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public enum SFSymbolsLibrary: String, CaseIterable {

    case s0circle = ""
    case s00circle = ""
    case s0circlefill = ""
    case s00circlefill = ""
    case s0square = "0.square"
    case s00square = "00.square"
    case s0squarefill = "0.square.fill"
    case s00squarefill = "00.square.fill"
    case s1circle = ""
    case s01circle = ""
    case s1circlefill = ""
    case s01circlefill = ""
    case s1magnifyingglass = "1.magnifyingglass"
    case s1square = "1.square"
    case s01square = "01.square"
    case s1squarefill = "1.square.fill"
    case s01squarefill = "01.square.fill"
    case s2circle = ""
    case s02circle = ""
    case s2circlefill = ""
    case s02circlefill = ""
    case s2square = "2.square"
    case s02square = "02.square"
    case s2squarefill = "2.square.fill"
    case s02squarefill = "02.square.fill"
    case s3circle = ""
    case s03circle = ""
    case s3circlefill = ""
    case s03circlefill = ""
    case s3square = "3.square"
    case s03square = "03.square"
    case s3squarefill = "3.square.fill"
    case s03squarefill = "03.square.fill"
    case s4altcircle = ""
    case s4altcirclefill = ""
    case s4altsquare = "4.alt.square"
    case s4altsquarefill = "4.alt.square.fill"
    case s4circle = ""
    case s04circle = ""
    case s4circlefill = ""
    case s04circlefill = ""
    case s4square = "4.square"
    case s04square = "04.square"
    case s4squarefill = "4.square.fill"
    case s04squarefill = "04.square.fill"
    case s5circle = ""
    case s05circle = ""
    case s5circlefill = ""
    case s05circlefill = ""
    case s5square = "5.square"
    case s05square = "05.square"
    case s5squarefill = "5.square.fill"
    case s05squarefill = "05.square.fill"
    case s6altcircle = ""
    case s6altcirclefill = ""
    case s6altsquare = "6.alt.square"
    case s6altsquarefill = "6.alt.square.fill"
    case s6circle = ""
    case s06circle = ""
    case s6circlefill = ""
    case s06circlefill = ""
    case s6square = "6.square"
    case s06square = "06.square"
    case s6squarefill = "6.square.fill"
    case s06squarefill = "06.square.fill"
    case s7circle = ""
    case s07circle = ""
    case s7circlefill = ""
    case s07circlefill = ""
    case s7square = "7.square"
    case s07square = "07.square"
    case s7squarefill = "7.square.fill"
    case s07squarefill = "07.square.fill"
    case s8circle = ""
    case s08circle = ""
    case s8circlefill = ""
    case s08circlefill = ""
    case s8square = "8.square"
    case s08square = "08.square"
    case s8squarefill = "8.square.fill"
    case s08squarefill = "08.square.fill"
    case s9altcircle = ""
    case s9altcirclefill = ""
    case s9altsquare = "9.alt.square"
    case s9altsquarefill = "9.alt.square.fill"
    case s9circle = ""
    case s09circle = ""
    case s9circlefill = ""
    case s09circlefill = ""
    case s9square = "9.square"
    case s09square = "09.square"
    case s9squarefill = "9.square.fill"
    case s09squarefill = "09.square.fill"
    case s10circle = ""
    case s10circlefill = ""
    case s10square = "10.square"
    case s10squarefill = "10.square.fill"
    case s11circle = ""
    case s11circlefill = ""
    case s11square = "11.square"
    case s11squarefill = "11.square.fill"
    case s12circle = ""
    case s12circlefill = ""
    case s12square = "12.square"
    case s12squarefill = "12.square.fill"
    case s13circle = ""
    case s13circlefill = ""
    case s13square = "13.square"
    case s13squarefill = "13.square.fill"
    case s14circle = ""
    case s14circlefill = ""
    case s14square = "14.square"
    case s14squarefill = "14.square.fill"
    case s15circle = ""
    case s15circlefill = ""
    case s15square = "15.square"
    case s15squarefill = "15.square.fill"
    case s16circle = ""
    case s16circlefill = ""
    case s16square = "16.square"
    case s16squarefill = "16.square.fill"
    case s17circle = ""
    case s17circlefill = ""
    case s17square = "17.square"
    case s17squarefill = "17.square.fill"
    case s18circle = ""
    case s18circlefill = ""
    case s18square = "18.square"
    case s18squarefill = "18.square.fill"
    case s19circle = ""
    case s19circlefill = ""
    case s19square = "19.square"
    case s19squarefill = "19.square.fill"
    case s20circle = ""
    case s20circlefill = ""
    case s20square = "20.square"
    case s20squarefill = "20.square.fill"
    case s21circle = ""
    case s21circlefill = ""
    case s21square = "21.square"
    case s21squarefill = "21.square.fill"
    case s22circle = ""
    case s22circlefill = ""
    case s22square = "22.square"
    case s22squarefill = "22.square.fill"
    case s23circle = ""
    case s23circlefill = ""
    case s23square = "23.square"
    case s23squarefill = "23.square.fill"
    case s24circle = ""
    case s24circlefill = ""
    case s24square = "24.square"
    case s24squarefill = "24.square.fill"
    case s25circle = ""
    case s25circlefill = ""
    case s25square = "25.square"
    case s25squarefill = "25.square.fill"
    case s26circle = ""
    case s26circlefill = ""
    case s26square = "26.square"
    case s26squarefill = "26.square.fill"
    case s27circle = ""
    case s27circlefill = ""
    case s27square = "27.square"
    case s27squarefill = "27.square.fill"
    case s28circle = ""
    case s28circlefill = ""
    case s28square = "28.square"
    case s28squarefill = "28.square.fill"
    case s29circle = ""
    case s29circlefill = ""
    case s29square = "29.square"
    case s29squarefill = "29.square.fill"
    case s30circle = ""
    case s30circlefill = ""
    case s30square = "30.square"
    case s30squarefill = "30.square.fill"
    case s31circle = ""
    case s31circlefill = ""
    case s31square = "31.square"
    case s31squarefill = "31.square.fill"
    case s32circle = ""
    case s32circlefill = ""
    case s32square = "32.square"
    case s32squarefill = "32.square.fill"
    case s33circle = ""
    case s33circlefill = ""
    case s33square = "33.square"
    case s33squarefill = "33.square.fill"
    case s34circle = ""
    case s34circlefill = ""
    case s34square = "34.square"
    case s34squarefill = "34.square.fill"
    case s35circle = ""
    case s35circlefill = ""
    case s35square = "35.square"
    case s35squarefill = "35.square.fill"
    case s36circle = ""
    case s36circlefill = ""
    case s36square = "36.square"
    case s36squarefill = "36.square.fill"
    case s37circle = ""
    case s37circlefill = ""
    case s37square = "37.square"
    case s37squarefill = "37.square.fill"
    case s38circle = ""
    case s38circlefill = ""
    case s38square = "38.square"
    case s38squarefill = "38.square.fill"
    case s39circle = ""
    case s39circlefill = ""
    case s39square = "39.square"
    case s39squarefill = "39.square.fill"
    case s40circle = ""
    case s40circlefill = ""
    case s40square = "40.square"
    case s40squarefill = "40.square.fill"
    case s41circle = ""
    case s41circlefill = ""
    case s41square = "41.square"
    case s41squarefill = "41.square.fill"
    case s42circle = ""
    case s42circlefill = ""
    case s42square = "42.square"
    case s42squarefill = "42.square.fill"
    case s43circle = ""
    case s43circlefill = ""
    case s43square = "43.square"
    case s43squarefill = "43.square.fill"
    case s44circle = ""
    case s44circlefill = ""
    case s44square = "44.square"
    case s44squarefill = "44.square.fill"
    case s45circle = ""
    case s45circlefill = ""
    case s45square = "45.square"
    case s45squarefill = "45.square.fill"
    case s46circle = ""
    case s46circlefill = ""
    case s46square = "46.square"
    case s46squarefill = "46.square.fill"
    case s47circle = ""
    case s47circlefill = ""
    case s47square = "47.square"
    case s47squarefill = "47.square.fill"
