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FastMap - A Type-Safe Generic HashMap Implementation in Go

FastMap currently provides an efficient, type-safe HashMap implementation in Go, offering both thread-safe and non-thread-safe variants. Future releases will expand this into a comprehensive utilities package.

Current Feature Implementation Status:

✅ Core HashMap Implementation

  • Basic HashMap operations (Put, Get, Remove)
  • Type-safe implementation using Go generics
  • Full error handling
  • Comprehensive unit tests
  • Performance-optimized operations

✅ Thread-Safe HashMap

  • Mutex-protected operations
  • Concurrent access support
  • Thread-safe variants of all core operations
  • Deadlock prevention
  • Performance benchmarks for concurrent operations

✅ AppendableHashMap

  • Specialized slice handling
  • Type-safe append operations
  • Thread-safe variant available
  • Optimized memory management
  • Comprehensive testing coverage

✅ Functional Operations

  • Map transformations
  • Filtering capabilities
  • ForEach operations with error handling
  • Chainable operations
  • Performance benchmarks

The current version focuses on providing a robust and efficient HashMap implementation. Future releases will expand the package's capabilities to include additional data structures and utility functions.


go get


  • Generic type support for keys and values
  • Thread-safe implementation available
  • Type-safe operations
  • Functional programming utilities
  • Zero dependencies
  • Comprehensive test coverage


Basic Operations (Non-Thread-Safe)

// Initialize
hashMap := fastmap.NewHashMap[string, YourType]()

// Add/Update
hashMap.Put("key", value)

// Get
value, exists := hashMap.Get("key")

// Remove

// Get size
size := hashMap.Size()

// Update existing value
success := hashMap.UpdateValue("key", newValue)
  • AppendValues
// processSections handles the conversion and organization of section data into specialized
// hash maps for both body content and layout components. It demonstrates the use of
// AppendableHashMap for managing collections of PDF components per section.
// Parameters:
//   - listSections: Slice of Section objects containing section data and components
// Example:
//	sections := []Section{
//	    {
//	        ID: "section1",
//	        PDFListComponents: []models.PDFListComponent{comp1, comp2},
//	    },
//	}
//	processSections(sections)
func processSections(listSections []Section) {
    // Initialize specialized hash maps for different data types
    bodyHashMap := fastmap.NewHashMap[string, domain.ResSection]()
    layoutHashMap := fastmap.NewAppendableHashMap[string, models.PDFListComponent]()
    // Process each section and organize its data into appropriate maps
    for _, section := range listSections {
        // Store section metadata in body hash map
        bodyHashMap.Put(section.ID, domain.ResSection{
            SectionID: section.ID,
            Section:   section.Section,
            Priority:  section.Priority,
            Title:     string(section.Title),
            Elements:  nil,
        // Append PDF components to layout hash map using spread operator equivalent
        layoutHashMap.AppendValues(section.ID, section.PDFListComponents...)
    // Example of thread-safe implementation if needed for concurrent access
    safeLayoutHashMap := fastmap.NewThreadSafeAppendableHashMap[string, models.PDFListComponent]()
    for _, section := range listSections {
        safeLayoutHashMap.AppendValues(section.ID, section.PDFListComponents...)

Thread-Safe Operations

// Initialize thread-safe map
safeMap := fastmap.NewThreadSafeHashMap[string, YourType]()

// Basic Operations
safeMap.Put("key", value)
value, exists := safeMap.Get("key")

// Safe iteration
safeMap.ForEach(func(key string, value YourType) error {
    // Process each key-value pair safely

// Check existence
if safeMap.Contains("key") {
    // Key exists, safe for concurrent access

// Get all keys safely
keys := safeMap.Keys()
for _, key := range keys {
    // Process keys

// Get all values safely
values := safeMap.Values()
for _, value := range values {
    // Process values

// Clear all entries safely

// Check if empty
if safeMap.IsEmpty() {
    // Map is empty

// Merge two thread-safe maps
otherMap := fastmap.NewThreadSafeHashMap[string, YourType]()
otherMap.Put("other", value)

