midiPan = #0
for first movt 1, 2 and 3 (except 3B)
midiPan = #0.2
for movt 3B (two piano)
In GarageBand, set reverb = max, and ambiance = 40% for movt 3B
Step 1:
ffmpeg -ss 0 -to 00:01:51.8 -i v001-20200425-pan0-reverb0.wav -ss 00:01:51.8 -i v001-20200425-pan20-reverb100-ambience40.wav -filter_complex '[0:0][1:0]concat=n=2:v=0:a=1[out]' -map '[out]' v001.wav
Step 2: Use audacity to apply Reverb (Large Hall preset), then insert 3-second silence at the beginning
Use imagemagick's convert
convert -density 300 -alpha remove score.pdf score.png
python3 crop-images.py crop-images-data.txt # for youtube video
python3 crop-images.py crop-images-data-igtv.txt # for ig video
python3 video-image-info-for-ffmpeg.py video-image-info.txt > ffmpeg-image-info.txt
ffmpeg -i v001.wav -f concat -i ffmpeg-image-info.txt -ss 0 -t 154 piano-duel-v001.mp4 # ending time necessary otherwise it will be trimmed
Create video with proper format/codec (valid for IGTV):
python3 video-image-info-for-ffmpeg.py video-image-info-igtv.txt > ffmpeg-image-info-igtv.txt
ffmpeg -i v001.wav -f concat -i ffmpeg-image-info-igtv.txt -ss 0 -t 154 -loop 1 -c:a aac -b:a 256k -ar 44100 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset faster -tune stillimage -shortest piano-duel-igtv-v001.mp4