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berk edited this page Nov 14, 2011 · 1 revision

This documents provides an overview of the Tr8n crowd-sourced translation tools.

Creating Translations

Translations that have a high enough rank are considered accepted. The accepted translation with the highest rank replaces the English phrase for that language.

When a phrase is correctly translated, it can be locked by a language manager. Locked phrases are removed from the list of translatable phrases. Users can no longer be able to submit new translations for the phrase or vote on existing translations. The currently accepted translation with the most votes is the translation used until the phrase is unlocked again.

Translation Context Rules

Translations for some phrases can depend on the gender of the user viewing the translation and the gender or numerical value of tokens in the phrase. For example, in some languages “Invite Family & Friends to View Your Tree” has two different translations, one if the viewer is male and one if they are female. Tokens are parts of the phrase that are not translated, such as a profile name or a number. The translation for “{actor} tagged {target} in {count} photos” can depend on the gender of the actor and target as well as the number of photos. Tokens themselves are not translated. Geni will automatically replace them with the actual value.

If the translation of the phrase depends on any of these factors, click the generate context rules for this phrase link. Select the gender or number for each token that the translation depends on and click the “Continue… ” button. This will show you a list of all possible contexts so you can provide an appropriate translation for each.

Voting On Translations

Vote on existing translations to help decide which translation will be used for the phrase. Translations with enough up votes will be accepted. The accepted translation with the most votes will be used. If you see an incorrect translation for a phrase you can vote it down to make sure it doesn’t get used.


User Rank

Each translator has a rank of 1 to 5 stars. Their rank is based on the percentage of the translations they’ve submitted that have been accepted.

Translation Rank

When you add a translation we automatically give it an up vote from you, so it will start with a rank of +1. If you decide later that it is not a good translation, you can change your vote on your own translation to a down vote. The first section focuses on you and your overall activity. Your overall rank is based on the percentage of your translations in all languages that have received positive votes. There are three states for each translation you’ve provided: accepted, pending, and rejected. Accepted means that its rank has meet the necessary threshold to be accepted. Pending means that the translation has not been accepted or rejected. Rejected translations have been voted down by users or reported.

Note that only the translation with the highest overall rank for that phrase will be used. This means that you can have a translation accepted but not used on the site.

Language Selector

The language selector is your primary interface for the translation engine. You can change your current language, enable inline translations, and access additional tools for translators and language managers. Click on you current language at the top right corner of any page to access the language selector window.

Your Languages

Your languages gives you quick access to the languages you’ve previously selected. When you first open the language selector, you will notice that English (US) has been added to Your Languages by default. Select a language from the Other Languages list to add it to your languages.

Your most recently viewed languages will appear at the top of the list. Click on one of your language to select it. The percentage for each language indicates how much of the site has been translated into that language. Use the ‘x’ icon next to a language to remove it from your list.


Other Languages

Click Other Languages to view a list of all of the languages available on Geni. Select a language to switch to that language and add it to Your Languages list. The percentage next to each language indicates how much of the site has been translated into that language.


Inline Translations

When viewing a language other than English, click the enable inline translations link to begin translating the site into that language. Use the same link to disable inline translations.

When you enable inline translations you’ll notice that all translatable phrases are underlined in various colors:

  • Red - The phrase has not yet been translated for this language

  • Yellow - The phrase has been translated in a fallback language

  • Green - The phrase has been translated into this language

Right-click (or Control-click on a Mac) on a phrase to translate it. See Translating Inline for more details.

Translation Tools

Click Translation Tools to access the complete suite of advanced translation tools, including bulk translation tools, awards, and discussions.

Manage Language

Click Manage Language to access language management tools, such as the language’s native name and grammar rules.

Translating Inline

Use Inline translations to translate phrases while you are using and browsing the site. Use the Enable inline translations link in the language selector to enable inline translations. The link changes to “Disable inline translations” so you can turn it inline translations off when you are done.


