This is unmaintained. It looks like ingesolvoll/doo is more up to date.
A library and Leiningen plugin to run cljs.test
in many JS environments. For
Boot plugin, see boot-cljs-test.
...and I would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids.
The latest stable release:
{:plugins [[lein-doo "0.1.11"]]}
To use doo you need to use [org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-3308"]
or newer.
All arguments are optional provided there is a corresponding default under :doo
in project.clj
lein doo
lein doo {js-env}
lein doo {js-env} {build-id}
lein doo {js-env} {build-id} {watch-mode}
can be anychrome
, orplanck
. In the future it is planned to supportv8
, and others.- Note that
>= 2.0.0 and Chrome >= 59 - Note that
>= 1.1.0 and Firefox >= 56
- Note that
(optional): eitherauto
(default) oronce
which exits with 0 if the tests were successful and 1 if they failed.build-id
is one of yourcljsbuild
profiles. For exampletest
{:builds [{:id "test"
:source-paths ["src" "test"]
:compiler {:output-to "resources/public/js/testable.js"
:main your-project.runner
:optimizations :none}}]}
Notice that :main
is set to the namespace your-project.runner
where you define which test namespaces you want to run, using:
(ns your-project.runner
(:require [doo.runner :refer-macros [doo-tests]]
(doo-tests 'your-project.core-test
works just like cljs.test/run-tests
but it places hooks
around the tests to know when to start them and finish them. Since it
is a macro that will be calling said namespaces, you need to require
them in your-project.runner
even if you don't call any of their
functions. You can also call (doo.runner/doo-all-tests)
which wraps
to run tests in all loaded namespaces.
Notice that doo-tests
needs to be called in the top level and can't
be called inside a function (unless you explicitly call that function
in the top level).
Then you can run:
lein doo slimer test
which starts an ClojureScript autobuilder for the test
profile and
runs slimerjs
on it when it's done.
You can also call doo
without a build-id
(as in lein doo phantom
) as
long as you specify a Default Build in your project.clj
is packaged as a Boot task in boot-cljs-test.
To run a JavaScript file in your preferred runner you can directly call
from Clojure:
(require '[doo.core :as doo])
(let [doo-opts {:paths {:karma "karma"}}
compiler-opts {:output-to "out/testable.js"
:optimizations :none}]
(doo/run-script :phantom compiler-opts doo-opts))
You can run doo.core/run-script
with the following arguments:
(run-script js-env compiler-opts)
(run-script js-env compiler-opts opts)
- any of:phantom
, :node
, or:opera
- the options passed to the ClojureScript when it compiled the script that doo should runopts
- a map that can contain::verbose
- bool (default true) that determines if the scripts output should be printed and returned (verbose true) or only returned (verbose false).:debug
- bool (default false) to log to standard-out internal events to aid debugging:paths
- a map from runners (keywords) to string commands for bash.:exec-dir
- a directory path (file) from where runner should be executed. Defaults to nil which resolves to the current dir
This is the hardest part and doo
doesn't do it for you (yet?). Right
now if you want to run
, node
or nashorn that ships with the JDK 8,
you need to install them so that these commands work on the command line:
phantomjs -v
slimerjs -v
node -v
jjs -h
rhino -help
lumo -h
planck -h
If you want to use a different command to run a certain runner, see Paths.
Remember that Rhino and Node don't come with a DOM so you can't call the window or document objects. They are meant to test functions and logic, not rendering.
If you want to run both, use lein doo headless {build-id} {watch-mode}
Do not install Slimer with homebrew unless you know what you are doing. There are reports of it not working with ClojureScript when installed that way because of dated versions.
Note: Slimer does not currently throw error exit codes when encountering an error, which makes them unsuitable for CI testing.
Some requirements:
- Minimum node version required:
is needed whenever you are using:none
.:target :nodejs
is always needed.
:node-test {:source-paths ["src" "test"]
:compiler {:output-to "target/testable.js"
:output-dir "target"
:main example.runner
:target :nodejs}}
Karma is a comprehensive JavaScript test runner. It uses plugins to extend functionality. We are interested in several "launcher" plugins which start a browser on command. You might want any of:
- karma-chrome-launcher
- karma-firefox-launcher
- karma-safari-launcher
- karma-opera-launcher
- karma-ie-launcher
Alternatively, if you don't want doo
to launch the browsers for you,
you can always launch them yourself and navigate to
We also need to properly report cljs.test
results inside Karma.
We'll need a "framework" plugin:
- karma-cljs-test
Karma and its plugins are installed with npm
. It is
that you install Karma and it's plugins locally in the projects directory
with npm install karma --save-dev
. It is possible to install Karma and
its plugins globally with npm install -g karma
, but this is not recommended.
It is not possible to run mix local and global Karma and Karma plugins.
Karma provides a CLI tool to make running Karma simpler and to ease cross platform compatibility. doo uses the CLI tool as the default runner, if you don't install it you will need to configure doo.
For local installation run:
npm install karma karma-cljs-test --save-dev
and install the Karma CLI tool globally with
npm install -g karma-cli
then install any of the launchers you'll use:
npm install karma-chrome-launcher karma-firefox-launcher --save-dev
npm install karma-safari-launcher karma-opera-launcher --save-dev
npm install karma-ie-launcher --save-dev
The --save-dev
option informs npm
that you only need the packages
during development and not when packaging artifacts.
