IMPORTANT: Swift SDK is now community supported. You're most welcome to contribute to this SDK and implement new features and fix bugs. We still review code and accept PR's. Swift SDK questions on StackOverflow will be answered by the community and not by us, so please expect couple of days for your questions to be answered. Read full announcement here.
CloudBoost is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "CloudBoost"
install by:
pod install
close currently open project and open the project in .xcworkspace
add CloudBoost to your project
import CloudBoost in your swift file
import CloudBoost
Using CloudBoost in code
// Creating a new CloudApp with your appID and appKey
let app = CloudApp(appID: "Your-app-ID", appKey: "Your-app-key")
// Enable Logging, defaults to false
// Create a new table
let obj = CloudObject(tableName: "Student")
// Set attributes
obj.set("name", value: "Randhir")
obj.set("marks", value: 99)
// Save the table, with a callback. response is in the form of CloudBoostResponse{ response in
Randhir Singh,
CloudBoost is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.