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Parametrization fixes (#42)
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* Fixed peptide bond restoring in case of gaps

* better comment

* Don't fail if it's not possible to recover a peptide bond in case of absent atoms

* Covered real-life case of an HA hydrogen with HA2 name

* Same story with HB

* ... and one more

* More 'missing' bonds

* Classics
  • Loading branch information
tiermak authored Oct 22, 2020
1 parent b586829 commit 99f2b69
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Showing 3 changed files with 43 additions and 36 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,10 @@

## [Unreleased]

## [] - 2020-10-22
### Fixed
- A couple of issues, that caused parametrization failures, fixed in bond restoring for PDB format.

## [] - 2020-10-14
### Added
- Generic fasta parser.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: cobot-io
github: "biocad/cobot-io"
license: BSD3
category: Bio
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73 changes: 38 additions & 35 deletions src/Bio/PDB/BondRestoring.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -93,43 +93,46 @@ restoreDisulfideBonds atomsGroupedByResidue = do
guard (PDB.atomSerial atom1 < PDB.atomSerial atom2)
guard $ distance (coords atom1) (coords atom2) < sulfidicBondMaxLength
pure $ Bond (GlobalID $ PDB.atomSerial atom1) (GlobalID $ PDB.atomSerial atom2) 1
cystineSulfur :: [PDB.Atom]
cystineSulfur = filter (("SG" ==) . T.strip . PDB.atomName) $ concat cystines
cystines :: [[PDB.Atom]]
cystines = filter cystinePredicate atomsGroupedByResidue
cystinePredicate :: [PDB.Atom] -> Bool
cystinePredicate residue = any (("SG" ==) . T.strip . PDB.atomName) residue && all (("HG" /=) . T.strip . PDB.atomName) residue
coords :: PDB.Atom -> V3 Float
coords PDB.Atom{..} = V3 atomX atomY atomZ
cystineSulfur :: [PDB.Atom]
cystineSulfur = filter (("SG" ==) . T.strip . PDB.atomName) $ concat cystines
cystines :: [[PDB.Atom]]
cystines = filter cystinePredicate atomsGroupedByResidue
cystinePredicate :: [PDB.Atom] -> Bool
cystinePredicate residue = any (("SG" ==) . T.strip . PDB.atomName) residue && all (("HG" /=) . T.strip . PDB.atomName) residue

coords :: PDB.Atom -> V3 Float
coords PDB.Atom{..} = V3 atomX atomY atomZ

sulfidicBondMaxLength :: Float
sulfidicBondMaxLength = 2.56

peptideBondMaxLength :: Float
peptideBondMaxLength = 1.5

restoreChainPeptideBonds :: [[PDB.Atom]] -> [Bond GlobalID]
restoreChainPeptideBonds atomsGroupedByResidue = restoreChainPeptideBonds' atomsGroupedByResidue []
restoreChainPeptideBonds atomsGroupedByResidue = catMaybes $ restoreChainPeptideBonds' atomsGroupedByResidue mempty
restoreChainPeptideBonds' :: [[PDB.Atom]] -> [Bond GlobalID] -> [Bond GlobalID]
restoreChainPeptideBonds' :: [[PDB.Atom]] -> [Maybe (Bond GlobalID)] -> [Maybe (Bond GlobalID)]
restoreChainPeptideBonds' [] acc = acc
restoreChainPeptideBonds' [_] acc = acc
restoreChainPeptideBonds' (residue1:residue2:residues) acc =
restoreChainPeptideBonds' (residue2:residues) (constructBond residue1 residue2 : acc)

constructBond :: [PDB.Atom] -> [PDB.Atom] -> Bond GlobalID
constructBond residue1 residue2 = Bond (GlobalID $ getAtomIndex residue1 "C") (GlobalID $ getAtomIndex residue2 "N") 1

getAtomIndex :: [PDB.Atom] -> Text -> Int
getAtomIndex atoms atomNameToFind = case find ((atomNameToFind ==) . T.strip . PDB.atomName) atoms of
Just PDB.Atom{..} -> atomSerial
Nothing -> error ("Atom with name " ++ T.unpack atomNameToFind ++ " wasn't found in residue " ++ residueId atoms ++ ", chain: " ++ chainId atoms)
residueId :: [PDB.Atom] -> String
residueId [] = error "cobot-io: it's impossible to form a residue ID on a residue with no atoms"
residueId (PDB.Atom{..}:_) = T.unpack atomResName ++ show atomResSeq ++ show atomICode

chainId :: [PDB.Atom] -> String
chainId [] = error "cobot-io: it's impossible to get a chain ID on a chain with no atoms"
chainId (PDB.Atom{..}:_) = show atomChainID
constructBond :: [PDB.Atom] -> [PDB.Atom] -> Maybe (Bond GlobalID)
constructBond residue1 residue2 = do
carbonAtom1 <- getAtomByName residue1 "C"
nitrogenAtom2 <- getAtomByName residue2 "N"

-- check if the atoms are close enough
-- in order not to restore a wrong peptide bond in case of absent residues (gaps)
guard $ distance (coords carbonAtom1) (coords nitrogenAtom2) < peptideBondMaxLength

pure $ Bond (GlobalID $ PDB.atomSerial carbonAtom1) (GlobalID $ PDB.atomSerial nitrogenAtom2) 1

getAtomByName :: [PDB.Atom] -> Text -> Maybe PDB.Atom
getAtomByName atoms atomNameToFind = find ((atomNameToFind ==) . T.strip . PDB.atomName) atoms

restoreChainIntraResidueBonds :: [[PDB.Atom]] -> [Bond GlobalID]
restoreChainIntraResidueBonds = concatMap restoreIntraResidueBonds
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,8 +163,8 @@ backboneBonds = [("N", "CA"), ("CA", "C"), ("C", "O"), ("N", "H")] ++ [("C","OXT

caCbBonds :: Text -> [(Text, Text)]
caCbBonds aminoacid = case aminoacid of
"GLY" -> bwhMany [("CA", ["HA2", "HA3"])]
_ -> [("CA", "CB"), ("CA", "HA")]
"GLY" -> bwhMany [("CA", ["HA1", "HA2", "HA3"])]
_ -> [("CA", "CB"), ("CA", "HA"), ("CA", "HA1"), ("CA", "HA2"), ("CA", "HA3")]

sideChainBonds :: Text -> [(Text, Text)]
sideChainBonds "ALA" = bwhMany [("CB", ["HB1", "HB2", "HB3"])]
Expand All @@ -170,20 +173,20 @@ sideChainBonds "ASN" = [("CB", "CG"), ("CG", "OD1"), ("CG", "ND2")] ++ bwhMany [
sideChainBonds "ASP" = [("CB", "CG"), ("CG", "OD1"), ("CG", "OD2")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB3", "HB2"]), ("OD2", ["HD2"])]
sideChainBonds "CYS" = [("CB", "SG")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB3", "HB2"]), ("SG", ["HG"])]
sideChainBonds "GLN" = [("CB", "CG"), ("CG", "CD"), ("CD", "OE1"), ("CD", "NE2")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB3", "HB2"]), ("CG", ["HG3", "HG2"]), ("NE2", ["HE22", "HE21"])]
sideChainBonds "GLU" = [("CB", "CG"), ("CG", "CD"), ("CD", "OE1"), ("CD", "OE2")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB3", "HB2"]), ("CG", ["HG3", "HG2"]), ("OE2", ["HE2"])]
sideChainBonds "GLU" = [("CB", "CG"), ("CG", "CD"), ("CD", "OE1"), ("CD", "OE2")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB1", "HB2", "HB3"]), ("CG", ["HG3", "HG2"]), ("OE2", ["HE2"])]
sideChainBonds "GLY" = [] -- nothing
sideChainBonds "HIS" = [("CB", "CG"), ("CG", "ND1"), ("ND1", "CE1"), ("CE1", "NE2"), ("NE2", "CD2"), ("CD2", "CG")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB3", "HB2"]), ("ND1", ["HD1"]), ("CE1", ["HE1"]), ("NE2", ["HE2"]), ("CD2", ["HD2"])]
sideChainBonds "ILE" = [("CB", "CG1"), ("CB", "CG2"), ("CG1", "CD1")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB"]), ("CG1", ["HG13", "HG12"]), ("CG2", ["HG21", "HG22", "HG23"]), ("CD1", ["HD11", "HD12", "HD13"])]
sideChainBonds "LEU" = [("CB", "CG"), ("CG", "CD1"), ("CG", "CD2")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB3", "HB2"]), ("CG", ["HG"]), ("CD1", ["HD11", "HD12", "HD13"]), ("CD2", ["HD21", "HD22", "HD23"])]
sideChainBonds "LYS" = [("CB", "CG"), ("CG", "CD"), ("CD", "CE"), ("CE", "NZ")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB3", "HB2"]), ("CG", ["HG3", "HG2"]), ("CD", ["HD3", "HD2"]), ("CE", ["HE3", "HE2"]), ("NZ", ["HZ1", "HZ2", "HZ3"])]
sideChainBonds "ILE" = [("CB", "CG1"), ("CB", "CG2"), ("CG1", "CD1")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB", "HB2", "HB3"]), ("CG1", ["HG13", "HG12"]), ("CG2", ["HG21", "HG22", "HG23"]), ("CD1", ["HD11", "HD12", "HD13"])]
sideChainBonds "LEU" = [("CB", "CG"), ("CG", "CD1"), ("CG", "CD2")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB3", "HB2"]), ("CG", ["HG", "HG2"]), ("CD1", ["HD11", "HD12", "HD13"]), ("CD2", ["HD21", "HD22", "HD23"])]
sideChainBonds "LYS" = [("CB", "CG"), ("CG", "CD"), ("CD", "CE"), ("CE", "NZ")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB1", "HB2", "HB3"]), ("CG", ["HG1", "HG2", "HG3"]), ("CD", ["HD3", "HD2"]), ("CE", ["HE3", "HE2"]), ("NZ", ["HZ1", "HZ2", "HZ3"])]
sideChainBonds "MET" = [("CB", "CG"), ("CG", "SD"), ("SD", "CE")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB3", "HB2"]), ("CG", ["HG3", "HG2"]), ("CE", ["HE1", "HE2", "HE3"])]
sideChainBonds "PHE" = [("CB", "CG"), ("CG", "CD1"), ("CD1", "CE1"), ("CE1", "CZ"), ("CZ", "CE2"), ("CE2", "CD2"), ("CD2", "CG")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB3", "HB2"]), ("CD1", ["HD1"]), ("CE1", ["HE1"]), ("CZ", ["HZ"]), ("CE2", ["HE2"]), ("CD2", ["HD2"])]
sideChainBonds "PRO" = [("CB", "CG"), ("CG", "CD"), ("CD", "N")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB3", "HB2"]), ("CG", ["HG3", "HG2"]), ("CD", ["HD2", "HD3"])]
sideChainBonds "SER" = [("CB", "OG")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB3", "HB2"]), ("OG", ["HG"])]
sideChainBonds "THR" = [("CB", "OG1"), ("CB", "CG2")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB"]), ("OG1", ["HG1"]), ("CG2", ["HG21", "HG22", "HG23"])]
sideChainBonds "PRO" = [("CB", "CG"), ("CG", "CD"), ("CD", "N")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB1", "HB2", "HB3"]), ("CG", ["HG3", "HG2"]), ("CD", ["HD2", "HD3"])]
sideChainBonds "SER" = [("CB", "OG")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB3", "HB2", "HB1"]), ("OG", ["HG"])]
sideChainBonds "THR" = [("CB", "OG1"), ("CB", "CG2")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB", "HB3"]), ("OG1", ["HG1"]), ("CG2", ["HG21", "HG22", "HG23"])]
sideChainBonds "TRP" = [("CB", "CG"), ("CG", "CD1"), ("CD1", "NE1"), ("NE1", "CE2"), ("CE2", "CD2"), ("CD2", "CG"), ("CD2", "CE3"), ("CE3", "CZ3"), ("CZ3", "CH2"), ("CH2", "CZ2"), ("CZ2", "CE2")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB3", "HB2"]), ("CD1", ["HD1"]), ("NE1", ["HE1"]), ("CE3", ["HE3"]), ("CZ3", ["HZ3"]), ("CH2", ["HH2"]), ("CZ2", ["HZ2"])]
sideChainBonds "TYR" = [("CB", "CG"), ("CG", "CD1"), ("CD1", "CE1"), ("CE1", "CZ"), ("CZ", "CE2"), ("CE2", "CD2"), ("CD2", "CG"), ("CZ", "OH")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB3", "HB2"]), ("CD1", ["HD1"]), ("CE1", ["HE1"]), ("CE2", ["HE2"]), ("CD2", ["HD2"]), ("OH", ["HH"])]
sideChainBonds "VAL" = [("CB", "CG1"), ("CB", "CG2")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB"]), ("CG1", ["HG11", "HG12", "HG13"]), ("CG2", ["HG21", "HG22", "HG23"])]
sideChainBonds "VAL" = [("CB", "CG1"), ("CB", "CG2")] ++ bwhMany [("CB", ["HB", "HB3"]), ("CG1", ["HG11", "HG12", "HG13"]), ("CG2", ["HG21", "HG22", "HG23"])]
sideChainBonds unknownResidue = error . T.unpack $ "cobot-io: we don't know what to do with residue " <> unknownResidue

bwhMany :: [(Text, [Text])] -> [(Text, Text)]
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