A novel architecture that is a Transformer, an Energy-Based Model, and an Associative Memory. See our paper. Barebones homepage with important links.
This repository has been cleaned and rewritten for the purpose of clear communication rather than complete features (as was done in the experiments of the paper). The architecture is built using equinox
, an excellent and barebones JAX library that looks a lot like pytorch. All pseudocode examples in this README use equinox.
For legacy purposes we include the flax
code that was used in the original paper in the og_implementation
Energy Transformer (ET) is a continuous dynamical system with a tractable energy -- this means that the forward pass through the model can be done using autograd! This comes with additional benefits like being highly parameter efficient and interpretable (see the paper, Table 15 & Figs 4,5,6). Pseudocode on layernorm representations g
import equinox as eqx
import jax
class EnergyTransformer(eqx.Module):
# Define all parameters
Wq: jax.Array # n_heads, head_dim, token_dim
Wk: jax.Array # n_heads, head_dim, token_dim
Xi: jax.Array # n_memories, token_dim
def __init__(self, token_dim, n_heads, head_dim, n_memories):
def attn_energy(self, g):
Q = jnp.einsum("qd,hzd->qhz", g, self.Wq)
K = jnp.einsum("kd,hzd->khz", g, self.Wk)
beta = 1 / jnp.sqrt(head_dim)
A = -1 / beta * jax.nn.logsumexp(beta * jnp.einsum("qhz,khz->hqk", Q, K), -1).sum()
def hn_energy(self, g):
return -1 / 2 * jax.nn.relu(jnp.einsum("nd,md->nm", g, self.Xi)).sum()
def energy(self, g):
return self.attn_energy(g) + self.hn_energy(g)
et = EnergyTransformer(...)
key = jr.PRNGkey(0)
x = jr.normal(key, (n_tokens, token_dim))
for i in range(n_steps):
g = lnorm(x)
E, dEdg = jax.value_and_grad(et.energy)(g)
x = x - alpha * dEdg
There is also an energy on the LayerNorm that we cannot ignore, but the above is an excellent starting point for the architecture.
See working code in tutorial.py
(using random weights) with architecture code written in architecture.py
. We load the model weights from the paper in image_core.py
We are still in the process of cleaning up the environment setup for this repository. For the main tutorial code, you can run:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate et-jax
pip install -r requirements.txt
Demo code (randomized weights) and environment works on a CPU. Observe energy behavior:
python tutorial.py
Demo code (trained weights, also works on CPU). See how ET can be applied to MASKed images.
python image_core.py
Currently very limited testing.
pytest tests