vue-rutube is an wrapper of Rutube Player JSON API
This Library implemention and documentation is inspired by VueYoutube plugin. I tried to make a similar interface, so if you are used to it, you will not be lost. It's not a plugin, but just a simple library. This is my first contribution to NPM, please be kind :).
npm install vue-rutube
<vue-rutube ref="player" width="720" height="480" videoId='7163336' />
<button @click="play()">play</button>
import VueRutube from 'vue-rutube'
export default {
components: {
computed: {
player() {
return this.$refs.player
methods: {
play() {
pause() {
The component triggers events to notify the parent component of changes in the player. For more information, see Rutube Player JSON API
Event |
ready |
playing |
paused |
stopped |
currentTime |
You have access to all api methods through component referencing. You can also find them below. Example :
<vue-rutube ref="player" width="720" height="480" videoId='7163336' />
export default {
methods: {
play() {
Name | Parameters | Description |
play | none | play video |
pause | none | pause video |
stop | none | stop video |
mute | none | mute video |
unMute | none | unmute video |
setCurrentTime (seconds) | Number | set current time (absolute) in seconds |
getCurrentTime | none | get current time in seconds |
relativelySeek (seconds) | Number | set current time (relative) - negative value seek back |
changeVideo (id, quality) | String, Number | change player video |
setVolume (volume) | Number | value between 0 .. 1 |
remove | none | remove player |
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
videoId | String | '7163336' | Id of the video played |
width | String | '720' | iframe pixel width |
height | String | '480' | iframe pixel height |
frameborder | String | '0' | iframe frameborder |