fast restful framework for golang.
Create your app directory, like
mkdir myapp; cd myapp; go mod init myapp;
Create initial config.toml in a folder
, [example](cmd/fastrest/initassets/conf.yml|--- addr: ":14142"
Create main code, [example](cmd/fastrest/main.go|
package main import ( "embed" "" _ "" // 引入请求结构体自动校验 | // InitAssets is the initial assets. //go:embed initassets var InitAssets embed.FS func main(| { // 注册路由 router := fastrest.New(map[string]fastrest.Service{ "GET /status": &fastrest.Status{}, "POST /p1sign": &fastrest.P1Sign{}, }, fastrest.WithPreProcessor(fastrest.PreProcessorFn(func(dtx *fastrest.Context| error { // 全局前置处理器 return nil }||, fastrest.WithPostProcessor(fastrest.PostProcessorFn(func(dtx *fastrest.Context| error { // 全局后置处理器 return nil }||| args := fastrest.ParseArgs(&InitAssets| args.Run(router| }
Create Makefile, [example](Makefile|
Create initial conf.toml and ctl:
myapp -init
./ctl start
, you can set envexport GOLOG_STDOUT=true
before startup to view the log in stdout for debugging. -
Performance testing using [berf](|:
berf :14142/status -d15s -v
Or single test
berf :14142/p1sign -v source=bingoo bizType=abc -n1
➜ fastrest git:(main| ✗ berf :14142/p1sign source=bingoo bizType=abc -pRr -n1
###> time: 2022-01-05T14:19:36.312775+08:00 cost: 575.239µs
POST /p1sign HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: blow
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 36
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: fasthttp
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2022 06:19:36 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 19
- Install [easyjson tool](|
- Tag the model, see the following example.
- Generate easyjson codes:
easyjson yourmodel.go
type P1SignReq struct {
Source string `json:"source"`
BizType string `json:"bizType"`
type P1SignRsp struct {
Source string `json:"source"`
- 空接口
TPS 30 万.
# | Hostname | Uptime | Uptime Human | Procs | OS | Platform | Host ID | Platform Version | Kernel Version | Kernel Arch | Os Release | Mem Available | Num CPU | Cpu Mhz | Cpu Model |
1 | fs04-192-168-126-184 | 14173428 | 5 months | 373 | linux | centos | ea4bc56f-c6da-4914-afc6-4d9e54267d41 | 8 | 4.18.0-240.22.1.el8_3.x86_64 | x86_64 | NAME="CentOS Stream" VERSION="8" | 57.25GiB/62.65GiB, 00.91% | 16 | 2300 | Intel(R |
[footstone@fs04-192-168-126-184 ~]$ berf :14142/status -c500
Berf benchmarking using 500 goroutine(s|, 16 GoMaxProcs.
Elapsed 43.346s
Count/RPS 13280606 306379.932
200 13280606 306379.932
ReadWrite 426.481 401.970 Mbps
Statistics Min Mean StdDev Max
Latency 27µs 1.612ms 1.773ms 56.755ms
RPS 285977.74 306261.61 8250.69 326172.9
Latency Percentile:
P50 P75 P90 P95 P99 P99.9 P99.99
1.324ms 2.059ms 2.749ms 3.85ms 9.626ms 18.188ms 29.256ms
[footstone@fs04-192-168-126-184 ~]$ berf :14142/status -c500 -d1m
Berf benchmarking for 1m0s using 500 goroutine(s|, 16 GoMaxProcs.
Elapsed 1m0s
Count/RPS 18266731 304441.873
200 18266731 304441.873
ReadWrite 423.783 399.428 Mbps
Statistics Min Mean StdDev Max
Latency 27µs 1.621ms 1.766ms 69.199ms
RPS 278032.17 304437.17 9856.28 323089.77
Latency Percentile:
P50 P75 P90 P95 P99 P99.9 P99.99
1.376ms 2.065ms 2.713ms 3.702ms 9.401ms 19.398ms 33.875ms
- 设置环境变量 ACCESS_LOG_DIR,启用 access log, e.g.
