Animation has gained significant interest in the recent film and TV industry. Despite the success of advanced video generation models like Sora, Kling, and CogVideoX in generating natural videos, they lack the same effectiveness in handling animation videos. Evaluating animation video generation is also a great challenge due to its unique artist styles, violating the laws of physics and exaggerated motions. In this paper, we present a comprehensive system, AniSora, designed for animation video generation, which includes a data processing pipeline, a controllable generation model, and an evaluation dataset. Supported by the data processing pipeline with over 10M high-quality data, the generation model incorporates a spatiotemporal mask module to facilitate key animation production functions such as image-to-video generation, frame interpolation, and localized image-guided animation. We also collect an evaluation benchmark of 948 various animation videos, the evaluation on VBench and human double-blind test demonstrates consistency in character and motion, achieving state-of-the-art results in animation video generation.
Our evaluation benchmark are publicly available.
Experience Index-anisora model: Please contact for more detailed information.
The overview of Index-anisora is shown as follows.
We develop a comprehensive video processing system that significantly enhances preprocessing for video generation.
We propose a unified framework designed for animation video generation with a spatiotemporal mask module, enabling tasks such as image-to-video generation, frame interpolation, and localized image-guided animation.
We release a benchmark dataset specifically for evaluating animation video generation.
🔥🔥We submitted our paper on arXiv and released our project with evaluation benchmark.
Image-generated videos in different artistic styles:
Temporal Control:
Spatial Control:
More videos are available in: Video Gallery
Evaluation results on Vbench:
Method | Motion Smoothness | Motion Score | Aesthetic Quality | Imaging Quality | I2V Subject | I2V Background | Overall Consistency | Subject Consistency |
Opensora-Plan(V1.3) | 99.13 | 76.45 | 53.21 | 65.11 | 93.53 | 94.71 | 21.67 | 88.86 |
Opensora(V1.2) | 98.78 | 73.62 | 54.30 | 68.44 | 93.15 | 91.09 | 22.68 | 87.71 |
Vidu | 97.71 | 77.51 | 53.68 | 69.23 | 92.25 | 93.06 | 20.87 | 88.27 |
Covideo(5B-V1) | 97.67 | 71.47 | 54.87 | 68.16 | 90.68 | 91.79 | 21.87 | 90.29 |
MiniMax | 99.20 | 66.53 | 54.56 | 71.67 | 95.95 | 95.42 | 21.82 | 93.62 |
AniSora | 99.34 | 45.59 | 54.31 | 70.58 | 97.52 | 95.04 | 21.15 | 96.99 |
AniSora-K | 99.12 | 59.49 | 53.76 | 68.68 | 95.13 | 93.36 | 21.13 | 94.61 |
AniSora-I | 99.31 | 54.96 | 54.67 | 68.98 | 94.16 | 92.38 | 20.47 | 95.75 |
GT | 98.72 | 56.05 | 52.70 | 70.50 | 96.02 | 95.03 | 21.29 | 94.37 |
AniSora for our I2V results.
AniSora-K for the key frame interpolation results.
AniSora-I for the average results of frame interpolation conditions, including key frame, last frame, mid frame results.
The benchmark dataset contains 948 animation video clips are collected and labeled with different actions. Each label contains 10-30 video clips. The corresponding text prompt is generated by Qwen-VL2 at first, then is corrected manually to guarantee the text-video alignment.
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title={AniSora: Exploring the Frontiers of Animation Video Generation in the Sora Era},
author={Yudong Jiang, Baohan Xu, Siqian Yang, Mingyu Yin, Jing Liu, Chao Xu, Siqi Wang, Yidi Wu, Bingwen Zhu, Xinwen Zhang, Xingyu Zheng,Jixuan Xu, Yue Zhang, Jinlong Hou and Huyang Sun},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.10255},