- Course: ITPG-GT 2623-001, NYU ITP, Fall 2014
- Time: Thursdays, 9-11:55am
- Location: 721 Broadway, 4th floor, room A/B
- Instructor: Aidan Feldman, alf9@nyu.edu
- Office Hours: at Hacker Hours, or by appointment
- Links:
The web has already revolutionized the way that people consume information, but only recently has it been taken seriously as an avenue for teaching. MOOCs, online tutorials, and interactive applications all offer different means of learning, from the highly structured to the exploratory. They raise new questions around evaluation and assessment, while providing new avenues for collaboration and opportunities for students outside of traditional learning environments.
In this class, we will examine various educational platforms and tools, and get the opportunity to speak with their creators. What can we offer to teachers to make their lives easier? What features increase and sustain student engagement? The course will be largely project-based, where students will learn frontend web development skills to build new web-based learning experiences and tools.
Every week, we will cover a technical topic related to frontend web development. Students will then complete one- or two-week assignments building small educational tools, in order to practice those skills, culminating in a final project.
As this class is within the ITP program, students to have previously taken (or have equivalent technical experience of) Intro to Computational Media and Intro to Physical Computing. This includes:
- Variables
- Functions
- Data types
- Control flow
We will mostly be working in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but experience in those is not necessary. These prerequisites won't be enforced by the instructor, but know that coming in without any programming background will make the assignments especially challenging.
You will be evaluated on:
- On-time participation – 20%
- Assignments – 55%
- Final project – 25%
In short: whether you work hard or not.
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