    case s48circle = ""
    case s48circlefill = ""
    case s48square = "48.square"
    case s48squarefill = "48.square.fill"
    case s49circle = ""
    case s49circlefill = ""
    case s49square = "49.square"
    case s49squarefill = "49.square.fill"
    case s50circle = ""
    case s50circlefill = ""
    case s50square = "50.square"
    case s50squarefill = "50.square.fill"
    case sa = "a"
    case sacircle = ""
    case sacirclefill = ""
    case sasquare = "a.square"
    case sasquarefill = "a.square.fill"
    case sairplane = "airplane"
    case sairplayaudio = "airplayaudio"
    case sairplayvideo = "airplayvideo"
    case salarm = "alarm"
    case salarmfill = "alarm.fill"
    case salt = "alt"
    case sant = "ant"
    case santfill = "ant.fill"
    case santennaradiowavesleftandright = "antenna.radiowaves.left.and.right"
    case sapp = "app"
    case sappbadge = "app.badge"
    case sappbadgefill = "app.badge.fill"
    case sappfill = "app.fill"
    case sappgift = ""
    case sappgiftfill = ""
    case sarchivebox = "archivebox"
    case sarchiveboxfill = "archivebox.fill"
    case sarkit = "arkit"
    case sarrow2circlepath = "arrow.2.circlepath"
    case sarrow2circlepathcircle = ""
    case sarrow2circlepathcirclefill = ""
    case sarrow2squarepath = "arrow.2.squarepath"
    case sarrow3trianglepath = "arrow.3.trianglepath"
    case sarrowclockwise = "arrow.clockwise"
    case sarrowclockwisecircle = ""
    case sarrowclockwisecirclefill = ""
    case sarrowclockwiseicloud = "arrow.clockwise.icloud"
    case sarrowclockwiseicloudfill = "arrow.clockwise.icloud.fill"
    case sarrowcounterclockwise = "arrow.counterclockwise"
    case sarrowcounterclockwisecircle = ""
    case sarrowcounterclockwisecirclefill = ""
    case sarrowcounterclockwiseicloud = "arrow.counterclockwise.icloud"
    case sarrowcounterclockwiseicloudfill = "arrow.counterclockwise.icloud.fill"
    case sarrowdown = "arrow.down"
    case sarrowdowncircle = ""
    case sarrowdowncirclefill = ""
    case sarrowdowndoc = "arrow.down.doc"
    case sarrowdowndocfill = "arrow.down.doc.fill"
    case sarrowdownleft = "arrow.down.left"
    case sarrowdownleftcircle = ""
    case sarrowdownleftcirclefill = ""
    case sarrowdownleftsquare = "arrow.down.left.square"
    case sarrowdownleftsquarefill = "arrow.down.left.square.fill"
    case sarrowdownleftvideo = ""
    case sarrowdownleftvideofill = ""
    case sarrowdownright = "arrow.down.right"
    case sarrowdownrightandarrowupleft = "arrow.down.right.and.arrow.up.left"
    case sarrowdownrightcircle = ""
    case sarrowdownrightcirclefill = ""
    case sarrowdownrightsquare = "arrow.down.right.square"
    case sarrowdownrightsquarefill = "arrow.down.right.square.fill"
    case sarrowdownsquare = "arrow.down.square"
    case sarrowdownsquarefill = "arrow.down.square.fill"
    case sarrowdowntoline = ""
    case sarrowdowntolinealt = ""
    case sarrowleft = "arrow.left"
    case sarrowleftandright = "arrow.left.and.right"
    case sarrowleftandrightcircle = ""
    case sarrowleftandrightcirclefill = ""
    case sarrowleftandrightsquare = "arrow.left.and.right.square"
    case sarrowleftandrightsquarefill = "arrow.left.and.right.square.fill"
    case sarrowleftcircle = ""
    case sarrowleftcirclefill = ""
    case sarrowleftsquare = "arrow.left.square"
    case sarrowleftsquarefill = "arrow.left.square.fill"
    case sarrowlefttoline = ""
    case sarrowlefttolinealt = ""
    case sarrowmerge = "arrow.merge"
    case sarrowright = "arrow.right"
    case sarrowrightarrowleft = "arrow.right.arrow.left"
    case sarrowrightarrowleftcircle = ""
    case sarrowrightarrowleftcirclefill = ""
    case sarrowrightarrowleftsquare = "arrow.right.arrow.left.square"
    case sarrowrightarrowleftsquarefill = "arrow.right.arrow.left.square.fill"
    case sarrowrightcircle = ""
    case sarrowrightcirclefill = ""
    case sarrowrightsquare = "arrow.right.square"
    case sarrowrightsquarefill = "arrow.right.square.fill"
    case sarrowrighttoline = ""
    case sarrowrighttolinealt = ""
    case sarrowswap = "arrow.swap"
    case sarrowturndownleft = "arrow.turn.down.left"
    case sarrowturndownright = "arrow.turn.down.right"
    case sarrowturnleftdown = "arrow.turn.left.down"
    case sarrowturnleftup = "arrow.turn.left.up"
    case sarrowturnrightdown = "arrow.turn.right.down"
    case sarrowturnrightup = "arrow.turn.right.up"
    case sarrowturnupleft = "arrow.turn.up.left"
    case sarrowturnupright = "arrow.turn.up.right"
    case sarrowup = "arrow.up"
    case sarrowupanddown = "arrow.up.and.down"
    case sarrowupanddowncircle = ""
    case sarrowupanddowncirclefill = ""
    case sarrowupanddownsquare = "arrow.up.and.down.square"
    case sarrowupanddownsquarefill = "arrow.up.and.down.square.fill"
    case sarrowuparrowdown = "arrow.up.arrow.down"
    case sarrowuparrowdowncircle = ""
    case sarrowuparrowdowncirclefill = ""
    case sarrowuparrowdownsquare = "arrow.up.arrow.down.square"
    case sarrowuparrowdownsquarefill = "arrow.up.arrow.down.square.fill"
    case sarrowupbin = "arrow.up.bin"
    case sarrowupbinfill = "arrow.up.bin.fill"
    case sarrowupcircle = ""
    case sarrowupcirclefill = ""
    case sarrowupdoc = "arrow.up.doc"
    case sarrowupdocfill = "arrow.up.doc.fill"
    case sarrowupleft = "arrow.up.left"
    case sarrowupleftandarrowdownright = "arrow.up.left.and.arrow.down.right"
    case sarrowupleftcircle = ""
    case sarrowupleftcirclefill = ""
    case sarrowupleftsquare = "arrow.up.left.square"
    case sarrowupleftsquarefill = "arrow.up.left.square.fill"
    case sarrowupright = "arrow.up.right"
    case sarrowuprightcirclefill = ""
    case sarrowuprightdiamond = "arrow.up.right.diamond"
    case sarrowuprightdiamondfill = "arrow.up.right.diamond.fill"
    case sarrowuprightsquare = "arrow.up.right.square"
    case sarrowuprightsquarefill = "arrow.up.right.square.fill"
    case sarrowuprightvideo = ""
    case sarrowuprightvideofill = ""
    case sarrowupsquare = "arrow.up.square"
    case sarrowupsquarefill = "arrow.up.square.fill"
    case sarrowuptoline = ""
    case sarrowuptolinealt = ""
    case sarrowuprightcircle = ""
    case sarrowuturndown = "arrow.uturn.down"
    case sarrowuturndowncircle = ""
    case sarrowuturndowncirclefill = ""
    case sarrowuturndownsquare = "arrow.uturn.down.square"
    case sarrowuturndownsquarefill = "arrow.uturn.down.square.fill"
    case sarrowuturnleft = "arrow.uturn.left"
    case sarrowuturnleftcircle = ""
    case sarrowuturnleftcirclefill = ""
    case sarrowuturnleftsquare = "arrow.uturn.left.square"
    case sarrowuturnleftsquarefill = "arrow.uturn.left.square.fill"
    case sarrowuturnright = "arrow.uturn.right"
    case sarrowuturnrightcircle = ""
    case sarrowuturnrightcirclefill = ""
    case sarrowuturnrightsquare = "arrow.uturn.right.square"
    case sarrowuturnrightsquarefill = "arrow.uturn.right.square.fill"
    case sarrowuturnup = "arrow.uturn.up"
    case sarrowuturnupcircle = ""
    case sarrowuturnupcirclefill = ""
    case sarrowuturnupsquare = "arrow.uturn.up.square"
    case sarrowuturnupsquarefill = "arrow.uturn.up.square.fill"
    case sarrowshapeturnupleft = "arrowshape.turn.up.left"
    case sarrowshapeturnupleft2 = "arrowshape.turn.up.left.2"
    case sarrowshapeturnupleft2fill = "arrowshape.turn.up.left.2.fill"
    case sarrowshapeturnupleftcircle = ""
    case sarrowshapeturnupleftcirclefill = ""
    case sarrowshapeturnupleftfill = "arrowshape.turn.up.left.fill"
    case sarrowshapeturnupright = "arrowshape.turn.up.right"
    case sarrowshapeturnuprightcircle = ""
    case sarrowshapeturnuprightcirclefill = ""
    case sarrowshapeturnuprightfill = "arrowshape.turn.up.right.fill"
    case sarrowtriangledown = "arrowtriangle.down"
    case sarrowtriangledowncircle = ""