// Convert to regular map
regularMap := safeMap.ToMap()

// Create from regular map
traditional := map[string]YourType{"key": value}
safeMap = fastmap.FromThreadSafeMap(traditional)

Thread-Safe Functional Operations

// Filter with thread safety
activeUsers := safeMap.Filter(func(key string, user User) bool {
    return user.Active

// Transform with thread safety
processedUsers := safeMap.Map(func(key string, user User) User {
    user.LastProcessed = time.Now()
    return user

// Conditional updates with thread safety
if safeMap.UpdateValue("user1", updatedUser) {
    // Update successful

Real-World Example (Thread-Safe)

// User management system with concurrent access
type UserSystem struct {
    users *fastmap.ThreadSafeHashMap[string, User]

func NewUserSystem() *UserSystem {
    return &UserSystem{
        users: fastmap.NewThreadSafeHashMap[string, User](),

// Safe concurrent operations
func (s *UserSystem) AddUser(id string, user User) {
    s.users.Put(id, user)

func (s *UserSystem) GetActiveUsers() []User {
    activeUsers := s.users.Filter(func(id string, user User) bool {
        return user.Active && !user.Deleted
    return activeUsers.Values()

func (s *UserSystem) UpdateUserStatus(id string, active bool) bool {
    if user, exists := s.users.Get(id); exists {
        user.Active = active
        return s.users.UpdateValue(id, user)
    return false

func (s *UserSystem) ProcessUsers() {
    s.users.ForEach(func(id string, user User) error {
        // Safe concurrent processing
        log.Printf("Processing user: %s", id)
        return nil

// Usage in concurrent environment
func main() {
    system := NewUserSystem()
    // Concurrent operations
    go func() {
        system.AddUser("1", User{Name: "John", Active: true})
    go func() {
        system.UpdateUserStatus("1", false)
    go func() {
        activeUsers := system.GetActiveUsers()
        for _, user := range activeUsers {
            log.Printf("Active user: %s", user.Name)
  • Append Values
package main

import (


// PDFProcessor represents a system that processes PDF components concurrently
type PDFProcessor struct {
    layoutMap *fastmap.ThreadSafeAppendableHashMap[string, PDFComponent]
    wg        sync.WaitGroup

type PDFComponent struct {
    ID        string
    Content   string
    Timestamp time.Time

// NewPDFProcessor initializes a new PDF processor with thread-safe storage
func NewPDFProcessor() *PDFProcessor {
    return &PDFProcessor{
        layoutMap: fastmap.NewThreadSafeAppendableHashMap[string, PDFComponent](),

// ProcessSection handles concurrent processing of PDF components for a section
func (p *PDFProcessor) ProcessSection(sectionID string, components []PDFComponent) {
    batchSize := 5
    for i := 0; i < len(components); i += batchSize {
        end := i + batchSize
        if end > len(components) {
            end = len(components)

        batch := components[i:end]
        go p.processBatch(sectionID, batch)

// processBatch handles a batch of components concurrently
func (p *PDFProcessor) processBatch(sectionID string, components []PDFComponent) {
    defer p.wg.Done()

    // Simulate processing time for each component
    for _, component := range components {
        // Simulate some processing work
        time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
        // Safely append the processed component
        p.layoutMap.AppendValues(sectionID, component)
        log.Printf("Processed component %s for section %s", component.ID, sectionID)

// GetProcessedComponents safely retrieves all components for a section
func (p *PDFProcessor) GetProcessedComponents(sectionID string) []PDFComponent {
    components, exists := p.layoutMap.Get(sectionID)
    if !exists {
        return []PDFComponent{}
    return components

// WaitForCompletion waits for all processing to complete
func (p *PDFProcessor) WaitForCompletion() {

// Usage example
func main() {
    processor := NewPDFProcessor()

    // Simulate incoming PDF components for multiple sections
    sections := map[string][]PDFComponent{
        "section1": generateComponents("section1", 15),
        "section2": generateComponents("section2", 10),
        "section3": generateComponents("section3", 20),