ACCESS_LOG_DIR=accesslog fastrest
fastrest 基于 Go 语言优秀的GPM并发模型之上,叠加多项优化技术:
- 替换默认的 net/http 为 fasthttp,基准测试性能提升约10倍
- 替换默认的 encoding/base64 为基于 Turbo-Base64 实现的 cristalhq/base64,是基准测试性能提升约3倍
- 替换默认的 encoding/json 为基于代码生成免除反射调用的 easyjson,,基准测试性能提升约5倍
- 调整默认的 最大并发数 GOMAXPROCS 8 为4倍值约30,能达到最高性能
- 设置环境变量 STRUCT_ENV_VERBOSE=1 后,程序运行时会输出所有环境变量,便于调试。
- 设置环境变量 STRUCT_ENV_ON=0 后,可以关闭所有环境变量的支持。
变量名称 | 类型 | 默认值 | 示例 | 描述 |
FAST_HTTP_NAME | string | 空 | FastServer | 响应头中的服务器名称. |
FAST_HTTP_CONCURRENCY | int | 256 * 1024 | 100 | 服务器最大并发数. |
FAST_HTTP_READ_BUFFER_SIZE | int | 2048 | 4096 | 读缓冲区大小 |
FAST_HTTP_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE | int | 4096 | 写缓冲区大小 | |
FAST_HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT | time.Duration | 0(无超时) | 10s | 请求读超时 |
FAST_HTTP_WRITE_TIMEOUT | time.Duration | 10s | 5s | 响应写超时 |
FAST_HTTP_IDLE_TIMEOUT | time.Duration | 10s | 30s | 连接最大空闲时间 |
FAST_HTTP_MAX_CONNS_PER_IP | int | 100 | 1000 | 每个IP的最大连接数 |
FAST_HTTP_MAX_REQUESTS_PER_CONN | int | 0 | 10000 | 每个连接的最大请求数(达到后关闭连接) |
FAST_HTTP_MAX_IDLE_WORKER_DURATION | time.Duration | 10s | 30s | 协程最大空闲时间(达到后退出协程) |
FAST_HTTP_TCP_KEEPALIVE_PERIOD | time.Duration | 操作系统默认值 | 60s | TCP Keepalive 间隔时间 |
FAST_HTTP_MAX_REQUEST_BODY_SIZE | int | 4194304(4M) | 10485760(10M) | 最大请求体大小 |
FAST_HTTP_SLEEP_WHEN_CONCURRENCY_LIMITS_EXCEEDED | time.Duration | 0s | 3s | 当并发数超过最大值时,等待一段时间再继续处理请求 |
FAST_HTTP_DISABLE_KEEPALIVE | bool | false | true | 关闭长连接 |
FAST_HTTP_TCP_KEEPALIVE | bool | false | true | 启用 TCP Keepalive |
FAST_HTTP_REDUCE_MEMORY_USAGE | bool | false | true | 减少内存占用 |
FAST_HTTP_GET_ONLY | bool | false | true | 只处理 GET 请求(用于抗DOS攻击) |
FAST_HTTP_DISABLE_PRE_PARSE_MULTIPART_FORM | bool | false | true | 禁用 multipart/form-data 解析,以减少内存占用 |
FAST_HTTP_LOG_ALL_ERRORS | bool | false | true | 所有错误都记录到日志 |
FAST_HTTP_SECURE_ERROR_LOG_MESSAGE | bool | false | true | 错误日志信息脱敏 |
FAST_HTTP_DISABLE_HEADER_NAMES_NORMALIZING | bool | false | true | 禁用 header 名称标准化 |
FAST_HTTP_NO_DEFAULT_SERVER_HEADER | bool | false | true | 禁用默认的服务器 header |
FAST_HTTP_NO_DEFAULT_DATE | bool | false | true | 禁用默认的 Date header |
FAST_HTTP_NO_DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE | bool | false | true | 禁用默认的 Content-Type header |
FAST_HTTP_KEEP_HIJACKED_CONNS | bool | false | true | 保持 Hijacked 的连接 |
FAST_HTTP_CLOSE_ON_SHUTDOWN | bool | false | true | 关闭服务时关闭连接 |
FAST_HTTP_STREAM_REQUEST_BODY | bool | false | true | 流式处理请求体 |