    case sarrowtriangledowncirclefill = ""
    case sarrowtriangledownfill = "arrowtriangle.down.fill"
    case sarrowtriangledownsquare = "arrowtriangle.down.square"
    case sarrowtriangledownsquarefill = "arrowtriangle.down.square.fill"
    case sarrowtriangleleft = "arrowtriangle.left"
    case sarrowtriangleleftcircle = ""
    case sarrowtriangleleftcirclefill = ""
    case sarrowtriangleleftfill = "arrowtriangle.left.fill"
    case sarrowtriangleleftsquare = "arrowtriangle.left.square"
    case sarrowtriangleleftsquarefill = "arrowtriangle.left.square.fill"
    case sarrowtriangleright = "arrowtriangle.right"
    case sarrowtrianglerightcircle = ""
    case sarrowtrianglerightcirclefill = ""
    case sarrowtrianglerightfill = "arrowtriangle.right.fill"
    case sarrowtrianglerightsquare = "arrowtriangle.right.square"
    case sarrowtrianglerightsquarefill = "arrowtriangle.right.square.fill"
    case sarrowtriangleup = "arrowtriangle.up"
    case sarrowtriangleupcircle = ""
    case sarrowtriangleupcirclefill = ""
    case sarrowtriangleupfill = "arrowtriangle.up.fill"
    case sarrowtriangleupsquare = "arrowtriangle.up.square"
    case sarrowtriangleupsquarefill = "arrowtriangle.up.square.fill"
    case sasteriskcircle = ""
    case sasteriskcirclefill = ""
    case sat = "at"
    case satbadgeminus = "at.badge.minus"
    case satbadgeplus = ""
    case saustralsigncircle = ""
    case saustralsigncirclefill = ""
    case saustralsignsquare = "australsign.square"
    case saustralsignsquarefill = "australsign.square.fill"
    case sbcircle = ""
    case sbcirclefill = ""
    case sbsquare = "b.square"
    case sbsquarefill = "b.square.fill"
    case sbackward = "backward"
    case sbackwardend = "backward.end"
    case sbackwardendalt = "backward.end.alt"
    case sbackwardendaltfill = "backward.end.alt.fill"
    case sbackwardendfill = "backward.end.fill"
    case sbackwardfill = "backward.fill"
    case sbadgeplusradiowavesright = ""
    case sbag = "bag"
    case sbagbadgeminus = "bag.badge.minus"
    case sbagbadgeminusfill = "bag.badge.minus.fill"
    case sbagbadgeplus = ""
    case sbagbadgeplusfill = ""
    case sbagfill = "bag.fill"
    case sbahtsigncircle = ""
    case sbahtsigncirclefill = ""
    case sbahtsignsquare = "bahtsign.square"
    case sbahtsignsquarefill = "bahtsign.square.fill"
    case sbandage = "bandage"
    case sbandagefill = "bandage.fill"
    case sbarcode = "barcode"
    case sbarcodeviewfinder = "barcode.viewfinder"
    case sbattery0 = "battery.0"
    case sbattery25 = "battery.25"
    case sbattery100 = "battery.100"
    case sbeddouble = "bed.double"
    case sbeddoublefill = "bed.double.fill"
    case sbell = "bell"
    case sbellfill = "bell.fill"
    case sbellslash = "bell.slash"
    case sbellslashfill = "bell.slash.fill"
    case sbinxmark = "bin.xmark"
    case sbinxmarkfill = "bin.xmark.fill"
    case sbitcoinsigncircle = ""
    case sbitcoinsigncirclefill = ""
    case sbitcoinsignsquare = "bitcoinsign.square"
    case sbitcoinsignsquarefill = "bitcoinsign.square.fill"
    case sbold = "bold"
    case sbolditalicunderline = "bold.italic.underline"
    case sboldunderline = "bold.underline"
    case sbolt = "bolt"
    case sboltfill = "bolt.fill"
    case sbolthorizontal = "bolt.horizontal"
    case sbolthorizontalcircle = ""
    case sbolthorizontalcirclefill = ""
    case sbolthorizontalfill = "bolt.horizontal.fill"
    case sbolthorizontalicloud = "bolt.horizontal.icloud"
    case sbolthorizontalicloudfill = "bolt.horizontal.icloud.fill"
    case sboltslash = "bolt.slash"
    case sboltslashfill = "bolt.slash.fill"
    case sbook = "book"
    case sbookfill = "book.fill"
    case sbookmark = "bookmark"
    case sbookmarkfill = "bookmark.fill"
    case sbriefcase = "briefcase"
    case sbriefcasefill = "briefcase.fill"
    case sbubbleleft = "bubble.left"
    case sbubbleleftandbubbleright = "bubble.left.and.bubble.right"
    case sbubbleleftandbubblerightfill = "bubble.left.and.bubble.right.fill"
    case sbubbleleftfill = "bubble.left.fill"
    case sbubblemiddlebottom = "bubble.middle.bottom"
    case sbubblemiddlebottomfill = "bubble.middle.bottom.fill"
    case sbubblemiddletop = ""
    case sbubblemiddletopfill = ""
    case sbubbleright = "bubble.right"
    case sbubblerightfill = "bubble.right.fill"
    case sburn = "burn"
    case sburst = "burst"
    case sburstfill = "burst.fill"
    case sccircle = ""
    case sccirclefill = ""
    case scsquare = "c.square"
    case scsquarefill = "c.square.fill"
    case scalendar = "calendar"
    case scalendarbadgeminus = "calendar.badge.minus"
    case scalendarbadgeplus = ""
    case scamera = "camera"
    case scamerafill = "camera.fill"
    case scameraonrectangle = "camera.on.rectangle"
    case scameraonrectanglefill = "camera.on.rectangle.fill"
    case scamerarotate = "camera.rotate"
    case scamerarotatefill = "camera.rotate.fill"
    case scameraviewfinder = "camera.viewfinder"
    case scapslock = "capslock"
    case scapslockfill = "capslock.fill"
    case scaptionsbubble = "captions.bubble"
    case scaptionsbubblefill = "captions.bubble.fill"
    case scarfill = "car.fill"
    case scart = "cart"
    case scartbadgeminus = "cart.badge.minus"
    case scartbadgeminusfill = "cart.badge.minus.fill"
    case scartbadgeplus = ""
    case scartbadgeplusfill = ""
    case scartfill = "cart.fill"
    case scedisigncircle = ""
    case scedisigncirclefill = ""
    case scedisignsquare = "cedisign.square"
    case scedisignsquarefill = "cedisign.square.fill"
    case scentsigncircle = ""
    case scentsigncirclefill = ""
    case scentsignsquare = "centsign.square"
    case scentsignsquarefill = "centsign.square.fill"
    case schartbar = ""
    case schartbarfill = ""
    case schartpie = "chart.pie"
    case schartpiefill = "chart.pie.fill"
    case scheckmark = "checkmark"
    case scheckmarkcircle = ""
    case scheckmarkcirclefill = ""
    case scheckmarkrectangle = "checkmark.rectangle"
    case scheckmarkrectanglefill = "checkmark.rectangle.fill"
    case scheckmarkseal = "checkmark.seal"
    case scheckmarksealfill = "checkmark.seal.fill"
    case scheckmarksquare = "checkmark.square"
    case scheckmarksquarefill = "checkmark.square.fill"
    case schevroncompactdown = "chevron.compact.down"
    case schevroncompactleft = "chevron.compact.left"
    case schevroncompactright = "chevron.compact.right"
    case schevroncompactup = "chevron.compact.up"
    case schevrondown = "chevron.down"
    case schevrondowncircle = ""
    case schevrondowncirclefill = ""
    case schevrondownsquare = "chevron.down.square"
    case schevrondownsquarefill = "chevron.down.square.fill"
    case schevronleft = "chevron.left"
    case schevronleft2 = "chevron.left.2"
    case schevronleftcircle = ""
    case schevronleftcirclefill = ""
    case schevronleftslashchevronright = "chevron.left.slash.chevron.right"
    case schevronleftsquare = "chevron.left.square"
    case schevronleftsquarefill = "chevron.left.square.fill"
    case schevronright = "chevron.right"
    case schevronright2 = "chevron.right.2"
    case schevronrightcircle = ""
    case schevronrightcirclefill = ""
    case schevronrightsquare = "chevron.right.square"
    case schevronrightsquarefill = "chevron.right.square.fill"
    case schevronup = "chevron.up"
    case schevronupchevrondown = "chevron.up.chevron.down"
    case schevronupcircle = ""
    case schevronupcirclefill = ""
    case schevronupsquare = "chevron.up.square"
    case schevronupsquarefill = "chevron.up.square.fill"
    case scircle = "circle"
    case scirclebottomthirdsplit = "circle.bottomthird.split"
    case scirclefill = "circle.fill"
    case scirclegrid3x3 = "circle.grid.3x3"
    case scirclegrid3x3fill = "circle.grid.3x3.fill"
    case scirclegridhex = "circle.grid.hex"
    case scirclegridhexfill = "circle.grid.hex.fill"
