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Past Github:
Why Change in code:
- Running too many Matlab Dependencies at the same time
- Better Documentation
- Optics Code is hard to read/change
If checking out the orginal code here is a translation guide major changes from original code are in PupilVideoAlg also nameing conventions and coding style.
Original Matlab | Current Code |
Button 1 | Quit |
Button 2 | Start Video |
Button 3 | Set Reference |
Button 4 | Load Reference |
Button 5 | Save Video |
Button 7 | Draw BE |
Button 8 | Save Pupil Tracking |
Button 9 | Save Sync |
Button 10 | Manual |
Button 11 | Save Settings |
Button 13 | Reset |
Button 14 | Enable TCA Correction |
Button 15 | Disable Tracking |
Button 16 | Zoom In |
Button 21 | Show Focus |
Original Matlab | Current Code |
Slider 3 | Brightness |
Slider 4 | Gamma |
Slider 5 | Exposure |
Slider 6 | Gain |
Original Matlab | Current Code |
Edit 1 | Save Video Seconds |
Edit 2 | FPS |
Edit 3 | Type Pupil File name Prefix |
Edit 6 | calibrations/tollernc(.mm) |
Edit 7 | TCA |
Instructions on setting up project locally To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Python (3.x recommended)
- Tkinter
- OpenCV
- Matplotlib
- Numpy
Installing and setting up your app locally
- Check python version
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install packages
pip install requirments.txt
- Enter your API in
used tkinter to make interface
Buttons for basic video control, including start, stop, and reference management.
- Quit: Exits the application.
- Start Video: Initiates video streaming.
- Set Reference: Sets a reference point/frame for tracking or comparison.
- Load Reference: Loads a previously set reference point/frame.
- Disable Tracking: Turns off any ongoing tracking features.
- Draw BE: Activates the Draw BE feature (purpose-specific).
Focuses on saving functionalities and settings, along with pupil tracking options.
- Sync Save: Saves current settings in sync.
- Save Video: Saves the current video stream.
- Save Video Settings: Includes fields for seconds (secs) and frames per second (fps).
- Save Pupil Tracking: save pupil tracking data.
- Type Pupil File Name: Input for naming tracking files.
Contains advanced settings for the video camera and calibration tools.
Video Camera Settings:
- Buttons for Auto, Reset, Save Settings, and Load Settings.
- Sliders for adjusting Brightness, Gamma, Exposure, and Gain.
- Enable TCA Correction: Button to enable TCA correction.
- Calibration Settings: Input fields for tollernc.(mm) and TCA(X/Y)arcmin/mm. Show Focus button to display focus settings.
Displays the video feed and provides options to annotate or draw on the video.
Video Display and Control:
- The middle frame opens a video
- The video stream is integrated with a matplotlib figure, allowing for graphical overlaying on the video.
- A separate video frame is created within the middle frame for displaying the video content.
Button 1 | Quit | | Button 2 | Start Video | | Button 3 | Set Reference | | Button 4 | Load Reference | | Button 5 | Save Video | | Button 7 | Draw BE | | Button 8 | Save Pupil Tracking | | Button 9 | Save Sync | | Button 10 | Manual | | Button 11 | Save Settings | | Button 13 | Reset | | Button 14 | Enable TCA Correction | | Button 15 | Disable Tracking | | Button 16 | Zoom In | | Button 21 | Show Focus |
Kaiona Martinson - @kai-lia - martinson.kaiona(
Brian P. Schmit's Prior documentation ___ help with deciphering some of the MatLab code no more optics code please