    // Process sections concurrently
    startTime := time.Now()
    for sectionID, components := range sections {
        processor.ProcessSection(sectionID, components)

    // Wait for all processing to complete
    log.Printf("Processing completed in %v", time.Since(startTime))

    // Verify results
    for sectionID := range sections {
        processed := processor.GetProcessedComponents(sectionID)
        log.Printf("Section %s has %d processed components", sectionID, len(processed))

// generateComponents creates test PDF components
func generateComponents(sectionID string, count int) []PDFComponent {
    components := make([]PDFComponent, count)
    for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
        components[i] = PDFComponent{
            ID:        fmt.Sprintf("%s-comp%d", sectionID, i),
            Content:   fmt.Sprintf("Content %d", i),
            Timestamp: time.Now(),
    return components

// Example of error handling and recovery
func (p *PDFProcessor) ProcessSectionWithRecovery(sectionID string, components []PDFComponent) error {
    errorChan := make(chan error, 1)
    go func() {
        defer func() {
            if r := recover(); r != nil {
                errorChan <- fmt.Errorf("processing panic: %v", r)

        p.ProcessSection(sectionID, components)

    // Wait for completion or error
    if err := <-errorChan; err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("section %s processing failed: %w", sectionID, err)

    return nil

Config Field Processing

The fastmap package provides robust field configuration processing capabilities for handling dynamic data transformations. This feature is particularly useful when dealing with structured data that needs type-safe conversion and validation.

Basic Usage

// Initialize HashMap
hashMap := fastmap.NewHashMap[string, int]()
hashMap.Put("age", 0) // Initialize field

// Define field configurations
configs := map[string]fastmap.FieldConfig[int]{
    "age": {
        Handler: func(data map[string]interface{}) *int {
            if val, ok := data["age"].(float64); ok {
                intVal := int(val)
                return &intVal
            return nil

// Process data
data := []map[string]interface{}{
    {"age": 25.0},
    {"age": 30.0},

// Method 1: Handle single field
results := hashMap.HandleFieldConfigs(data, configs, "age")
// results = []int{25, 30}

// Method 2: Apply single config
success := hashMap.ApplyFieldConfig("age", configs["age"], data[0])
// success = true, hashMap["age"] = 25

// Method 3: Process all configs with callback
hashMap.ProcessFieldConfigs(configs, data, func(key string, value int, index int) {
    fmt.Printf("Processed %s: %d at index %d\n", key, value, index)

Thread-Safe Processing

  1. Basic Thread-Safe Operations
// Initialize thread-safe map
safeMap := fastmap.NewThreadSafeHashMap[string, float64]()
safeMap.Put("temperature", 0.0)

// Configure field handlers
configs := map[string]fastmap.FieldConfig[float64]{
    "temperature": {
        Handler: func(data map[string]interface{}) *float64 {
            if val, ok := data["temp"].(float64); ok {
                return &val
            return nil

// Safe concurrent processing
safeMap.ProcessFieldConfigs(configs, data, func(key string, value float64, index int) {
    log.Printf("Temperature reading %f at index %d", value, index)
  1. Concurrent Data Processing
// Initialize thread-safe map with complex config
type Measurement struct {
    Value     float64
    Timestamp time.Time
    Valid     bool

safeMap := fastmap.NewThreadSafeHashMap[string, Measurement]()
rowIndex := 0

configs := map[string]fastmap.FieldConfig[Measurement]{
    "sensor_data": {
        RowIndex: &rowIndex,
        Handler: func(data map[string]interface{}) *Measurement {
            if val, ok := data["value"].(float64); ok {
                return &Measurement{
                    Value:     val,
                    Timestamp: time.Now(),
                    Valid:     val >= 0 && val <= 100,
            return nil

