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Open Picture Processing Plugins (OpenPPP) is a simple PWA and its accompanying set of interfaces that enables devs to easily prototype and build (mobile-compatible web) apps where the main user loop consists of:

  1. taking/uploading a photo
  2. processing the captured photo data


An OpenPPP plugin is simply a user-defined ESModule that dispatches a CustomEvent with type openppp:handler-ready to window with event.detail set to a image processing function with the following signature:

(image: File) => Promise<void>

The web app provides a minimal UI for users to take/upload a photo.

After the user takes/uploads a photo with the UI,

  1. the web app registers a openppp:handler-ready event listener on window that calls event.detail(photo) with the captured photo
  2. the provided plugin runs via an injected module script, emitting the openppp:handler-ready event with event.detail set to its processing function
  3. the event listener set in 1. fires and runs the processing function in event.detail on the captured photo
  4. upon completion, the event listeners are unset to clean up for the next run


This example OpenPPP plugin simply POSTs the captured image data to a server as form data for further processing.

const handler = async (image) => {
  const formData = new FormData();
  formData.append("image", image);
  const resp = await fetch("", {
    method: "POST",
    body: formData,
  alert(resp.ok ? "success" : "failed");
  new CustomEvent("openppp:handler-ready", { detail: handler })

More example plugins are available in the examples/ folder.


The web platform for image processing






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