    case scirclelefthalffill = "circle.lefthalf.fill"
    case scirclerighthalffill = "circle.righthalf.fill"
    case sclear = "clear"
    case sclearfill = "clear.fill"
    case sclock = "clock"
    case sclockfill = "clock.fill"
    case scloud = "cloud"
    case scloudbolt = "cloud.bolt"
    case scloudboltfill = "cloud.bolt.fill"
    case scloudboltrain = "cloud.bolt.rain"
    case scloudboltrainfill = "cloud.bolt.rain.fill"
    case sclouddrizzle = "cloud.drizzle"
    case sclouddrizzlefill = "cloud.drizzle.fill"
    case scloudfill = "cloud.fill"
    case scloudfog = "cloud.fog"
    case scloudfogfill = "cloud.fog.fill"
    case scloudhail = "cloud.hail"
    case scloudhailfill = "cloud.hail.fill"
    case scloudheavyrain = "cloud.heavyrain"
    case scloudheavyrainfill = "cloud.heavyrain.fill"
    case scloudmoon = "cloud.moon"
    case scloudmoonbolt = "cloud.moon.bolt"
    case scloudmoonboltfill = "cloud.moon.bolt.fill"
    case scloudmoonfill = "cloud.moon.fill"
    case scloudmoonrain = "cloud.moon.rain"
    case scloudmoonrainfill = "cloud.moon.rain.fill"
    case scloudrain = "cloud.rain"
    case scloudrainfill = "cloud.rain.fill"
    case scloudsleet = "cloud.sleet"
    case scloudsleetfill = "cloud.sleet.fill"
    case scloudsnow = "cloud.snow"
    case scloudsnowfill = "cloud.snow.fill"
    case scloudsun = "cloud.sun"
    case scloudsunbolt = "cloud.sun.bolt"
    case scloudsunboltfill = "cloud.sun.bolt.fill"
    case scloudsunfill = "cloud.sun.fill"
    case scloudsunrain = "cloud.sun.rain"
    case scloudsunrainfill = "cloud.sun.rain.fill"
    case scoloncurrencysigncircle = ""
    case scoloncurrencysigncirclefill = ""
    case scoloncurrencysignsquare = "coloncurrencysign.square"
    case scoloncurrencysignsquarefill = "coloncurrencysign.square.fill"
    case scommand = "command"
    case scontrol = "control"
    case screditcard = "creditcard"
    case screditcardfill = "creditcard.fill"
    case scrop = "crop"
    case scroprotate = "crop.rotate"
    case scruzeirosigncircle = ""
    case scruzeirosigncirclefill = ""
    case scruzeirosignsquare = "cruzeirosign.square"
    case scruzeirosignsquarefill = "cruzeirosign.square.fill"
    case scube = "cube"
    case scubebox = ""
    case scubeboxfill = ""
    case scubefill = "cube.fill"
    case scursorrays = "cursor.rays"
    case sdcircle = ""
    case sdcirclefill = ""
    case sdsquare = "d.square"
    case sdsquarefill = "d.square.fill"
    case sdeleteleft = "delete.left"
    case sdeleteleftfill = "delete.left.fill"
    case sdeleteright = "delete.right"
    case sdeleterightfill = "delete.right.fill"
    case sdesktopcomputer = "desktopcomputer"
    case sdial = "dial"
    case sdialfill = "dial.fill"
    case sdivide = "divide"
    case sdividecircle = ""
    case sdividecirclefill = ""
    case sdividesquare = "divide.square"
    case sdividesquarefill = "divide.square.fill"
    case sdoc = "doc"
    case sdocappend = "doc.append"
    case sdocfill = "doc.fill"
    case sdoconclipboard = "doc.on.clipboard"
    case sdoconclipboardfill = "doc.on.clipboard.fill"
    case sdocondoc = "doc.on.doc"
    case sdocondocfill = "doc.on.doc.fill"
    case sdocplaintext = "doc.plaintext"
    case sdocrichtext = "doc.richtext"
    case sdoctext = "doc.text"
    case sdoctextfill = "doc.text.fill"
    case sdoctextmagnifyingglass = "doc.text.magnifyingglass"
    case sdoctextviewfinder = "doc.text.viewfinder"
    case sdollarsigncircle = ""
    case sdollarsigncirclefill = ""
    case sdollarsignsquare = "dollarsign.square"
    case sdollarsignsquarefill = "dollarsign.square.fill"
    case sdongsigncircle = ""
    case sdongsigncirclefill = ""
    case sdongsignsquare = "dongsign.square"
    case sdongsignsquarefill = "dongsign.square.fill"
    case sdotcircle = ""
    case sdotcirclefill = ""
    case sdotradiowavesleftandright = "dot.radiowaves.left.and.right"
    case sdotradiowavesright = "dot.radiowaves.right"
    case sdotsquare = "dot.square"
    case sdotsquarefill = "dot.square.fill"
    case sdroptriangle = "drop.triangle"
    case sdroptrianglefill = "drop.triangle.fill"
    case secircle = ""
    case secirclefill = ""
    case sesquare = "e.square"
    case sesquarefill = "e.square.fill"
    case sear = "ear"
    case seject = "eject"
    case sejectfill = "eject.fill"
    case sellipsesbubble = "ellipses.bubble"
    case sellipsesbubblefill = "ellipses.bubble.fill"
    case sellipsis = "ellipsis"
    case sellipsiscircle = ""
    case sellipsiscirclefill = ""
    case senvelope = "envelope"
    case senvelopebadge = "envelope.badge"
    case senvelopebadgefill = "envelope.badge.fill"
    case senvelopecircle = ""
    case senvelopecirclefill = ""
    case senvelopefill = "envelope.fill"
    case senvelopeopen = ""
    case senvelopeopenfill = ""
    case sequal = "equal"
    case sequalcircle = ""
    case sequalcirclefill = ""
    case sequalsquare = "equal.square"
    case sequalsquarefill = "equal.square.fill"
    case sescape = "escape"
    case seurosigncircle = ""
    case seurosigncirclefill = ""
    case seurosignsquare = "eurosign.square"
    case seurosignsquarefill = "eurosign.square.fill"
    case sexclamationmark = "exclamationmark"
    case sexclamationmarkbubble = "exclamationmark.bubble"
    case sexclamationmarkbubblefill = "exclamationmark.bubble.fill"
    case sexclamationmarkcircle = ""
    case sexclamationmarkcirclefill = ""
    case sexclamationmarkicloud = "exclamationmark.icloud"
    case sexclamationmarkicloudfill = "exclamationmark.icloud.fill"
    case sexclamationmarkoctagon = "exclamationmark.octagon"
    case sexclamationmarkoctagonfill = "exclamationmark.octagon.fill"
    case sexclamationmarksquare = "exclamationmark.square"
    case sexclamationmarksquarefill = "exclamationmark.square.fill"
    case sexclamationmarktriangle = "exclamationmark.triangle"
    case sexclamationmarktrianglefill = "exclamationmark.triangle.fill"
    case seye = "eye"
    case seyefill = "eye.fill"
    case seyeslash = "eye.slash"
    case seyeslashfill = "eye.slash.fill"
    case seyedropper = "eyedropper"
    case seyedropperfull = "eyedropper.full"
    case seyedropperhalffull = "eyedropper.halffull"
    case seyeglasses = "eyeglasses"
    case sfcircle = ""
    case sfcirclefill = ""
    case sfcursive = "f.cursive"
    case sfsquare = "f.square"
    case sfsquarefill = "f.square.fill"
    case sfaceid = "faceid"
    case sfilm = "film"
    case sfilmfill = "film.fill"
    case sflag = "flag"
    case sflagfill = "flag.fill"
    case sflagslash = "flag.slash"
    case sflagslashfill = "flag.slash.fill"
    case sflame = "flame"
    case sflamefill = "flame.fill"
    case sflorinsigncircle = ""
    case sflorinsigncirclefill = ""
    case sflorinsignsquare = "florinsign.square"
    case sflorinsignsquarefill = "florinsign.square.fill"
    case sflowchart = "flowchart"
    case sflowchartfill = "flowchart.fill"
    case sfolder = "folder"
    case sfolderbadgeminus = "folder.badge.minus"
    case sfolderbadgeminusfill = "folder.badge.minus.fill"
    case sfolderbadgepersoncrop = "folder.badge.person.crop"
    case sfolderbadgepersoncropfill = "folder.badge.person.crop.fill"
    case sfolderbadgeplus = ""
    case sfolderbadgeplusfill = ""
    case sfoldercircle = ""
    case sfoldercirclefill = ""
    case sfolderfill = "folder.fill"
    case sforward = "forward"
    case sforwardend = "forward.end"
    case sforwardendalt = "forward.end.alt"
    case sforwardendaltfill = "forward.end.alt.fill"
    case sforwardendfill = "forward.end.fill"
    case sforwardfill = "forward.fill"
    case sfrancsigncircle = ""
    case sfrancsigncirclefill = ""
    case sfrancsignsquare = "francsign.square"
    case sfrancsignsquarefill = "francsign.square.fill"
    case sfunction = "function"
    case sfx = "fx"
    case sgcircle = ""
