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geome-db UI

Develop Branch Status Badges: Netlify Status

Master Branch Status Badges: Netlify Status

Frontend code for

Warning: Make sure you're using a recent version of Node.js and NPM

Quick start

# clone our repo
$ git clone my-app

# change directory to cloned repo
$ cd geome-ui

# install the dependencies with npm
$ npm install

# start the server
$ npm start

NOTE: Some npm dependencies work best under node version 12, if you have troubles, then do the following:

rm -fr node_modules
brew unlink node
brew install node@12
brew link node@12
npm install
npm uninstall node-sass
npm i node-sass
npm start

go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


What you need to run this app:

  • node and npm or yarn (Use NVM)
  • Ensure you're running Node (v4.1.x+) and NPM (2.14.x+)


  • fork this repo
  • clone your fork
  • npm install to install all dependencies

NOTE: If npm install hangs on node-gyp rebuild, try running npm rebuild node-sass and then retrying npm install NOTE: on Mac M1 you may need to limit max_worker_processes to 1 in postgres configuration. see

See this github guide for how to keep your fork synced with this repo.


Configuration files are contained in the config directory. The default configuration is secified in the default.js file. This can be extended by environment based config files using the ENVIRONMENT env variable during build time.

  • ex. to extend default.js with the config file development.js (if file exists)

    `ENVIRONMENT=development npm build`

A local.js config file can be created and will extend the default.js config if the file exists and ENVIRONMENT var is not specified or the env config file is not found. This file is not check into the vcs, so it is useful for local development.

Additionally, the following config options can be set via env variables:

  • MAPBOX_TOKEN -> 'mapboxToken'
  • FIMS_CLIENT_ID -> 'fimsClientId'

Running the app

After you have installed all dependencies you can now run the app with:

npm start

It will start a local server using webpack-dev-server which will watch, build (in-memory), and reload for you. The port will be displayed to you as http://localhost:3000.


Build files

  • single run: npm run build
  • build files and watch: npm start




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