An example application for how you can integrating content migrations in your continuous delivery pipeline using Contentful's GitHub Action.
This example contains a folder of Migration Scripts. Whenever a new script is added to this repo, it's evaluated against a Contentful space. If the migration is added via pull request, a new enviroment is created on Contentful and the migration is run against that. If a new script is added to master (either directly or via merging a PR) then a new enviroment is created, migrations are run against that enviroment and then the alias for master is updated to point to that new enviroment.
You can read our conceptual guide on how to utilize Contentful Environments inside your continuous delivery pipeline.
You can futher expand this example by integrating other GitHub actions, such as testing and deployment options.
To use the continuous delivery pipeline of this project you need accounts for the following services:
- Contentful
- GitHub
- Fork and clone this repository
- Create a new space using the Contentful CLI
$ contentful space create --name "continuous delivery example"
- Set the newly created space as default space for all further CLI operations
$ contentful space use
(this will present you with a list of all available spaces – choose the one you just created)
- Import the provided content model (
) into the newly created space$ contentful space import --content-file ./import/export.json
Since we're using GitHub Actions, we'll be able to use the existing Contentful-Action repo. Just add the following code into your github workflow.
- name: Contentful Migration
id: migrate
uses: shy/contentful-action@main
env: # Set the secret as an input
SPACE_ID: ${{ secrets.SPACE_ID }}
You can view the main.yml for example of a full working confirguration.
You'll also need to add your SPACE_ID
in the secrets tab of the settings on your repository. You can optionally add a MIGRATIONS_DIR
secret if you're storing your migration scripts somewhere besides the migrations folder.
Copyright (c) 2020 Contentful GmbH. Code released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for further details.