A Clojure library designed for reading VCF (Variant Call Format) data, as defined by the 1000 Genomes Project:
Available from Clojars
[org.bioclojure/bio.io.vcf "0.1.0"]
Load the reader:
(require '[org.bioclojure.bio.io.vcf.reader :as vcf])
The main entry point is the vcf-reader
function. This takes a VCF as
its only argument, which can be anything understood by
(string, File, URI, ...). A
bgzip-compressed (BGZF) input stream will be detected and automatically
should be called inside of with-open
to ensure the
underlying input stream is closed.
(with-open [v (vcf/vcf-reader (io/resource "sample.vcf"))]
(doall (vcf/variant-seq v)))
(with-open [v (vcf/vcf-reader "ftp://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/release/20110521/ALL.chr1.phase1_release_v3.20101123.snps_indels_svs.genotypes.vcf.gz")]
(first (vcf/variant-seq v)))
Returns the requested header from a vcf:
(vcf/header v "INFO" "H2")
;; => {:id "H2", :number 0, :type "Flag", :description "HapMap2 membership"}
Returns the list of sample ids from the VCF.
(vcf/sample-ids v)
;; => ("NA00001" "NA00002" "NA00003")
Returns a lazy sequence of variants from the VCF.
(first (vcf/variant-seq v))
;; => {:chr "20",
;; :info {"NS" 3, "DP" 14, "AF" [0.5], "DB" true, "H2" true},
;; :alt ["A"],
;; :ref "G",
;; :filter ["PASS"],
;; :pos 14370,
;; :gtype
;; {"NA00003" {"GT" "1/1", "GQ" 43, "DP" 5, "HQ" [nil nil]},
;; "NA00002" {"GT" "1|0", "GQ" 48, "DP" 8, "HQ" [51 51]},
;; "NA00001" {"GT" "0|0", "GQ" 48, "DP" 1, "HQ" [51 51]}},
;; :qual 29,
;; :id ["rs6054257"]}
Utility function for filtering PASSed variants in the VCF.
(with-open [v (vcf/vcf-reader (io/resource "example.vcf"))]
(doall (filter vcf/pass? (vcf/variant-seq v))))
Copyright © 2013 Ray Miller ray@1729.org.uk
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.