    case sgcirclefill = ""
    case sgsquare = "g.square"
    case sgsquarefill = "g.square.fill"
    case sgamecontroller = "gamecontroller"
    case sgamecontrollerfill = "gamecontroller.fill"
    case sgauge = "gauge"
    case sgaugebadgeminus = "gauge.badge.minus"
    case sgaugebadgeplus = ""
    case sgear = "gear"
    case sgift = "gift"
    case sgiftfill = "gift.fill"
    case sglobe = "globe"
    case sgobackward = "gobackward"
    case sgobackward10 = "gobackward.10"
    case sgobackward10ar = ""
    case sgobackward15 = "gobackward.15"
    case sgobackward15ar = ""
    case sgobackward30 = "gobackward.30"
    case sgobackward30ar = ""
    case sgobackward45 = "gobackward.45"
    case sgobackward45ar = ""
    case sgobackward60 = "gobackward.60"
    case sgobackward60ar = ""
    case sgobackward75 = "gobackward.75"
    case sgobackward75ar = ""
    case sgobackward90 = "gobackward.90"
    case sgobackward90ar = ""
    case sgobackwardminus = "gobackward.minus"
    case sgoforward = "goforward"
    case sgoforward10 = "goforward.10"
    case sgoforward10ar = ""
    case sgoforward15 = "goforward.15"
    case sgoforward15ar = ""
    case sgoforward30 = "goforward.30"
    case sgoforward30ar = ""
    case sgoforward45 = "goforward.45"
    case sgoforward45ar = ""
    case sgoforward60 = "goforward.60"
    case sgoforward60ar = ""
    case sgoforward75 = "goforward.75"
    case sgoforward75ar = ""
    case sgoforward90 = "goforward.90"
    case sgoforward90ar = ""
    case sgoforwardplus = ""
    case sgreaterthan = "greaterthan"
    case sgreaterthancircle = ""
    case sgreaterthancirclefill = ""
    case sgreaterthansquare = "greaterthan.square"
    case sgreaterthansquarefill = "greaterthan.square.fill"
    case sgrid = "grid"
    case sgridcircle = ""
    case sgridcirclefill = ""
    case sguaranisigncircle = ""
    case sguaranisigncirclefill = ""
    case sguaranisignsquare = "guaranisign.square"
    case sguaranisignsquarefill = "guaranisign.square.fill"
    case sguitars = "guitars"
    case shcircle = ""
    case shcirclefill = ""
    case shsquare = "h.square"
    case shsquarefill = "h.square.fill"
    case shammer = "hammer"
    case shammerfill = "hammer.fill"
    case shanddraw = "hand.draw"
    case shanddrawfill = "hand.draw.fill"
    case shandpointleft = "hand.point.left"
    case shandpointleftfill = "hand.point.left.fill"
    case shandpointright = "hand.point.right"
    case shandpointrightfill = "hand.point.right.fill"
    case shandraised = "hand.raised"
    case shandraisedfill = "hand.raised.fill"
    case shandraisedslash = "hand.raised.slash"
    case shandraisedslashfill = "hand.raised.slash.fill"
    case shandthumbsdown = "hand.thumbsdown"
    case shandthumbsdownfill = "hand.thumbsdown.fill"
    case shandthumbsup = "hand.thumbsup"
    case shandthumbsupfill = "hand.thumbsup.fill"
    case share = "hare"
    case sharefill = "hare.fill"
    case sheadphones = "headphones"
    case sheart = "heart"
    case sheartcircle = ""
    case sheartcirclefill = ""
    case sheartfill = "heart.fill"
    case sheartslash = "heart.slash"
    case sheartslashcircle = ""
    case sheartslashcirclefill = ""
    case sheartslashfill = "heart.slash.fill"
    case shelm = "helm"
    case shourglass = "hourglass"
    case shourglassbottomhalffill = "hourglass.bottomhalf.fill"
    case shourglasstophalffill = "hourglass.tophalf.fill"
    case shouse = "house"
    case shousefill = "house.fill"
    case shryvniasigncircle = ""
    case shryvniasigncirclefill = ""
    case shryvniasignsquare = "hryvniasign.square"
    case shryvniasignsquarefill = "hryvniasign.square.fill"
    case shurricane = "hurricane"
    case sicircle = ""
    case sicirclefill = ""
    case sisquare = "i.square"
    case sisquarefill = "i.square.fill"
    case sicloud = "icloud"
    case sicloudandarrowdown = "icloud.and.arrow.down"
    case sicloudandarrowdownfill = "icloud.and.arrow.down.fill"
    case sicloudandarrowup = "icloud.and.arrow.up"
    case sicloudandarrowupfill = "icloud.and.arrow.up.fill"
    case sicloudcircle = ""
    case sicloudcirclefill = ""
    case sicloudfill = "icloud.fill"
    case sicloudslash = "icloud.slash"
    case sicloudslashfill = "icloud.slash.fill"
    case sindianrupeesigncircle = ""
    case sindianrupeesigncirclefill = ""
    case sindianrupeesignsquare = "indianrupeesign.square"
    case sindianrupeesignsquarefill = "indianrupeesign.square.fill"
    case sinfo = "info"
    case sinfocircle = ""
    case sinfocirclefill = ""
    case sitalic = "italic"
    case sjcircle = ""
    case sjcirclefill = ""
    case sjsquare = "j.square"
    case sjsquarefill = "j.square.fill"
    case skcircle = ""
    case skcirclefill = ""
    case sksquare = "k.square"
    case sksquarefill = "k.square.fill"
    case skeyboard = "keyboard"
    case skeyboardchevroncompactdown = "keyboard.chevron.compact.down"
    case skipsigncircle = ""
    case skipsigncirclefill = ""
    case skipsignsquare = "kipsign.square"
    case skipsignsquarefill = "kipsign.square.fill"
    case slcircle = ""
    case slcirclefill = ""
    case slsquare = "l.square"
    case slsquarefill = "l.square.fill"
    case slarisigncircle = ""
    case slarisigncirclefill = ""
    case slarisignsquare = "larisign.square"
    case slarisignsquarefill = "larisign.square.fill"
    case slasso = "lasso"
    case sleafarrowcirclepath = "leaf.arrow.circlepath"
    case slessthan = "lessthan"
    case slessthancircle = ""
    case slessthancirclefill = ""
    case slessthansquare = "lessthan.square"
    case slessthansquarefill = "lessthan.square.fill"
    case slightmax = "light.max"
    case slightmin = "light.min"
    case slinehorizontal3 = "line.horizontal.3"
    case slinehorizontal3decrease = "line.horizontal.3.decrease"
    case slinehorizontal3decreasecircle = ""
    case slinehorizontal3decreasecirclefill = ""
    case slink = "link"
    case slinkcircle = ""
    case slinkcirclefill = ""
    case slinkicloud = "link.icloud"
    case slinkicloudfill = "link.icloud.fill"
    case slirasigncircle = ""
    case slirasigncirclefill = ""
    case slirasignsquare = "lirasign.square"
    case slirasignsquarefill = "lirasign.square.fill"
    case slistbullet = "list.bullet"
    case slistbulletbelowrectangle = "list.bullet.below.rectangle"
    case slistbulletindent = "list.bullet.indent"
    case slistdash = "list.dash"
    case slistnumber = "list.number"
    case slistnumberrtl = "list.number.rtl"
    case slivephoto = "livephoto"
    case slivephotoplay = ""
    case slivephotoslash = "livephoto.slash"
    case slocation = "location"
    case slocationcircle = ""
    case slocationcirclefill = ""
    case slocationfill = "location.fill"
    case slocationnorth = "location.north"
    case slocationnorthfill = "location.north.fill"
    case slocationnorthline = "location.north.line"
    case slocationnorthlinefill = "location.north.line.fill"
    case slocationslash = "location.slash"
    case slocationslashfill = "location.slash.fill"
    case slock = "lock"
    case slockcircle = ""
    case slockcirclefill = ""
    case slockfill = "lock.fill"
    case slockicloud = "lock.icloud"
    case slockicloudfill = "lock.icloud.fill"
    case slockopen = ""
    case slockopenfill = ""
    case slockrotation = "lock.rotation"
    case slockrotationopen = ""
    case slockslash = "lock.slash"
    case slockslashfill = "lock.slash.fill"
    case smcircle = ""
    case smcirclefill = ""
    case smsquare = "m.square"
    case smsquarefill = "m.square.fill"
    case smacwindow = "macwindow"
    case smagnifyingglass = "magnifyingglass"
    case smagnifyingglasscircle = ""
    case smagnifyingglasscirclefill = ""
    case smanatsigncircle = ""
    case smanatsigncirclefill = ""
    case smanatsignsquare = "manatsign.square"
    case smanatsignsquarefill = "manatsign.square.fill"
