- Suggeestion: Use pen-paper to outline before jumping to code
- Tea and water sips are included in the timings, long breaks excluded
- No other tool is used except the python documentation
- exception:
- day 13: scipy's linalg.solve
- No templates
- First simple solution - could be refactored for improving time and mem efficiency
| Day | Time(HH:MM) |(comments)
| 1 | 00:39 |
| 2 | 00:55 |(part2 couldn't solve)
| 3 | 02:15 |
| 4 | 03:30 |
| 5 | 01:48 |
| 6 | 06:00 |(multidimensional list name referencing, set-reset logic for loop condition, bad execution time)
| 7 | 03:30 |(needed itertools.product function to get arrangements)
| 8 | 02:05 |(the wording is too funny after one solves it otherwise: 'how to write english to confuse')
| 9 | 03:25 |(missed conditions: language bit me; given example not sufficient to get correct algo; use names from problem statement: helps in debugging)
| 10 | 2:55 |(debugging missed conditions; recursion and state of recording variable)
| 11 | 02:20 |(exponential sized array with naive approach; hashing solves: many to one)
| 12 | 06:00 |(bad logic to crawler logic for part1, could not solve part2 on same day: still not an elegant solution)
| 13 | 01:35 |(kind of a cheat: used scipy linalg.solve for solving pair of equations)
| 14 | 01:23 |(part2 meaning of tree picture not understable, even no symmetric shape)
| 15 | 06:20 |(part2 took too long)
| 16 | 00:00 |(could not solve)
| 17 | 03:00 |(part1: one statement misunderstood caused long time; part two: could not solve)
| 18 | full day |(read about graphs from Skiena, Steven S and solve on next day; then first part was easier and second part also worked is direct approach)
| 19 | |(didnt attempt due to backlog of day18)
| 20 | 03:25 |(part1: again wrong first approach ends up consuming time until the correct (then obvious) solution is found)
| | |(required change: explore the full plan on paper and reject wrong approaches before iterating in code to save time from wrong approaches)
| 21 | 00:00 |(could not solve)
| 22 | 00:43 |(typo bug took time, could not solve part2)
| 23 | 00:00 |(code that should deal with specific constraints and conditions were missing and adding them took time, could not solve part2)
| 24 | 02:00 |(could not solve part2)
| 25 | 01:30 |(solved without using numpy, could not solve part2 due to missing stars)
- TODO: consolidate learnings