  • Red - The phrase has not yet been translated for this language

  • Yellow - The phrase has been translated in a fallback language

  • Green - The phrase has been translated into this language

Right-click (or Control-click on a Mac) on any underlined word to add a translation or to view and vote on existing translations.

File:help.png Click on this icon next to a dropdown menu to translate each item in the menu.

Phrases Without Translations

Phrases that have not been translated are underlined in red. Right-click on a phrase to add a translation.


Original Phrase

Displays the phrase you are translating in English along with a short description.

Enter Translation

Enter your translation for this phrase. Click the keyboard icon to enter your translation in other character sets such as Hebrew or Cyrillic. Click the Translate button after you enter your translation to save it.

Generate Context Rules

Translations for some phrases can depend on the gender of the user viewing the translation and the gender or numerical value of tokens in the phrase. For example, in some languages “Invite Family & Friends to View Your Tree” has two different translations, one if the viewer is male and one if they are female. Tokens are parts of the phrase that are not translated, such as a profile name or a number. The translation for “{actor} tagged {target} in {count} photos” can depend on the gender of the actor and target as well as the number of photos. Tokens themselves are not translated. Geni will automatically replace them with the actual value.

If the translation of the phrase depends on any of these factors, click the generate context rules for this phrase link. Select the gender or number for each token that the translation depends on and click the “Continue… ” button. This will show you a list of all possible contexts so you can provide an appropriate translation for each.

Translation Tokens

Tokens are parts of the phrase that are not translated, such as a profile name. Click on a token to add it to your translation. When a user is viewing the phrase, the tokens will automatically be replaced by the tranlsation engine.

Suggested Translation

Displays the translation suggested by Google when you are translating a language they support. Click on their suggestion if you like it to insert it into the translation window. You can then save the translation or further edit it.

Phrases With Translations

Phrases that have been translated are underlined in blue. Right click on one to vote on existing translations or add a new one.

The top ten translations for each phrase are listed. The rank indicates how many users have voted for the translation (+1 for up votes, -1 for down votes). Use the thumbs to vote a translation up or down. Report a translation to remove it from the list of translations and put the translator on a watch list. This should only be used when the translation is intentionally incorrect or offensive.

If you don’t like any of the translations listed, use the view all link to find another translation to vote up or use the translate it yourself link to add a better translation.

Using Translation Tools


Click Manage Language in the language selector to access language management tools, such as the language’s native name and grammar rules.

Basic Information

ative Name

Enter the name of the language in the native language. This will appear after the English name for the language in the Language Selector.


Determines whether the language is displayed left to right or right to left.

Fallback Language

Use this to specify which language will be used for phrases that have not been translated into this language. For example, the fallback language for French (Canadian) could be French. When a user viewing the French (Canadian) translation views a phrase that has not been translated into French (Canadian), they will see the French translation for that phrase. Languages that don’t have a fallback specified will fallback to English, so if there isn’t a French (Canadian) or French translation, the user would see the original English version.

Prohibited Words

Add any prohibited/curse words that should not be allowed in translations for this language. Separate words with commas.

Context Rules

Tokens are parts of a phrase that are not translated, such as a profile name or a number. Translations in some languages can depend on the gender or numerical value of the tokens in the phrase. For example, the translation for “{actor} tagged {target} in {count} photos” can depend on the gender of the actor and target as well as the number of photos. If translations in your language depend on any of these rules, you can add them here. Make sure you add all of the context rules for your language. When a user translates a phrase, they will have the option to create a translation for each possible context.

Case Rules

A language case is an inflection or use of a noun (or pronoun) to show its relation to other words in the sentence. In some languages, like Russian, the form of a token {actor} will changed based on where and how the token is used in a sentence. For instance, in ‘{target} received a gift from {actor}’, {actor} token will be in the genitive form of the language.


Your dashboard provides an overview of all of your languages and your translation activity.

