A zero-dependency networking solution for building modern and secure iOS, watchOS, macOS and tvOS applications.
π TermiNetwork has been tested in a production environment with a heavy load of asynchronous requests and tens of thousands of unique clients per day.
- Multi-environment setup
- Model deserialization with Codables
- Async await support
- Decodes response to the given type: Codable, Transformer, UIImage, Data or String
- UIKit/SwiftUI extensions for downloading remote images
- Request grouping with Repositories
- Detects network status with Reachability
- Transformers: convert models from one type to another easily
- Error Handling
- Interceptors
- Request mocking
- Certificate Pinning
- Flexible configuration
- Middleware support
- File/Data Upload/Download support
- Pretty printed debug information
- Installation
- Demo Application
- Usage
- Queue Hooks
- File/Data Upload
- File Download
- Error Handling
- Cancelling a Request
- Reachability
- Transformers
- Mock responses
- Interceptors
- Image Helpers
- Middleware
- Debug Logging
You can install TermiNetwork with one of the following ways...
Add the following line to your Podfile and run pod install in your terminal:
pod 'TermiNetwork', '~> 4.0'
Add the following line to your Carthage and run carthage update in your terminal:
github "billp/TermiNetwork" ~> 4.0
Go to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and add the following URL:
To see all the features of TermiNetwork in action, download the source code and run the TermiNetworkExamples scheme.
Let's say you have the following Codable model:
struct Todo: Codable {
let id: Int
let title: String
The following example creates a request that adds a new Todo:
let params = ["title": "Go shopping."]
let headers = ["x-auth": "abcdef1234"]
Request(method: .get,
url: "https://myweb.com/api/todos",
headers: headers,
params: params)
.success(responseType: Todo.self) { todos in
.failure { error in
or with async await:
let request = Request(method: .get,
url: "https://myweb.com/api/todos",
headers: headers,
params: params)
do {
let todos: [Todo] = try await request.async()
} catch let error {
One of the following supported HTTP methods:
.get, .head, .post, .put, .delete, .connect, .options, .trace or .patch
One of the following supported response types
Codable.self (implementations), UIImage.self, Data.self or String.self
A callback that returns an object of the given type. (specified in responseType parameter)
A callback that returns a Error and the response Data (if any).
The following example uses a custom Queue with maxConcurrentOperationCount and a configuration object. To see the full list of available configuration properties, take a look at Configuration properties in documentation.
let myQueue = Queue(failureMode: .continue)
myQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 2
let configuration = Configuration(
cachePolicy: .useProtocolCachePolicy,
timeoutInterval: 30,
requestBodyType: .JSON
let params = ["title": "Go shopping."]
let headers = ["x-auth": "abcdef1234"]
Request(method: .post,
url: "https://myweb.com/todos",
headers: headers,
params: params,
configuration: configuration)
.success(responseType: String.self) { response in
.failure { error in
or with async await:
do {
let response = try Request(
method: .post,
url: "https://myweb.com/todos",
headers: headers,
params: params,
configuration: configuration
.async(as: String.self)
} catch let error {
The request above uses a custom queue myQueue with a failure mode of .continue (default), which means that the queue continues its execution if a request fails.
The complete and recommended setup of TermiNetwork consists of defining Environments and Repositories.
Create a swift enum that implements the EnvironmentProtocol and define your environments.
enum MyAppEnvironments: EnvironmentProtocol {
case development
case qa
func configure() -> Environment {
switch self {
case .development:
return Environment(scheme: .https,
host: "localhost",
suffix: .path(["v1"]),
port: 3000)
case .qa:
return Environment(scheme: .http,
host: "myqaserver.com",
suffix: .path(["v1"]))
Optionally you can pass a configuration object to make all Repositories and Endpoints to inherit the given configuration settings.
To set your global environment use Environment.set method
Create a swift enum that implements the EndpointProtocol and define your endpoints.
The following example creates a TodosRepository with all the required endpoints as cases.
enum TodosRepository: EndpointProtocol {
// Define your endpoints
case list
case show(id: Int)
case add(title: String)
case remove(id: Int)
case setCompleted(id: Int, completed: Bool)
static let configuration = Configuration(requestBodyType: .JSON,
headers: ["x-auth": "abcdef1234"])
// Set method, path, params, headers for each endpoint
func configure() -> EndpointConfiguration {
switch self {
case .list:
return .init(method: .get,
path: .path(["todos"]), // GET /todos
configuration: Self.configuration)
case .show(let id):
return .init(method: .get,
path: .path(["todo", String(id)]), // GET /todos/[id]
configuration: Self.configuration)
case .add(let title):
return .init(method: .post,
path: .path(["todos"]), // POST /todos
params: ["title": title],
configuration: Self.configuration)
case .remove(let id):
return .init(method: .delete,
path: .path(["todo", String(id)]), // DELETE /todo/[id]
configuration: configuration)
case .setCompleted(let id, let completed):
return .init(method: .patch,
path: .path(["todo", String(id)]), // PATCH /todo/[id]
params: ["completed": completed],
configuration: configuration)
You can optionally pass a configuration object to each case if you want provide different configuration for each endpoint.