    case smap = "map"
    case smapfill = "map.fill"
    case smappin = "mappin"
    case smappinandellipse = "mappin.and.ellipse"
    case smappinslash = "mappin.slash"
    case smemories = "memories"
    case smemoriesbadgeminus = "memories.badge.minus"
    case smemoriesbadgeplus = ""
    case smetronome = "metronome"
    case smic = "mic"
    case smiccircle = ""
    case smiccirclefill = ""
    case smicfill = "mic.fill"
    case smicslash = "mic.slash"
    case smicslashfill = "mic.slash.fill"
    case smillsigncircle = ""
    case smillsigncirclefill = ""
    case smillsignsquare = "millsign.square"
    case smillsignsquarefill = "millsign.square.fill"
    case sminus = "minus"
    case sminuscircle = ""
    case sminuscirclefill = ""
    case sminusmagnifyingglass = "minus.magnifyingglass"
    case sminusrectangle = "minus.rectangle"
    case sminusrectanglefill = "minus.rectangle.fill"
    case sminusslashplus = ""
    case sminussquare = "minus.square"
    case sminussquarefill = "minus.square.fill"
    case smoon = "moon"
    case smooncircle = ""
    case smooncirclefill = ""
    case smoonfill = "moon.fill"
    case smoonstars = "moon.stars"
    case smoonstarsfill = "moon.stars.fill"
    case smoonzzz = "moon.zzz"
    case smoonzzzfill = "moon.zzz.fill"
    case smultiply = "multiply"
    case smultiplycircle = ""
    case smultiplycirclefill = ""
    case smultiplysquare = "multiply.square"
    case smultiplysquarefill = "multiply.square.fill"
    case smusichouse = ""
    case smusichousefill = ""
    case smusicmic = "music.mic"
    case smusicnote = "music.note"
    case smusicnotelist = "music.note.list"
    case sncircle = ""
    case sncirclefill = ""
    case snsquare = "n.square"
    case snsquarefill = "n.square.fill"
    case snairasigncircle = ""
    case snairasigncirclefill = ""
    case snairasignsquare = "nairasign.square"
    case snairasignsquarefill = "nairasign.square.fill"
    case snosign = "nosign"
    case snumber = "number"
    case snumbercircle = ""
    case snumbercirclefill = ""
    case snumbersquare = "number.square"
    case snumbersquarefill = "number.square.fill"
    case socircle = ""
    case socirclefill = ""
    case sosquare = "o.square"
    case sosquarefill = "o.square.fill"
    case soption = "option"
    case spcircle = ""
    case spcirclefill = ""
    case spsquare = "p.square"
    case spsquarefill = "p.square.fill"
    case spaintbrush = "paintbrush"
    case spaintbrushfill = "paintbrush.fill"
    case spano = "pano"
    case spanofill = "pano.fill"
    case spaperclip = "paperclip"
    case spaperplane = "paperplane"
    case spaperplanefill = "paperplane.fill"
    case sparagraph = "paragraph"
    case spause = "pause"
    case spausecircle = ""
    case spausecirclefill = ""
    case spausefill = "pause.fill"
    case spauserectangle = "pause.rectangle"
    case spauserectanglefill = "pause.rectangle.fill"
    case spencil = "pencil"
    case spencilandellipsisrectangle = "pencil.and.ellipsis.rectangle"
    case spencilandoutline = "pencil.and.outline"
    case spencilcircle = ""
    case spencilcirclefill = ""
    case spencilslash = "pencil.slash"
    case spenciltip = "pencil.tip"
    case spenciltipcropcircle = ""
    case spenciltipcropcirclebadgeminus = ""
    case spenciltipcropcirclebadgeplus = ""
    case spercent = "percent"
    case sperson = "person"
    case sperson2squarestack = "person.2.square.stack"
    case sperson2squarestackfill = "person.2.square.stack.fill"
    case spersonandperson = "person.and.person"
    case spersonandpersonfill = "person.and.person.fill"
    case spersonbadgeminus = "person.badge.minus"
    case spersonbadgeminusfill = "person.badge.minus.fill"
    case spersonbadgeplus = ""
    case spersonbadgeplusfill = ""
    case spersoncircle = ""
    case spersoncirclefill = ""
    case spersoncropcircle = ""
    case spersoncropcirclebadgecheckmark = ""
    case spersoncropcirclebadgecheckmarkfill = ""
    case spersoncropcirclebadgeexclam = ""
    case spersoncropcirclebadgeexclamfill = ""
    case spersoncropcirclebadgeminus = ""
    case spersoncropcirclebadgeminusfill = ""
    case spersoncropcirclebadgeplus = ""
    case spersoncropcirclebadgeplusfill = ""
    case spersoncropcirclebadgexmark = ""
    case spersoncropcirclebadgexmarkfill = ""
    case spersoncropcirclefill = ""
    case spersoncroprectangle = "person.crop.rectangle"
    case spersoncroprectanglefill = "person.crop.rectangle.fill"
    case spersoncropsquare = "person.crop.square"
    case spersoncropsquarefill = "person.crop.square.fill"
    case spersonfill = "person.fill"
    case spersonicloud = "person.icloud"
    case spersonicloudfill = "person.icloud.fill"
    case spersonalhotspot = "personalhotspot"
    case sperspective = "perspective"
    case spesetasigncircle = ""
    case spesetasigncirclefill = ""
    case spesetasignsquare = "pesetasign.square"
    case spesetasignsquarefill = "pesetasign.square.fill"
    case spesosigncircle = ""
    case spesosigncirclefill = ""
    case spesosignsquare = "pesosign.square"
    case spesosignsquarefill = "pesosign.square.fill"
    case sphone = "phone"
    case sphonearrowdownleft = "phone.arrow.down.left"
    case sphonearrowdownleftfill = "phone.arrow.down.left.fill"
    case sphonearrowright = "phone.arrow.right"
    case sphonearrowrightfill = "phone.arrow.right.fill"
    case sphonearrowupright = "phone.arrow.up.right"
    case sphonearrowuprightfill = "phone.arrow.up.right.fill"
    case sphonebadgeplus = ""
    case sphonebadgeplusfill = ""
    case sphonecircle = ""
    case sphonecirclefill = ""
    case sphonedown = "phone.down"
    case sphonedowncircle = ""
    case sphonedowncirclefill = ""
    case sphonedownfill = "phone.down.fill"
    case sphonefill = "phone.fill"
    case sphoto = "photo"
    case sphotofill = "photo.fill"
    case sphotoonrectangle = "photo.on.rectangle"
    case sphotoonrectanglefill = "photo.on.rectangle.fill"
    case spin = "pin"
    case spinfill = "pin.fill"
    case spinslash = "pin.slash"
    case spinslashfill = "pin.slash.fill"
    case splay = "play"
    case splaycircle = ""
    case splaycirclefill = ""
    case splayfill = "play.fill"
    case splayrectangle = "play.rectangle"
    case splayrectanglefill = "play.rectangle.fill"
    case splaypause = "playpause"
    case splaypausefill = "playpause.fill"
    case splus = "plus"
    case splusapp = ""
    case splusappfill = ""
    case splusbubble = "plus.bubble"
    case splusbubblefill = "plus.bubble.fill"
    case spluscircle = ""
    case spluscirclefill = ""
    case splusmagnifyingglass = "plus.magnifyingglass"
    case splusrectangle = "plus.rectangle"
    case splusrectanglefill = "plus.rectangle.fill"
    case splusrectangleonrectangle = "plus.rectangle.on.rectangle"
    case splusrectangleonrectanglefill = "plus.rectangle.on.rectangle.fill"
    case splusslashminus = "plus.slash.minus"
    case splussquare = "plus.square"
    case splussquarefill = "plus.square.fill"
    case splussquareonsquare = "plus.square.on.square"
    case splussquareonsquarefill = "plus.square.on.square.fill"
    case splusminus = "plusminus"
    case splusminuscircle = ""
    case splusminuscirclefill = ""
    case spower = "power"
    case sprinter = "printer"
    case sprinterfill = "printer.fill"
    case sprojective = "projective"
    case spurchased = "purchased"
    case spurchasedcircle = ""
    case spurchasedcirclefill = ""
    case sqcircle = ""
    case sqcirclefill = ""
    case sqsquare = "q.square"
    case sqsquarefill = "q.square.fill"
    case sqrcode = "qrcode"
    case sqrcodeviewfinder = "qrcode.viewfinder"
    case squestionmark = "questionmark"
    case squestionmarkcircle = ""
    case squestionmarkcirclefill = ""
    case squestionmarkdiamond = "questionmark.diamond"
