Are you tired of pwnagotchi ruining your favorite Las Vegas convention? pwndurgotchi can be used to send messages to nearby pwnagotchi and crash different parts of the pwnagotchi software. Tested on the official pwnagotchi 1.5.5 image from evilsocket and a waveshare_2 screen.
Say hello with a friendly message to all nearby pwnagotchi. You can change the face, name, and pwn counts. Does not crash any service on the pwnagotchi.
ex: python -p ./payloads/calling_card.json -c 10 -v -l 100 -d 2
Crash the pwnagotchi screen. Perfect for using right after calling_card.json
. Doesn't seem to work when using firmware that doesn't display peer faces on the screen.
ex: python -p ./payloads/screen_freeze.json -c 10 -v -l 100 -d 1
Crash the pwngrid service and interrupt the pwnagotchi main loop. Sending this payload out on a loop should prevent the pwnagotchi from sending out deauth packets and the pwnagotchi should no longer be able to communicate with peers. Must use the -s option
ex: python -p ./payloads/kill_grid.json -c 10 -v -l 100 -d 1 -s
- A 2.4ghz wifi card in monitor mode (I use airmon-ng to set this up)
- The Scapy python library
I reccomend using kali linux to get this up and running.
pwndurgotchi 1.0
Usage: python [-p | --payload <path>] [-i | --interface <name>] [-c | --count <value>]
[-s | static_identity] [-d | --delay <value>] [-l | --loop <value>] [-v | --verbose]
-p --payload Path to the JSON payload to send
-i --interface Wireless interface used to send the packets (default wlan0)
-c --count Number of packets to send at a time (default 1)
-s --static_identity Use the static identity in each payload
-d --delay Delay time in between each loop (default 0)
-l --loop Amount of times to loop (default 0)
-v --verbose Print logs during execution
Requires a wireless interface in monitor mode and scapy
calling_card.json Sends a custom face & username to all nearby pwnagotchi
kill_grid.json Crashes the pwngrid network on all nearby pwnagotchi
screen_freeze.json Freeze the screen of all nearby pwnagotchi
Made by BigBroDude6119
If you find any cool payloads please drop a PR!