This is a sample app that is developed to showcase MVVM architecture for Android with Repository pattern and Offline-First strategy with Single Source of Truth.
NOTE It is a relatively more complex and in progress architecture example so if you are not familiar with Architecture Components, you are highly recommended to check other examples in their repository first.
The app is structured with best practices and guidelines which showcases use of:
- Android Framework with Kotlin
- Repository pattern with offline-first strategy
- MVVM architectural pattern
- Android Architecture Components
- Dependency injection using Koin
- Network and API call using Retrofit 2
- Database using Room Architecture Component
NOTE The app architecture is still in progress.
You can open the project in Android studio and press run.
- Android Support Library
- Android Architecture Components
- Koin
- Coroutines
- Retrofit 2
- Android ConstraintLayout
- Android Data Binding
- Glide
- Timber
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