To create the request you have to initialize a Client instance and specialize it with your defined Repository, in our case TodosRepository:
Client<TodosRepository>().request(for: .add(title: "Go shopping!"))
.success(responseType: Todo.self) { todo in
// do something with todo
.failure { error in
// do something with error
or with async await
do {
let toto: Todo = Client<TodosRepository>()
.request(for: .add(title: "Go shopping!"))
} catch let error {
Hooks are closures that run before and/or after a request execution in a queue. The following hooks are available:
Queue.shared.beforeAllRequestsCallback = {
// e.g. show progress loader
Queue.shared.afterAllRequestsCallback = { completedWithError in
// e.g. hide progress loader
Queue.shared.beforeEachRequestCallback = { request in
// do something with request
Queue.shared.afterEachRequestCallback = { request, data, urlResponse, error
// do something with request, data, urlResponse, error
For more information take a look at Queue in documentation.
You can use the .upload, .asyncUpload methods of a Request object to start an upload operation. The upload is perfomed by passing a Content-Type: multipart/form-data request header. All the param values should be passed as MultipartFormDataPartType.
do {
try await Request(method: .post,
url: "https://mywebsite.com/upload",
params: [
"file1": MultipartFormDataPartType.url(.init(filePath: "/path/to/file.zip")),
"file2": MultipartFormDataPartType.data(data: Data(), filename: "test.png", contentType: "zip"),
"expiration_date": MultipartFormDataPartType.value(value: Date.now.ISO8601Format())
.asyncUpload(as: ResponseModel.self) { _, _, progress in
debugPrint("\(progress * 100)% completed")
debugPrint("Upload finished)
} catch let error {
You can use the .download, .asyncDownload methods of a Request object to start a download operation. The only thing you need to pass is the local file path of the file to be saved.
guard var localFile = FileManager.default.urls(for: .cachesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first.appendPathComponent("download.zip") else {
do {
try await Request(method: .get,
url: "https://mywebsite.com/files/download.zip")
.asyncDownload(destinationPath: localFile.path,
progressUpdate: { bytesSent, totalBytes, progress in
debugPrint("\(progress * 100)% completed")
} catch let error {
debugPrint("File saved to: \(localFile.path)")
TermiNetwork provides its own error types (TNError) for all the possible error cases. These errors are typically returned in onFailure callbacks of start methods.
To see all the available errors, please visit the TNError in documentation.
Client<TodosRepository>().request(for: .add(title: "Go shopping!"))
.success(responseType: Todo.self) { todo in
// do something with todo
.failure: { error in
switch error {
case .notSuccess(let statusCode):
debugPrint("Status code " + String(statusCode))
case .networkError(let error):
debugPrint("Network error: " + error.localizedDescription)
case .cancelled:
debugPrint("Request cancelled")
debugPrint("Error: " + error.localizedDescription)
or with async await
do {
let todo: Todo = Client<TodosRepository>()
.request(for: .add(title: "Go shopping!"))
} catch let error {
switch error as? TNError {
case .notSuccess(let statusCode, let data):
let errorModel = try? data.deserializeJSONData() as MyErrorModel
debugPrint("Status code " + String(statusCode) + ". API Error: " + errorModel?.errorMessage)
case .networkError(let error):
debugPrint("Network error: " + error.localizedDescription)
case .cancelled:
debugPrint("Request cancelled")
debugPrint("Error: " + error.localizedDescription)
You can cancel a request that is executing by calling the .cancel() method.
let params = ["title": "Go shopping."]
let headers = ["x-auth": "abcdef1234"]
let request = Request(method: .get,
url: "https://myweb.com/api/todos",
headers: headers,
params: params)
request.success(responseType: Todo.self) { todos in
.failure { error in
or with async await:
let task = Task {
let request = Request(method: .get,
url: "https://myweb.com/api/todos",
headers: headers,
params: params)
do {
let todos: [Todo] = try await request.async()
} catch let error {
With Reachability you can monitor the network state of the device, like whether it is connected through wifi or cellular network.
let reachability = Reachability()
try? reachability.monitorState { state in
switch state {
case .wifi:
// Connected through wifi
case .cellular:
// Connected through cellular network
case .unavailable:
// No connection
Transformers enables you to convert your Rest models to Domain models by defining your custom transform functions. To do so, you have to create a class that inherits the Transformer class and specializing it by providing the FromType and ToType generics.
