A system intended to help manage assets which are on tractor-trailers.
Proof of concept - not fully operational
** Migrating to Vue.js, including the use of Vuex and Bootstrap + Vue
** Vue branch
Nothing works. Well, you can log in and the navigation updates.
Soon (whenever)
- Database
- Postgres? I'm not sure, because the bulk of the database interaction is using Doctrine and I don't have time to test other databases right now. App was built with Postgres.
- PHP 7.1+ (Symfony 4+)
- composer
- node / java to build JavaScript (Dojo)
- web server - this was built on Apache
Not tested. Ever.
- Download the code
- Run composer install
- Create an .env file with the following environment variables
- Create the databases or run php bin/console doctrine:database:create
- Update the schema with php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
- Run php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load to install the required base data types. This will also allow you to create an admin user. dev environments will also get demo data.
- To build the Dojo assets for production use, cd assets/vendor; ./build.sh;. When in dev mode, the source JavaScript files are used to allow you to step through the code. Use cd public; ln -sf /var/www/html/symfony-dev/assets src to create a symlink for development (not on production).
- Run ./node_modules/.bin/encore (dev/production) to dump the CSS. Building the client side code on my production server didn't go well
Instead, tar up the files from your local machine and scp them up
- tar up the client side files with tar czf ~/public.tgz public
- scp them to the production server with scp ~/public.tgz user@example.com:.
- Move them into position above the target directory - sudo mv public-build.tgz /var/www/html/symfony-dev
- Change ownership for tidiness sudo chown user.group /var/www/html/symfony-dev/public-build.tgz
- Switch to be that user sudo su user
- Change into the directory cd /var/www/html/symfony-dev
- Extract the files out of the tar with tar xzf public-build.tgz
- There is an httpd.conf file in app/system/etc/httpd/conf.d, it might work
- Local: bin/build-css-js.sh
- Remote/Stage/Production: cd /var/www/html/symfony-dev; tar mxzf public-build.tgz
Addresses are street addresses
Assets are organized by a hierarchical category tree. An asset has a status such as operational or missing.
Barcodes are assigned to assets. An asset may have more than one barcode. Barcodes may be marked as default, indicating the one in use.
Brands are collections of models associated with manufacturers
Carriers move assets between locations.
Categories are organized in a hierarchy
Clients are ... clients.
Contacts are persons
Contracts are collections of requirements for trailers and assets.
An event requires assets. It may include one or more contracts which require the assets. An event occurs at a single venue. Trailers may be assigned to the event through contracts or directly. The assets on the trailers and at the venue are considered available for the event.
Issues are specific problems related to assets
Locations are places where assets may be. A location may be a static place such as a main location, manufacturer, trailer vendor, or venue. Locations may be a contact, meaning a person at a specific address.
Manufacturers are collections of brands
Models are assigned a primary category, and may satisfy a category requirement. They may also require additional models, or extend other models.
Models are associated with brands.
A person is someone associated with something. A person may have multiple contact instances, for example an office phone and a personal email, as well as a receiving address.
Requirements are described as category quantities, using the categories from the tree.
Sets are collections of models which meet one or more category requirements. The models may be from different brands and manufacturers.
Transfers describe the transfer of assets from one location to another
Trailers are ... trailers. Trailers carry assets. Trailers may be required by contracts and associated with clients. A trailer is a special kind of asset.
Vendors sell or fix assets.
Venues are places where events occur.