iOS and Android app build with Flutter.
The app is a personal beer logging that allows you to enter every beer you have to be sure to remember them forever.
This project is born as a technical playground to learn Flutter.
This project does not aim to be revolutionnary or even useful, it's just a simple app for people who love beers.
The app is made with Flutter with the following tech stack:
- Flutter:
- FlutterFire:
The app uses the MVI architecture, the implementation is greatly inspired by Brian Egan's work.
Beers data is coming from the Untappd API
Copyright (C) 2018 Benoit LETONDOR. The name "Beer Me Up", the app idea and assets (images, names, wordings etc...) are all under copyright.
Sources are availables under the Apache 2 licence (See LICENSE for details) and contributions will be warmely welcomed!