Example project for v2.2 of the Blender-Godot Pipeline Addon.
This project was made with version 3.6 of Blender and version 4.3.dev5.official of Godot.
Blender versions have been tested up to 4.1.
You still need to download/install the addon separately.
If you'd like to try to reproduce the collisions and workflow that I used, the v22 level_01_blank blend file is available, which does not have any pipeline parameters set. You can compare with the v22 level_01 file.
- Setting default pipeline path in Godot
- Collisions, setting collision layers and masks
- Composite primitive collisions
- Multimesh Instancer
- .blend file importing support
- Material slot auto Godot material linking:
Unfortunately this demo does not come close to explaining or showing all of the features of the addon. Check out other videos from my YouTube channel (more recent = better) for thorough explanations.