badges2svg is a command-line tool to replace your GitHub README badges with resolution-independent SVG versions from
gem install badges2svg
From the command-line:
$ badges2svg <file>
By default, all URLs use HTTPS. If you don’t want this behavior, use
Type | Support |
Travis build | ✔ |
Gratipay | ✔ |
Coveralls | ✔ |
Gemnasium | ✔ |
Code Climate | ✔ |
Gem version | ✔ |
PyPI version | ✔ |
Packagist version | ✔ |
PyPI downloads | ✔ |
Packagist downloads | ✔ |
Inch-CI | ✔ |
Additionally, all badges that already use are supported.
$ git clone
$ cd badges2svg
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake test