The toolchain provides 64-bit binaries and libraries to programm 8-bit microcontrollers from Atmel. It supports macOS 10.15 (Catalina), which does not run 32-bit binaries anymore.
This project is basically just a snapshot of the AVR toolchain in the Arduino 1.8.12 IDE, located in /Applications/, but with a slight change to avrdude to use ../etc/avrdude.conf instead of the hard-coded default path.
Simply clone/download this project and modify your systems PATH
variable to look in its bin/ directory, so either
- add
export PATH="$PATH:[this directory path]/AVRToolchain/bin"
to your ~/.bash_profile (if you use bash) or ~/.zprofile (if you use zshell)
- add
[this directory path]/AVRToolchain/bin
to /private/etc/paths
where [this directory path] have to be replaced by the actual path of the downloaded project.
Close and re-open the Terminal and you should by able to call avr-gcc
and avrdude
In Examples, blinking LED projects with brief documentation for the ATtiny841 and the ATtiny814 microcontrollers can be found.