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Emissive Textures (Geckolib4)

Tslat edited this page Apr 22, 2024 · 3 revisions

GeckoLib provides built-in functionality for allowing your animatable objects to have fullbright textures or texture parts. You may also know this as emissive textures, or glow textures. This is similar to the functionality that vanilla Spider eyes have - where they glow in the dark.

To do this, GeckoLib implements a GeoRenderLayer called AutoGlowingGeoLayer.


To use the emissive rendering functionality that GeckoLib provides, you'll need to add an instance of AutoGlowingGeoLayer to your animatable renderer, in its constructor. This is similar to how you would normally add render layers to any other renderer.

Preparing the Texture

GeckoLib uses a special texture file to render the glowing parts of your texture. To make this texture file, make a duplicate of your base texture file (the one your model normally uses), then rename it so that it has _glowmask on the end, before the .png




Then, open up the _glowmask png file you just created, and delete any pixels you don't want to be glowing. This should leave you with an almost empty texture file, with only the glowing pixels remaining.

Table of Contents

Geckolib 3
Geckolib 4

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