The following example transforms an array of RSCity (rest) to an array of City (domain) by overriding the transform function.
final class CitiesTransformer: Transformer<[RSCity], [City]> {
override func transform(_ object: [RSCity]) throws -> [City] {
object.map { rsCity in
City(id: UUID(),
cityID: rsCity.id,
name: rsCity.name,
description: rsCity.description,
countryName: rsCity.countryName,
thumb: rsCity.thumb,
image: rsCity.image)
Finally, pass the CitiesTransformer in the Request's start method:
.request(for: .cities)
.success(transformer: CitiesTransformer.self) { cities in
self.cities = cities
.failure { error in
switch error {
case .cancelled:
self.errorMessage = error.localizedDescription
or with async await
do {
let cities = await Client<CitiesRepository>()
.request(for: .cities)
.async(using: CitiesTransformer.self)
} catch let error {
switch error as? TNError {
case .cancelled:
self.errorMessage = error.localizedDescription
Mock responses is a powerful feature of TermiNetwork that enables you to provide a local resource file as Request's response. This is useful, for example, when the API service is not yet available and you need to implement the app's functionality without losing any time. (Prerequisite for this is to have an API contract)
- Create a Bundle resource and put your files there. (File > New -> File... > Settings Bundle)
- Specify the Bundle path in Configuration
let configuration = Configuration() if let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "MockData", ofType: "bundle") { configuration.mockDataBundle = Bundle(path: path) }
- Enable Mock responses in Configuration
configuration.mockDataEnabled = true
- Define the mockFilePath path in your endpoints.
The example above loads the Cities/cities.json from MockData.bundle and returns its data as Request's response.
enum CitiesRepository: EndpointProtocol { case cities func configure() -> EndpointConfiguration { switch self { case .cities: return EndpointConfiguration(method: .get, path: .path(["cities"]), mockFilePath: .path(["Cities", "cities.json"])) } } }
For a complete example, open the demo application and take a look at City Explorer - Offline Mode.
Interceptors offers you a way to change or augment the usual processing cycle of a Request. For instance, you can refresh an expired access token (unauthorized status code 401) and then retry the original request. To do so, you just have to implement the InterceptorProtocol.
The following Interceptor implementation tries to refresh the access token with a retry limit (5).
final class UnauthorizedInterceptor: InterceptorProtocol {
let retryDelay: TimeInterval = 0.1
let retryLimit = 5
func requestFinished(responseData data: Data?,
error: TNError?,
request: Request,
proceed: @escaping (InterceptionAction) -> Void) {
switch error {
case .notSuccess(let statusCode):
if statusCode == 401, request.retryCount < retryLimit {
// Login and get a new token.
Request(method: .post,
url: "https://www.myserviceapi.com/login",
params: ["username": "johndoe",
"password": "p@44w0rd"])
.success(responseType: LoginResponse.self) { response in
let authorizationValue = String(format: "Bearer %@", response.token)
// Update the global header in configuration which is inherited by all requests.
Environment.current.configuration?.headers["Authorization"] = authorizationValue
// Update current request's header.
request.headers["Authorization"] = authorizationValue
// Finally retry the original request.
proceed(.retry(delay: retryDelay))
} else {
// Continue if the retry limit is reached
Finally, you have to pass the UnauthorizedInterceptor to the interceptors property in Configuration:
let configuration = Configuration()
configuration.interceptors = [UnauthorizedInterceptor.self]
TermiNetwork provides two different helpers for setting remote images.
Example with URL
var body: some View { TermiNetwork.Image(withURL: "https://example.com/path/to/image.png", defaultImage: UIImage(named: "DefaultThumbImage")) }
Example with Request
var body: some View { TermiNetwork.Image(withRequest: Client<CitiesRepository>().request(for: .image(city: city)), defaultImage: UIImage(named: "DefaultThumbImage")) }
Example with URL
let imageView = UIImageView() // or NSImageView (macOS), or WKInterfaceImage (watchOS) imageView.tn_setRemoteImage(url: sampleImageURL, defaultImage: UIImage(named: "DefaultThumbImage"), preprocessImage: { image in // Optionally pre-process image and return the new image. return image }, onFinish: { image, error in // Optionally handle response })
Example with Request
let imageView = UIImageView() // or NSImageView (macOS), or WKInterfaceImage (watchOS) imageView.tn_setRemoteImage(request: Client<CitiesRepository>().request(for: .thumb(withID: "3125")), defaultImage: UIImage(named: "DefaultThumbImage"), preprocessImage: { image in // Optionally pre-process image and return the new image. return image }, onFinish: { image, error in // Optionally handle response })
Middleware enables you to modify headers, params and response before they reach the success/failure callbacks. You can create your own middleware by implementing the RequestMiddlewareProtocol and passing it to a Configuration object.
Take a look at ./Examples/Communication/Middleware/CryptoMiddleware.swift for an example that adds an additional encryption layer to the application.
You can enable the debug logging by setting the verbose property to true in your Configuration.
let configuration = Configuration()
configuration.verbose = true
... and you will see a beautiful pretty-printed debug output in debug window
To run the tests open the Xcode Project > TermiNetwork scheme, select Product -> Test or simply press βU on keyboard.
Alex Athanasiadis, alexanderathan@gmail.com
TermiNetwork is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.