    case squestionmarkdiamondfill = "questionmark.diamond.fill"
    case squestionmarksquare = "questionmark.square"
    case squestionmarksquarefill = "questionmark.square.fill"
    case squestionmarkvideo = ""
    case squestionmarkvideofill = ""
    case squestionmarkvideofillrtl = ""
    case squestionmarkvideortl = ""
    case squotebubble = "quote.bubble"
    case squotebubblefill = "quote.bubble.fill"
    case srcircle = ""
    case srcirclefill = ""
    case srsquare = "r.square"
    case srsquarefill = "r.square.fill"
    case sradiowavesleft = "radiowaves.left"
    case sradiowavesright = "radiowaves.right"
    case srays = "rays"
    case srealtimetext = "realtimetext"
    case srecordingtape = "recordingtape"
    case srectangle = "rectangle"
    case srectangle3offgrid = "rectangle.3.offgrid"
    case srectangle3offgridfill = "rectangle.3.offgrid.fill"
    case srectangleandarrowuprightandarrowdownleft = "rectangle.and.arrow.up.right.and.arrow.down.left"
    case srectangleandarrowuprightandarrowdownleftslash = "rectangle.and.arrow.up.right.and.arrow.down.left.slash"
    case srectangleandpaperclip = "rectangle.and.paperclip"
    case srectanglebadgecheckmark = "rectangle.badge.checkmark"
    case srectanglebadgecheckmarkfill = "rectangle.badge.checkmark.fill"
    case srectanglebadgexmark = "rectangle.badge.xmark"
    case srectanglebadgexmarkfill = "rectangle.badge.xmark.fill"
    case srectanglecompressvertical = "rectangle.compress.vertical"
    case srectangledock = "rectangle.dock"
    case srectangleexpandvertical = "rectangle.expand.vertical"
    case srectanglefill = "rectangle.fill"
    case srectanglegrid1x2 = "rectangle.grid.1x2"
    case srectanglegrid1x2fill = "rectangle.grid.1x2.fill"
    case srectanglegrid2x2 = "rectangle.grid.2x2"
    case srectanglegrid2x2fill = "rectangle.grid.2x2.fill"
    case srectanglegrid3x2 = "rectangle.grid.3x2"
    case srectanglegrid3x2fill = "rectangle.grid.3x2.fill"
    case srectangleonrectangle = "rectangle.on.rectangle"
    case srectangleonrectangleangled = "rectangle.on.rectangle.angled"
    case srectangleonrectangleangledfill = "rectangle.on.rectangle.angled.fill"
    case srectangleonrectanglefill = "rectangle.on.rectangle.fill"
    case srectanglesplit3x1 = "rectangle.split.3x1"
    case srectanglesplit3x1fill = "rectangle.split.3x1.fill"
    case srectanglesplit3x3 = "rectangle.split.3x3"
    case srectanglesplit3x3fill = "rectangle.split.3x3.fill"
    case srectanglestack = "rectangle.stack"
    case srectanglestackbadgeminus = "rectangle.stack.badge.minus"
    case srectanglestackbadgeminusfill = "rectangle.stack.badge.minus.fill"
    case srectanglestackbadgeplus = ""
    case srectanglestackbadgeplusfill = ""
    case srectanglestackfill = "rectangle.stack.fill"
    case srectanglestackpersoncrop = "rectangle.stack.person.crop"
    case srectanglestackpersoncropfill = "rectangle.stack.person.crop.fill"
    case srepeat = "repeat"
    case srepeat1 = "repeat.1"
    case sreturn = "return"
    case srhombus = "rhombus"
    case srhombusfill = "rhombus.fill"
    case sringcircle = ""
    case sringcirclefill = ""
    case srosette = "rosette"
    case srotateleft = "rotate.left"
    case srotateleftfill = "rotate.left.fill"
    case srotateright = "rotate.right"
    case srotaterightfill = "rotate.right.fill"
    case srublesigncircle = ""
    case srublesigncirclefill = ""
    case srublesignsquare = "rublesign.square"
    case srublesignsquarefill = "rublesign.square.fill"
    case srupeesigncircle = ""
    case srupeesigncirclefill = ""
    case srupeesignsquare = "rupeesign.square"
    case srupeesignsquarefill = "rupeesign.square.fill"
    case sscircle = ""
    case sscirclefill = ""
    case sssquare = "s.square"
    case sssquarefill = "s.square.fill"
    case ssafari = "safari"
    case ssafarifill = "safari.fill"
    case sscissors = "scissors"
    case sscope = "scope"
    case sscribble = "scribble"
    case sselectionpininout = ""
    case ssheqelsigncircle = ""
    case ssheqelsigncirclefill = ""
    case ssheqelsignsquare = "sheqelsign.square"
    case ssheqelsignsquarefill = "sheqelsign.square.fill"
    case sshield = "shield"
    case sshieldfill = "shield.fill"
    case sshieldlefthalffill = "shield.lefthalf.fill"
    case sshift = "shift"
    case sshiftfill = "shift.fill"
    case sshuffle = "shuffle"
    case ssidebarleft = "sidebar.left"
    case ssidebarright = "sidebar.right"
    case ssignature = "signature"
    case sskew = "skew"
    case sslashcircle = ""
    case sslashcirclefill = ""
    case ssliderhorizontal3 = "slider.horizontal.3"
    case ssliderhorizontalbelowrectangle = "slider.horizontal.below.rectangle"
    case sslowmo = "slowmo"
    case ssmiley = "smiley"
    case ssmileyfill = "smiley.fill"
    case ssmoke = "smoke"
    case ssmokefill = "smoke.fill"
    case ssnow = "snow"
    case ssparkles = "sparkles"
    case sspeedometer = "speedometer"
    case ssquare = "square"
    case ssquareandarrowdown = "square.and.arrow.down"
    case ssquareandarrowdownfill = "square.and.arrow.down.fill"
    case ssquareandarrowdownonsquare = "square.and.arrow.down.on.square"
    case ssquareandarrowdownonsquarefill = "square.and.arrow.down.on.square.fill"
    case ssquareandarrowup = "square.and.arrow.up"
    case ssquareandarrowupfill = "square.and.arrow.up.fill"
    case ssquareandarrowuponsquare = "square.and.arrow.up.on.square"
    case ssquareandarrowuponsquarefill = "square.and.arrow.up.on.square.fill"
    case ssquareandlineverticalandsquare = "square.and.line.vertical.and.square"
    case ssquareandlineverticalandsquarefill = "square.and.line.vertical.and.square.fill"
    case ssquareandpencil = "square.and.pencil"
    case ssquarefill = "square.fill"
    case ssquarefillandlineverticalandsquare = "square.fill.and.line.vertical.and.square"
    case ssquarefillandlineverticalsquarefill = "square.fill.and.line.vertical.square.fill"
    case ssquaregrid2x2 = "square.grid.2x2"
    case ssquaregrid2x2fill = "square.grid.2x2.fill"
    case ssquaregrid3x2 = "square.grid.3x2"
    case ssquaregrid3x2fill = "square.grid.3x2.fill"
    case ssquaregrid4x3fill = "square.grid.4x3.fill"
    case ssquarelefthalffill = "square.lefthalf.fill"
    case ssquareoncircle = ""
    case ssquareoncirclefill = ""
    case ssquareonsquare = "square.on.square"
    case ssquareonsquarefill = "square.on.square.fill"
    case ssquarerighthalffill = "square.righthalf.fill"
    case ssquaresplit1x2 = "square.split.1x2"
    case ssquaresplit1x2fill = "square.split.1x2.fill"
    case ssquaresplit2x1 = "square.split.2x1"
    case ssquaresplit2x1fill = "square.split.2x1.fill"
    case ssquaresplit2x2 = "square.split.2x2"
    case ssquaresplit2x2fill = "square.split.2x2.fill"
    case ssquarestack = "square.stack"
    case ssquarestack3ddowndottedline = "square.stack.3d.down.dottedline"
    case ssquarestack3ddownright = "square.stack.3d.down.right"
    case ssquarestack3ddownrightfill = "square.stack.3d.down.right.fill"
    case ssquarestack3dup = "square.stack.3d.up"
    case ssquarestack3dupfill = "square.stack.3d.up.fill"
    case ssquarestack3dupslash = "square.stack.3d.up.slash"
    case ssquarestack3dupslashfill = "square.stack.3d.up.slash.fill"
    case ssquarestackfill = "square.stack.fill"
    case ssquaresbelowrectangle = "squares.below.rectangle"
    case sstar = "star"
    case sstarcircle = ""
    case sstarcirclefill = ""
    case sstarfill = "star.fill"
    case sstarlefthalffill = "star.lefthalf.fill"
    case sstarslash = "star.slash"
    case sstarslashfill = "star.slash.fill"
    case sstaroflife = "staroflife"
    case sstaroflifefill = "staroflife.fill"
    case ssterlingsigncircle = ""
    case ssterlingsigncirclefill = ""
    case ssterlingsignsquare = "sterlingsign.square"
    case ssterlingsignsquarefill = "sterlingsign.square.fill"
