This package includes common tasks to deploy a shopware project using MagePHP.
php_executable: /usr/bin/php # Leave this empty if you want to use the globally installed php executable.
- BestIt\Mage\Tasks\Deploy\DeployTask
- BestIt\Mage\Tasks\Deploy\Tar\PrepareSubfolderTask # replaces the original deploy/tar/prepare task
- BestIt\Mage\Tasks\Env\CreateEnvFileTask
- BestIt\Mage\Tasks\Env\SetEnvParametersTask
- BestIt\Mage\Tasks\Env\RecursiveSetEnvParametersTask
- BestIt\Mage\Tasks\Misc\CopyTask
- BestIt\Mage\Tasks\Misc\DenyRobotsTxtTask
- BestIt\Mage\Tasks\Misc\SubComposerInstallTask
- BestIt\Mage\Tasks\Opcode\BuildCleaner
- BestIt\Mage\Tasks\Opcode\CleanReset
- BestIt\Mage\Tasks\Release\PrepareTask
- BestIt\Mage\Tasks\Release\SwPrepareTask
- BestIt\Mage\Tasks\Shopware\ApplyMigrationsTask
- BestIt\Mage\Tasks\Shopware\CommandTask
- BestIt\Mage\Tasks\Shopware\UpdateLegacyPluginsTask
- BestIt\Mage\Tasks\Shopware\UpdatePluginsTask
user: apache
host_path: /var/www/html
releases: 4
# Add php_executable in environment options to overwrite the global configuration above
php_executable: /usr/bin/env/path/to/php
# Add console_script_path in environment options to overwrite the default ./bin/console
console_script_path: ./bin/console
- production_server1
- env/create-env-file:
file: '.env'
- foo
- bar
# Prefix
- env/set-env-parameters: { file: 'configs/config_prod.php', prefix: 'ENV_', placeholderWrapper: '__' }
# Iterates over all module sub directories, looking for parameter.xml..dist files and creates parameter.xmls from them.
- env/recursive-set-env-parameters: { directory: 'custom/plugins/PluginName/Module', fileName: 'parameter.xml.dist', prefix: 'ENV_', encodeForXml: true, deleteTargets: true }
- misc/deny-robots-txt: { folder: 'OPTIONAL_LOCAL_FOLDER' }
- opcode/build-cleaner: { doc_root: 'RELATIVE_DOC_ROOT for saving the cleaner script.' }
- composer/sub-install:
flags: '--no-dev'
- '/var/www/parent/*/composer.json'
- '/custom/*/*/composer.json'
# Skips default prepare task which is not needed.
- deploy/release/prepare
# Creates new release directory and copies all content of current into the created directory.
- prepare/sw-structure: { timeout: 500 }
# Creates a new symlink.
- fs/link: { from: '../../media', to: 'media' }
- fs/link: { from: '../../files', to: 'files' }
# Pushes file(s) to server(s).
# If strict is true, it will actually do a sync (i.e. delete files that do not exist locally anymore).
# Otherwise it would just upload&overwrite without touching files that do not exist locally anymore.
- deploy: { from: 'configs/config_prod.php', to: './config.php' }
- deploy: { from: 'scripts/remote/', to: './scripts/', strict: true, timeout: 500 }
- deploy: { from: 'libraries/', to: './engine/Library/', strict: false }
- deploy: { from: 'legacy_plugins/Community/', to: 'engine/Shopware/Plugins/Community/', strict: false }
- deploy: { from: 'legacy_plugins/Local/', to: 'engine/Shopware/Plugins/Local/', strict: true }
- deploy: { from: 'plugins/', to: 'custom/plugins/', strict: true }
- deploy: { from: 'licenses/', to: 'licenses/', strict: true }
# Execute "raw" command on remote host.
- exec: { cmd: './var/cache/', desc: 'Clear shopware cache.' }
# Updates all (>=5.2 system) plugins on server(s).
# Single remote command for executing updates is activated, default false.
# Plugin refresh before update command is activated, default true.
- shopware/update-plugins: { single_remote_command: true, plugin_refresh: true }
# Updates all (legacy) plugins on server(s). "Sources" are the Community/Local folders.
- shopware/update-legacy-plugins: { sync_sources_folders: true, single_remote_command: false }
# Executes all SQL migrations on server(s). Both parameters are optional.
- shopware/migrate: { table_suffix: 'bestit', migration_dir: 'sql' }
# Executes remote the shopware commands
# If ignoreReturnValue is true all return values of the command will be ignored.
# The usage of this option should be considered carefully because with this options no differentiation
# between an successful command call and an error command call is possible.
# This option is necessary because specific shopware commands like plugin install will indicate an
# if the plugin is already installed
# Installs an activate an plugin
- shopware/command: { cmd: 'sw:plugin:install --activate Cron', ignoreReturnValue: true }
# Warms up the shopware theme cache on server(s).
- shopware/command: { cmd: 'sw:theme:cache:generate' }
- opcode/build-cleaner:
doc_root: 'RELATIVE_DOC_ROOT for saving the cleaner script.'
composer require bestit/shopware-mage-tasks --dev
Create a .mage.yml file in your project root directory and define your desired tasks as per the example above. For more information about what you can do check out the documentation.
Before the first deployment with mage, you need to set up the folder structure manually, because the original mage deploy/release/prepare-task is skipped and replaced by the prepare/sw-structure-task which performs an ordinary file copy from CURRENT to the newly created REALEASE:
- host_path on SERVER
- current -> release/initial (Symlink)
- release
- initial
- bin
- configs
- custom
- engine
- files -> ../../files (Symlink)
- media -> ../../media (Symlink)
- recovery
- scripts
- themes
- var
- vendor
- web
- media
- files
You just need to run the deployment script:
vendor/bin/mage deploy <environment>
This software is open-sourced under the MIT license.