A hash map implementation that supports multiple keys (aliases) for accessing the same value.
// Create new map
m := fastmap.NewMultiKeyHashMap[string, User]()
// Add with multiple keys (first key is primary)
m.Put([]string{"user1", "john", "john.doe"}, user)
// Get using any key
user, exists := m.Get("john.doe")
// Get primary key
primaryKey, exists := m.GetPrimaryKey("john")
// Get all associated keys
keys := m.GetAllKeys("john")
// Add new alias
m.AddAlias("user1", "jdoe")
// Remove specific key
// Remove key and all connected aliases
// Get unique entry count
size := m.Size()
// Clear all entries
Thread-safe version with mutex protection for concurrent access.
// Create thread-safe map
m := fastmap.NewThreadSafeMultiKeyHashMap[string, User]()
// Operations are same as MultiKeyHashMap but thread-safe
m.Put([]string{"user1", "john", "john.doe"}, user)
user, exists := m.Get("john.doe")
m.AddAlias("user1", "jdoe")
// Concurrent usage example
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
go func(id int) {
defer wg.Done()
key := fmt.Sprintf("user%d", id)
m.Put([]string{key, fmt.Sprintf("alias%d", id)},
User{ID: id})
- Read operations use RLock for concurrent access
- Write operations use exclusive Lock
- Primary key lookups are O(1)
- Alias lookups require map iteration in worst case
- Memory scales with number of aliases