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Auto linking multi-host docker cluster


Arpanet is a wrapper around the following tools:

It is an opinionated layer upon which you can create a Platform As A Service.


The quickstart list of commands:


On each machine that is part of the cluster:

$ export ARPANET_IP=
$ curl -sSL | sudo sh
$ sudo sh -c 'curl -L > /usr/local/bin/arpanet'
$ sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/arpanet
$ sudo -E arpanet setup
$ arpanet pull


On the first machine (

$ arpanet start:consul boot

On the other 2 'server' nodes:

$ ssh node2 arpanet start:consul server
$ ssh node3 arpanet start:consul server

Then start the service stack on all 3 servers:

$ arpanet start:stack
$ ssh node2 arpanet start:stack
$ ssh node3 arpanet start:stack

Now we can join more nodes in consul client mode:

$ ssh node4 arpanet start:consul client
$ ssh node4 arpanet start:stack


1. environment

The variables you should set in your environment before running the arpanet container:


Make sure the hostname of the machine is set correctly and is different to other hostnames on your arpanet.


The IP address of the interface to use for cross host communication.

This should be the IP of a private network on the host.

$ export ARPANET_IP=

2. install docker

$ curl -sSL | sudo sh

3. install wrapper

Arpanet runs in a docker container that starts and stops containers on the main docker host.

Because of this, the container must be run with the docker socket mounted as a volume.

There is a wrapper script that will handle this neatly - to install the wrapper:

$ curl -L > /usr/local/bin/arpanet
$ chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/arpanet

4. pull image

Next - pull the arpanet image (optional - it will pull automatically in the next step):

$ docker pull binocarlos/arpanet

5. setup

Run the setup command as root - it will create the data folder, configure the docker DNS bridge and bind it to the ARPANET_IP tcp endpoint:

$ sudo -E $(arpanet setup)

6. pull service images

Finally pull the docker images for the various services:

$ arpanet pull

Everything is now installed - you can arpanet start and arpanet stop


The arpanet script runs in a docker container - this means the docker socket must be mounted as a volume each time we run.

The wrapper script (installed to /usr/local/bin) will handle this for you.

Or, if you want to run arpanet manually - here is an example of pretty much what the wrapper script does:

$ docker run --rm \
	-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
	binocarlos/arpanet help


arpanet setup

$ sudo -E arpanet setup

This should be run as root and will perform the following steps:

  • bind docker to listen on the the tcp://$ARPANET_IP interface
  • connect the docker DNS resolver to consul
  • create a host directory for the consul data volume
  • restart docker

arpanet pull

This will pull the images used by arpanet services.

$ arpanet pull

arpanet start:consul boot|server|client [JOINIP] [CONSUL_ARGS...]

Start the consul container on this host.

There are 3 modes to boot a node:

  • boot - used for the very first node
  • server - used for other servers (consul server)
  • client - used for other nodes (consul agent)
$ arpanet start:consul server

You can pass consul arguments after the JOINIP (or after boot):

$ arpanet start:consul server -node mycustomname -dc dc34

arpanet start:stack

Before you start the arpanet services the consul cluster must be booted and operational.

This means you must run the start:consul command on all 3 (or 5 etc) server nodes before running arpanet start:stack on any of them.

If you are adding a client node then the start:stack command can be run directly after the start:consul command (because the consul cluster is already up and running).

arpanet stop

Stop the arpanet containers.

$ arpanet stop

arpanet info

Print information about this node

arpanet kv <command> [OPTIONS...]

A CLI tool to read and write to the consul key value store.


arpanet kv info <key>

arpanet kv get <key>

arpanet kv get <key>

arpanet kv del <key>

To delete a key recursively:

$ arpanet kv del folder/a?recurse

arpanet kv ls <key>

booting a cluster

Boot a cluster of 5 nodes, with 3 server and 2 client nodes.

First stash the ip of the first node - we will 'join' the other nodes to here and the consul gossip protocol will catch up.

$ export JOINIP=

Then boot the first node:

$ arpanet start:consul boot

Now - boot the other 2 servers:

$ ssh node2 arpanet start:consul server $JOINIP
$ ssh node3 arpanet start:consul server $JOINIP

When all 3 servers are started - it means we have an operational consul cluster and can start the rest of the arpanet service stack on the nodes:

$ arpanet start:stack
$ ssh node2 arpanet start:stack
$ ssh node3 arpanet start:stack

Now we can setup further clients:

$ ssh node4 arpanet start:consul client $JOINIP
$ ssh node4 arpanet start:stack
$ ssh node5 arpanet start:consul client $JOINIP
$ ssh node5 arpanet start:stack

We can now use consul members to check our cluster:

$ arpanet consul members


there are other environment variables that control arpanet behaviour:

  • DOCKER_PORT - the TCP port docker should listen on (2375)
  • CADVISOR_PORT - the port to expose for the cadvisor api (8080)
  • CONSUL_PORT - the port to expose the consul HTTP api (8500)
  • CONSUL_EXPECT - the number of server nodes to auto bootstrap (3)
  • CONSUL_DATA - the host folder to mount for consul state (/mnt/arpanet-consul)
  • CONSUL_KV_PATH - the Key/Value path to use to keep state (/arpanet)

You can control the images used by arpanet services using the following variables:

  • CONSUL_IMAGE (progrium/docker-consul)
  • CADVISOR_IMAGE (google/cadvisor)
  • REGISTRATOR_IMAGE (progrium/registrator)
  • AMBASSADORD_IMAGE (binocarlos/ambassadord) - will change to progrium
  • FLEETSTREET_IMAGE (binocarlos/fleetstreet)

You can control the names of the launched services using the following variables:

  • CONSUL_NAME (arpanet_consul)
  • CADVISOR_NAME (arpanet_cadvisor)
  • REGISTRATOR_NAME (arpanet_registrator)
  • AMBASSADOR_NAME (arpanet_backends)
  • FLEETSTREET_NAME (arpanet_fleetstreet)

The wrapper will source these variables from ~/.arpanetrc and will inject them all into the arpanet docker container.

If you are running arpanet manually then pass these variables to docker using -e CONSUL_NAME=....


A basic arpanet will use the private network of a single data centre.

Securing the network is left up to the user to allow for multiple approaches - for example:

  • use iptables to block unknown hosts
  • use a VPN solution to encrypt traffic between hsots

Future versions of arpanet will allow for consul TLS encryption meaning it can bind onto public Internet ports and use the multi data-centre feature securely.


  • TLS encryption between consul nodes & for docker server
  • Make the service stack configurable so services become plugins
  • Replicate the service stack via consul so we can manage services across the cluster

big thank you to




Auto linking multi-host docker cluster






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