    case sstop = "stop"
    case sstopfill = "stop.fill"
    case sstopwatch = "stopwatch"
    case sstopwatchfill = "stopwatch.fill"
    case sstrikethrough = "strikethrough"
    case ssuitclub = ""
    case ssuitclubfill = ""
    case ssuitdiamond = "suit.diamond"
    case ssuitdiamondfill = "suit.diamond.fill"
    case ssuitheart = "suit.heart"
    case ssuitheartfill = "suit.heart.fill"
    case ssuitspade = "suit.spade"
    case ssuitspadefill = "suit.spade.fill"
    case ssum = "sum"
    case ssundust = "sun.dust"
    case ssundustfill = "sun.dust.fill"
    case ssunhaze = "sun.haze"
    case ssunhazefill = "sun.haze.fill"
    case ssunmax = "sun.max"
    case ssunmaxfill = "sun.max.fill"
    case ssunmin = "sun.min"
    case ssunminfill = "sun.min.fill"
    case ssunrise = "sunrise"
    case ssunrisefill = "sunrise.fill"
    case ssunset = "sunset"
    case ssunsetfill = "sunset.fill"
    case stbubble = "t.bubble"
    case stbubblefill = "t.bubble.fill"
    case stcircle = ""
    case stcirclefill = ""
    case stsquare = "t.square"
    case stsquarefill = "t.square.fill"
    case stable = "table"
    case stablebadgemore = "table.badge.more"
    case stablebadgemorefill = "table.badge.more.fill"
    case stablefill = "table.fill"
    case stag = "tag"
    case stagfill = "tag.fill"
    case steletype = "teletype"
    case stengesigncircle = ""
    case stengesigncirclefill = ""
    case stengesignsquare = "tengesign.square"
    case stengesignsquarefill = "tengesign.square.fill"
    case stextaligncenter = "text.aligncenter"
    case stextalignleft = "text.alignleft"
    case stextalignright = "text.alignright"
    case stextappend = "text.append"
    case stextbadgecheckmark = "text.badge.checkmark"
    case stextbadgeminus = "text.badge.minus"
    case stextbadgeplus = ""
    case stextbadgestar = ""
    case stextbadgexmark = "text.badge.xmark"
    case stextbubble = "text.bubble"
    case stextbubblefill = "text.bubble.fill"
    case stextchevronleft = "text.chevron.left"
    case stextchevronright = "text.chevron.right"
    case stextcursor = "text.cursor"
    case stextinsert = "text.insert"
    case stextjustify = "text.justify"
    case stextjustifyleft = "text.justifyleft"
    case stextjustifyright = "text.justifyright"
    case stextquote = "text.quote"
    case stextbox = "textbox"
    case stextformat = "textformat"
    case stextformat123 = "textformat.123"
    case stextformatabc = ""
    case stextformatabcdottedunderline = ""
    case stextformatalt = "textformat.alt"
    case stextformatsize = "textformat.size"
    case stextformatsubscript = "textformat.subscript"
    case stextformatsuperscript = "textformat.superscript"
    case sthermometer = "thermometer"
    case sthermometersnowflake = "thermometer.snowflake"
    case sthermometersun = "thermometer.sun"
    case stimelapse = "timelapse"
    case stimer = "timer"
    case stornado = "tornado"
    case stortoise = "tortoise"
    case stortoisefill = "tortoise.fill"
    case strash = "trash"
    case strashcircle = ""
    case strashcirclefill = ""
    case strashfill = "trash.fill"
    case strashslash = "trash.slash"
    case strashslashfill = "trash.slash.fill"
    case stray = "tray"
    case stray2 = "tray.2"
    case stray2fill = "tray.2.fill"
    case strayandarrowdown = "tray.and.arrow.down"
    case strayandarrowdownfill = "tray.and.arrow.down.fill"
    case strayandarrowup = "tray.and.arrow.up"
    case strayandarrowupfill = "tray.and.arrow.up.fill"
    case strayfill = "tray.fill"
    case strayfull = "tray.full"
    case strayfullfill = "tray.full.fill"
    case striangle = "triangle"
    case strianglefill = "triangle.fill"
    case strianglelefthalffill = "triangle.lefthalf.fill"
    case strianglerighthalffill = "triangle.righthalf.fill"
    case stropicalstorm = "tropicalstorm"
    case stugriksigncircle = ""
    case stugriksigncirclefill = ""
    case stugriksignsquare = "tugriksign.square"
    case stugriksignsquarefill = "tugriksign.square.fill"
    case stuningfork = "tuningfork"
    case sturkishlirasigncircle = ""
    case sturkishlirasigncirclefill = ""
    case sturkishlirasignsquare = "turkishlirasign.square"
    case sturkishlirasignsquarefill = "turkishlirasign.square.fill"
    case stv = "tv"
    case stvcircle = ""
    case stvcirclefill = ""
    case stvfill = "tv.fill"
    case stvmusicnote = ""
    case stvmusicnotefill = ""
    case sucircle = ""
    case sucirclefill = ""
    case susquare = "u.square"
    case susquarefill = "u.square.fill"
    case suiwindowsplit2x1 = "uiwindow.split.2x1"
    case sumbrella = "umbrella"
    case sumbrellafill = "umbrella.fill"
    case sunderline = "underline"
    case svcircle = ""
    case svcirclefill = ""
    case svsquare = "v.square"
    case svsquarefill = "v.square.fill"
    case svideo = "video"
    case svideobadgeplus = ""
    case svideobadgeplusfill = ""
    case svideocircle = ""
    case svideocirclefill = ""
    case svideofill = "video.fill"
    case svideoslash = "video.slash"
    case svideoslashfill = "video.slash.fill"
    case sview2d = "view.2d"
    case sview3d = "view.3d"
    case sviewfinder = "viewfinder"
    case sviewfindercircle = ""
    case sviewfindercirclefill = ""
    case svolume = "volume"
    case svolume1 = "volume.1"
    case svolume1fill = "volume.1.fill"
    case svolume2 = "volume.2"
    case svolume2fill = "volume.2.fill"
    case svolume3 = "volume.3"
    case svolume3fill = "volume.3.fill"
    case svolumefill = "volume.fill"
    case svolumeslash = "volume.slash"
    case svolumeslashfill = "volume.slash.fill"
    case svolumeslashfillrtl = "volume.slash.fill.rtl"
    case svolumeslashrtl = "volume.slash.rtl"
    case svolumezzz = "volume.zzz"
    case svolumezzzfill = "volume.zzz.fill"
    case swcircle = ""
    case swcirclefill = ""
    case swsquare = "w.square"
    case swsquarefill = "w.square.fill"
    case swandandrays = "wand.and.rays"
    case swandandraysinverse = "wand.and.rays.inverse"
    case swandandstars = "wand.and.stars"
    case swandandstarsinverse = "wand.and.stars.inverse"
    case swaveform = "waveform"
    case swaveformpath = "waveform.path"
    case swaveformpathbadgeminus = "waveform.path.badge.minus"
    case swaveformpathbadgeplus = ""
    case swaveformpathecg = "waveform.path.ecg"
    case swifi = "wifi"
    case swifiexclamationmark = "wifi.exclamationmark"
    case swifislash = "wifi.slash"
    case swind = "wind"
    case swindsnow = "wind.snow"
    case swonsigncircle = ""
    case swonsigncirclefill = ""
    case swonsignsquare = "wonsign.square"
    case swonsignsquarefill = "wonsign.square.fill"
    case swrench = "wrench"
    case swrenchfill = "wrench.fill"
    case sxcircle = ""
    case sxcirclefill = ""
    case sxsquare = "x.square"
    case sxsquarefill = "x.square.fill"
    case sxsquareroot = "x.squareroot"
    case sxmark = "xmark"
    case sxmarkcircle = ""
    case sxmarkcirclefill = ""
    case sxmarkicloud = "xmark.icloud"
    case sxmarkicloudfill = "xmark.icloud.fill"
    case sxmarkoctagon = "xmark.octagon"
    case sxmarkoctagonfill = "xmark.octagon.fill"
    case sxmarkrectangle = "xmark.rectangle"
    case sxmarkrectanglefill = "xmark.rectangle.fill"
    case sxmarkseal = "xmark.seal"
    case sxmarksealfill = "xmark.seal.fill"
    case sxmarksquare = "xmark.square"
    case sxmarksquarefill = "xmark.square.fill"
    case sycircle = ""
    case sycirclefill = ""
    case sysquare = "y.square"
    case sysquarefill = "y.square.fill"
    case syensigncircle = ""
    case syensigncirclefill = ""
    case syensignsquare = "yensign.square"
    case syensignsquarefill = "yensign.square.fill"
    case szcircle = ""
    case szcirclefill = ""
    case szsquare = "z.square"
    case szsquarefill = "z.square.fill"
    case szzz = "zzz"


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