Your Dashboard

Your dashboard focuses on your rankings, translations, and other activity. Your overall rank is based on the percentage of your translations in all languages that have received positive votes. There are three states for each translation you’ve provided: accepted, pending, and rejected. Accepted means that its rank has meet the necessary threshold to be accepted. Pending means that the translation has not been accepted or rejected. Rejected translations have been voted down by users or reported.

Note that only the translation with the highest overall rank for that phrase will be used. This means that you can have a translation accepted but not used on the site.

Language Dashboard

After your dashboard, you’ll have a dashboard for each of the languages you are translating. Most users will only have one language other than English, and so will only have one language module.

On the same line as the language name you’ll see a set of links. Select will switch you to that language. Remove will remove the language from your languages list and your dashboard. The rest of the links take you to the various translation and management tools for that language.

Next you’ll see how many phrases have not been translated yet for that language. Click the link to view a list of these phrases and translate them.

Language Statistics

Language Phrases

Shows the status of each translatable phrase for that language. A phrase is accepted if it has at least one accepted translation. Pending means that there are translations for the phrase, but none have been accepted. Not translated means that the phrase is translatable, but no translations have been submitted.

Note: If a phrase has been locked, it is not considered translatable. Rejected translations are not counted as translations. This means that if a phrase has only one translation, and that translation has been rejected, the phrase will be considered not translated.

Your Translations

Your translations shows you the status of each translation you’ve provided for this language. There are three states for each translation you’ve provided: accepted, pending, and rejected. Accepted means that its rank has meet the necessary threshold to be accepted. Pending means that the translation has not been accepted or rejected. Rejected translations have been voted down by users or reported.

Note that only the translation with the highest overall rank for that phrase will be used. This means that you can have a translation accepted but not used on the site.

Recent Discussions

Lists the last five posts to the discussion forum for the language. Click view to see the whole thread and reply to the discussion.

Recent Translations

Recent translations lists the five most recently added translations for the language. You can vote on the translations or view all for a longer list of recent translations.

Recent Translation Votes

Recent translation votes lists the five translations that were voted on most recently for the language. You can add your own vote or view all for a longer list of translations with recent votes.

Site Map

The site map provides convenient access to all translatable phrases on Geni. This is also where you can translate phrases that can’t be translated inline, such as phrases that appear in emails.

Click on a name to view and translate all phrases from that page or section of the site.

Site Sections

A list of every page on the site with a link to quickly jump to a particular section. Use the green arrows to open that page in a new window so you can view the phrases in context as you translate them.

Other Translatable Resources

These are other parts of the site that need to be translated and aren’t directly accessible, such as emails. Click on the name of a section to view and translate phrases.


Use the Phrases tab to translate all the phrases of the site on a single page. The Phrases tab lists all translatable phrases and the top translations for each phrase. Use the edit icon on the far right of each phrase to add or edit a translation.

You can search for a specific English phrase, or use the filters to find specific types of phrases, such as all phrases without translations, or all phrases with approved translations.

Click on the name of a phrase to view all translations for that phrase. When viewing the list of translations for a specific phrase, use the Lock This Phrase link to remove the phrase from the list of translatable phrases. Users will no longer be able to submit new translations for the phrase or vote on existing translations. The currently accepted translation with the most votes will be the translation used until the phrase is unlocked again. Only language managers can lock a phrase.


Multiple translations can be submitted for a single phrase. The Translations tab lists all translations submitted for all phrases in your language. Use search and filters to find translations and vote on them. Click on the original phrase to view all translations for that phrase.


The Leaders Score Board for each language lists the users with the best translations. You can rise in the rankings by adding translations that other users vote up. Click the Awards for All Languages link to see how you stack up against Geni users translating other languages!


Each language has its own discussion forum for translators to discuss topics relevant to that language. This is a great way to communicate with other Geni users working on the same language. You can ask questions, post comments, or seek advice from others translating the same language. Switch to your language to English for discussions that aren’t language specific, such as general questions about the translation tools or language management.