// Concurrent processing with error handling
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    go func(index int) {
        defer wg.Done()
        sensorData := []map[string]interface{}{
            {"value": float64(index * 10)},
        safeMap.ProcessFieldConfigs(configs, sensorData, func(key string, m Measurement, idx int) {
            if m.Valid {
                log.Printf("Valid measurement %f at time %v", m.Value, m.Timestamp)
  1. Batch Processing with Multiple Fields
type ProductData struct {
    Price    float64
    Quantity int
    Total    float64

safeMap := fastmap.NewThreadSafeHashMap[string, ProductData]()
configs := map[string]fastmap.FieldConfig[ProductData]{
    "product": {
        Handler: func(data map[string]interface{}) *ProductData {
            price, ok1 := data["price"].(float64)
            qty, ok2 := data["quantity"].(float64)
            if !ok1 || !ok2 {
                return nil
            return &ProductData{
                Price:    price,
                Quantity: int(qty),
                Total:    price * float64(int(qty)),

// Process batch data concurrently
batchData := []map[string]interface{}{
    {"price": 10.5, "quantity": 2.0},
    {"price": 20.0, "quantity": 3.0},

safeMap.ProcessFieldConfigs(configs, batchData, func(key string, pd ProductData, index int) {
    log.Printf("Processed product at index %d: Total = %.2f", index, pd.Total)
  1. Error Handling in Thread-Safe Context
safeMap := fastmap.NewThreadSafeHashMap[string, int]()
rowIndex := 0

configs := map[string]fastmap.FieldConfig[int]{
    "quantity": {
        RowIndex: &rowIndex,
        Handler: func(data map[string]interface{}) *int {
            val, ok := data["quantity"]
            if !ok {
                log.Printf("Missing quantity field at row %d", *rowIndex)
                return nil
            if floatVal, ok := val.(float64); ok {
                intVal := int(floatVal)
                if intVal < 0 {
                    log.Printf("Invalid negative quantity at row %d", *rowIndex)
                    return nil
                return &intVal
            return nil

// Process with validation
safeMap.ProcessFieldConfigs(configs, data, func(key string, quantity int, index int) {
    log.Printf("Processed quantity %d at index %d", quantity, index)

Advanced Features

  1. Row Index Tracking
rowIndex := 0
configs := map[string]fastmap.FieldConfig[string]{
    "name": {
        RowIndex: &rowIndex,
        Handler: func(data map[string]interface{}) *string {
            if val, ok := data["name"].(string); ok {
                return &val
            return nil
  1. Complex Type Handling
type UserData struct {
    Name  string
    Age   int
    Score float64

configs := map[string]fastmap.FieldConfig[UserData]{
    "user_info": {
        Handler: func(data map[string]interface{}) *UserData {
            if name, ok := data["name"].(string); ok {
                if age, ok := data["age"].(float64); ok {
                    if score, ok := data["score"].(float64); ok {
                        return &UserData{
                            Name:  name,
                            Age:   int(age),
                            Score: score,
            return nil
  1. Batch Processing with Multiple Configs
configs := map[string]fastmap.FieldConfig[string]{
    "name": {Handler: nameHandler},
    "email": {Handler: emailHandler},
    "phone": {Handler: phoneHandler},

hashMap.ProcessFieldConfigs(configs, bulkData, func(key string, value string, index int) {
    switch key {
    case "name":
        processName(value, index)
    case "email":
        processEmail(value, index)
    case "phone":
        processPhone(value, index)
  1. Field Dependencies
type ProductSpec struct {
    Price    float64
    Quantity int
    Total    float64

configs := map[string]fastmap.FieldConfig[ProductSpec]{
    "product": {
        Handler: func(data map[string]interface{}) *ProductSpec {
            price, ok1 := data["price"].(float64)
            qty, ok2 := data["quantity"].(float64)
            if !ok1 || !ok2 {
                return nil
            return &ProductSpec{
                Price:    price,
                Quantity: int(qty),
                Total:    price * qty,


Unit Tests

Run all unit tests:

go test ./...

Run specific test:

go test -run TestHashMap_Put

Run tests with coverage:

go test -cover ./...

