The Music Library Managment System has to manage various musical items and comes with a number of models and variety.Maintaing all musical records,such as creating order,calculating billls,adding new music,edit the music description ,and delete any item from the emusic library
Create order:
- The user can create an order,choose items,delete items and buy the item and finally show the price of total items.The user can also choose the same item
Find music:
- Users can find their song with different categories Name , Category , Type , and Artist
Sold items:
- it shows how many items and which items were sold
Item in stock:
- it shows the item that is in the stock that means the quantity of the item is more than zero
Shows all items
Show item details
Add new item:
- Only admininstrator has permission to add new item after login
Edit item:
- Edit any item content by adminstrator only
Remove item
-Use database to save data
Database schema: