Tooling for connecting GitLab, pipelines, and SODAR at CUBI.
Clone CUBI-TK, create a conda environment and install using pip or uv
Checkout the repository and create a conda environment:
git clone
conda env create -n cubi-tk -f environment.yaml
conda activate cubi-tk
cd cubi-tk
Install the package using pip:
$ pip install -e .
Or using uv
# if not using conda: `uv python install 3.12`
uv python pin 3.12
uv sync
uv pip install -e .
# alternatively, if you need snappy kickoff:
# GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 uv pip install -e '.[snappy]'
uv sync --all-extras --group docs
cd docs_manual
uv run make clean html
xdg-open _build/html/index.html
cat >>~/.bashrc <<"EOF"
eval "$(register-python-argcomplete cubi-tk)"