The installation will generate a node-modules
folder with all the
installed modules. It is recommended to add node-modules
to your
If you are using lein-npm
, follow their
It's possible to generate Istanbul coverage reports for JS files produced from CLJS.
To make it work two things are required.
Install your karma coverage plugin.
npm install karma-coverage --save-dev
Add coverage seetings to your project.clj
:doo {:coverage {:packages [my-app.module]
:reporter {:check {:global {:statements 100}}}}}
Packages section is essential, it enables coverage cofiguration and defines which files would have coverage instrumentation.
By default HTML reporter is enabled which creates coverage
folder with the report
and there are no coverage reqirements.
Anything under :reporter
is passed as coverageReporter
config to Karma config.
See Karma coverage for more details. See Reagent covered for a sample project configuration.
If you are using a local installation and/or node_modules
is not located
at the project root, you need to tell doo
about it. Add this to your
:doo {:paths {:karma "path/to/node_modules/karma/bin/karma"}}
:cljsbuild { your-builds }
and make sure that the file karma/bin/karma
exists inside
. If your package.json
and node_modules
folder are in the
same directory than your project.clj
, then you should use:
:doo {:paths {:karma "./node_modules/karma/bin/karma"}}
:cljsbuild { your-builds }
For more info on :paths
see Paths.
Global installation will allow you to use karma in all of your projects. The problem is that it won't be explicitly configured in your project that karma is used for testing, which makes it harder for new contributors to setup.
In some systems (e.g. Ubuntu) you might need to run all npm commands as root: sudo npm install karma --save-dev
To avoid starting a new Slimer/Phantom on every run while using auto
, we can use
Slimer/Phantom through Karma.
Install any of the launchers you'll use:
npm install karma-phantomjs-launcher --save-dev
npm install karma-slimerjs-launcher --save-dev
and call
lein doo karma-phantom test auto
lein doo karma-slimer test auto
If you are using once
, the regular phantom
runners are recommended.
Note: karma-slimer sometimes fails to close the running Slimer instance, which you need to close manually.
After installing Electron install the launcher with
npm install karma-electron-launcher --save-dev
and call
lein doo electron test
Planck 2.14.0
or later is required.
You might want to use a different version of node, or the global version of Karma, or any other binary to run your tests for a given environment. You can configure that paths like so:
:doo {:paths {:node "user/local/bin/node12"
:karma "./frontend/node_modules/karma/bin/karma"}
:cljsbuild { your-builds }
Paths can also be used to pass command line arguments to the runners:
:doo {:paths {:phantom "phantomjs --web-security=false"
:slimer "slimerjs --ignore-ssl-errors=true"
:karma "karma --port=9881 --no-colors"
:rhino "rhino -strict"
:node "node --trace-gc --trace-gc-verbose"}}
You might want to group runners and call
them from the command line. For example, while developing you might
only be interested in chrome
and firefox
, but you also want to
test with safari
before doing a deploy:
:doo {:alias {:browsers [:chrome :firefox]
:all [:browsers :safari]}}
:cljsbuild { my-builds }
Then you can use:
lein doo browsers my-build # runs chrome and firefox
lein doo all my-build # runs chrome, firefox, and safari
As you can see, aliases can be recursively defined: watch for circular
dependencies or doo
will bark.
The only built-in alias is :headless [:phantom :slimer]
To save you one command line argument, lein-doo
lets you specify a
default build in your project.clj
:doo {:build "some-build-id"
:paths { ... }
:alias { ... }}
{:builds [{:id "some-build-id"
:source-paths ["src" "test"]
:compiler {:output-to "out/testable.js"
:optimizations :none
:main example.runner}}]}
You can supply arbitrary configuration options to Karma under the :karma {:config {}}
key. For example, if you want to use karma-junit-reporter, do this:
{:doo {:karma
{:config {"plugins" ["karma-junit-reporter"]
"reporters" ["progress" "junit"]
"junitReporter" {"outputDir" "test-results"}}}}}
The options are merged to Doo's Karma configuration. By default, array values
are merged by appending. For example, in the example above, the value of
is appended to the list of plugins needed by Doo. Merging is
implemented with meta-merge, so if you need more control, you can
use ^:replace
and ^:prepend
To add custom Karma launchers (eg. as described in the Chrome Karma Plugin) you can add the following config entries to your project.clj
as shown in the example below:
The plugin in the :launchers
map should match an installed Karma plugin and
the name should match a Karma launcher (possibly a custom one as shown in the
following example). If needed, add "customLaunchers"
under the :config
You will then be able to run lein doo chrome-no-security
from the comand line.
:doo {:karma
{:launchers {:chrome-no-security {:plugin "karma-chrome-launcher"
:name "Chrome_no_security"}}
:config {"customLaunchers"
{"Chrome_no_security" {"base" "Chrome"
"flags" ["--disable-web-security"]}}}}
To run on travis there is a sample .travis.yml
file in the example project: example/.travis.yml
(Currently only tested with PhantomJS.)
To run the tests for doo, you need to have installed rhino, phantomjs, slimer, chrome, node, and firefox. You will also need to run npm install
in the library
This project started as a repackaging of cemerick/clojurescript.test, therefore much of the credit goes to Chas Emerick and contributors to that project.
Copyright © 2016-2018 Sebastian Bensusan and Contributors.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.