Generate coverage report:

go test -coverprofile=coverage.out ./...
go tool cover -html=coverage.out

Key Test Categories

  1. Basic Operations
func TestHashMap_Put(t *testing.T) {
    h := fastmap.NewHashMap[string, int]()
    h.Put("key", 100)
    if val, exists := h.Get("key"); !exists || val != 100 {
        t.Errorf("Put failed, got (%v, %v), want (100, true)", val, exists)
  1. Thread-Safe Operations
func TestThreadSafeConcurrentOperations(t *testing.T) {
    m := fastmap.NewThreadSafeHashMap[string, int]()
    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    numGoroutines := 100

    for i := 0; i < numGoroutines; i++ {
        go func(val int) {
            defer wg.Done()
            m.Put(fmt.Sprintf("key%d", val), val)

    if m.Size() != numGoroutines {
        t.Errorf("Expected size %d, got %d", numGoroutines, m.Size())
  1. Functional Operations
func TestFilter(t *testing.T) {
    h := fastmap.NewHashMap[string, int]()
    h.Put("one", 1)
    h.Put("two", 2)
    filtered := h.Filter(func(k string, v int) bool {
        return v%2 == 0
    if filtered.Size() != 1 {
        t.Error("Filter failed")
  1. Edge Cases
func TestEdgeCases(t *testing.T) {
    h := fastmap.NewHashMap[string, *string]()
    var nilStr *string
    h.Put("nilKey", nilStr)
    if val, exists := h.Get("nilKey"); !exists || val != nil {
        t.Error("Failed to handle nil value")


Run all benchmarks:

go test -bench=. ./...

Run specific benchmark:

go test -bench=BenchmarkHashMapPut

Run benchmarks with memory allocation statistics:

go test -bench=. -benchmem ./...

Key Benchmark Categories

  1. Basic Operations
func BenchmarkHashMapPut(b *testing.B) {
    h := fastmap.NewHashMap[string, int]()
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        h.Put("key", i)
  1. Thread-Safe Operations
func BenchmarkThreadSafePut(b *testing.B) {
    m := fastmap.NewThreadSafeHashMap[string, int]()
    b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
        i := 0
        for pb.Next() {
            m.Put(fmt.Sprintf("key%d", i), i)
  1. Functional Operations
func BenchmarkHashMapFilter(b *testing.B) {
    h := fastmap.NewHashMap[string, int]()
    for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
        h.Put(fmt.Sprintf("key%d", i), i)
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        h.Filter(func(k string, v int) bool {
            return v%2 == 0

Benchmark Tips

  1. Use realistic data sizes
  2. Include parallel benchmarks for thread-safe operations
  3. Test with different data types and structures
  4. Measure memory allocations for memory-sensitive operations
  5. Compare performance with standard library map operations

Common Benchmark Flags

-bench=.                # Run all benchmarks
-benchmem              # Print memory allocation statistics
-benchtime=10s         # Run each benchmark for 10 seconds
-count=5               # Run each benchmark 5 times
-cpu=1,2,4            # Run benchmarks with different GOMAXPROCS values

Profile Benchmarks

Generate CPU profile:

go test -bench=.
go tool pprof

Generate memory profile:

go test -bench=.
go tool pprof

Migration Guide

Traditional Map vs HashMap

// Traditional
traditional := make(map[string]YourType)
traditional[key] = value

// Non-Thread-Safe HashMap
hashMap := fastmap.NewHashMap[string, YourType]()
hashMap.Put(key, value)

// Thread-Safe HashMap
safeMap := fastmap.NewThreadSafeHashMap[string, YourType]()
safeMap.Put(key, value)


  • Built on Go's native map implementation
  • Minimal method call overhead
  • O(1) average case for basic operations
  • Thread-safe operations use sync.RWMutex
  • Read operations allow concurrent access
  • Write operations ensure exclusive access


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Push to the branch
  5. Create a Pull Request

Top contributors: image


This project is licensed under the MIT License