This archive contains virtually every still-alive and thousands of dead packages published to packagist.
Requirements for inclusion:
- Uses git as a VCS (hg is not supported)
- Has either a released packagist version -or- a
branch. - Git server was reachable at the time of archival.
- Analyzed 405,271 packages (578.22 GB) out of 420,056 packages recorded in Packagist (26,881 non-PHP packages; 29,418 saved packages; 17,322 packages lost forever).
- Contains 375,853 packages (92.7%; 530.83 GB) of currently-accessible + archived packages.
- Contains 29,418 dead packages (many may exist no where else but here). (47.40 GB, 75,900,432 Lines of PHP Code (493,527 classes + 2,997,557 class methods + 70,705 functions))
- Analyzed 2.23 billion lines of PHP code. 626.0 million comments.
- 14.68 million classes, 90.81 million methods, and 1,823,082 functions.
- Most famous rescued dead packages:
- All packages in the 99.5 Percential of disk space (52.64 MB): 2,028 packages (241.72 GB [45.54% of total opensource PHP space]).
- Disk Space: khandieyea/nzsdf (3.33 GB) - I have NO idea what it is. Self-described as "a crock of shit".
- Lines of Code: acosf/archersys (6,634,692 lines of code; 1.3 GB) - A browser-based Operating System in PHP
- Most classes: microsoft/microsoft-graph-beta (54,374 classes) - Microsoft Graph beta model library for PHP (preview).
- Most methods: huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-php (468,790 methods)
- Highest Cyclomatic Complexity: bairwell/faker-en-gb-ons-firstnames - 17,470 cc method - A 3.4 MB switch statement.
vendor | project_count (2020-05) | project_count (2021-12) | project_count(2024-03)
spryker | 691 | 930 (239, 34.6%) | 1,116 (186, 20.0%)
alibabacloud | 205 | 513 (308, 150.2%) | 727 (214, 41.7%)
php-extended | 341 | 504 (163, 47.8%) | 524 (20, 4.0%)
sunnysideup | 246 | 297 (51, 20.7%) | 338 (41, 13.8%)
fond-of-spryker | 262 | 337 (75, 28.7%) | 337 (0, 0%)
irestful | 331 | 331 (0, 0%) | 331 (0, 0%)
spatie | 197 | 256 (59, 29.9%) | 320 (64, 25.0%)
thelia | 216 | 249 (33, 15.3%) | 277 (28, 11.2%)
symfony | ??? | 212 | 275 (63, 29.7%)
fond-of-oryx | ??? | 114 | 271 (157, 137.8%)
heimrichhannot | 216 | 246 (30, 13.9%) | 257 (11, 4.5%)
silverstripe | 226 | 237 (11, 4.9%) | 246 (9, 3.8%)
ride | 205 | 206 (1, 0.5%) | 209 (3, 1.5%)
Most disk space used:
vendor | gigabytes
php-extended | 9.32
acosf | 8.79
robiningelbrecht | 4.77
inpsyde | 4.08
avshatalov48 | 3.24
khandieyea | 2.82
themelogy | 2.48
srapsware | 2.28
skeeks | 1.75
php-coord | 1.53
41.06 GB [7.7% of total]
Top 10 Software Licenses:
- MIT: 244,984
- No License: 36,649
- BSD-3-Clause: 17,110
- Apache-2.0: 13,350
- proprietary: 9,304
- GPL-2.0-or-later: 6,041
- OSL-3.0: 5,737
- GPL-3.0-or-later: 5,241
- GPL-3.0: 4,454
- AFL-3.0: 3,586
- GPL-2.0+: 3,093
PHP Version Supported:
version | count
5.0 | 1038
5.1 | 1388
5.2 | 3205
5.3 | 34318
5.4 | 58898
5.5 | 76834
5.6 | 96168
7.0 | 121782
7.1 | 149362
7.2 | 171130
7.3 | 183333
7.4 | 206935
8.0 | 195895
8.1 | 216676
8.2 | 215960
8.3 | 215519
PHP Version Compatibility Spreads
- 546 (0.15%) for 8.3 only.
- 10,004 (2.71%) for 8.2-8.3.
- 58,713 (15.89%) for 8.1-8.3.
- 85,196 (23.06%) for 8.0-8.3.
- 100,100 (27.10%) for 7.4-83.
- 28,604 (7.74%) for 7.0-7.4 only.
- 23.35% of active packagist has different PHP version compatibility spreads.
Archivist: Theodore R. Smith