Empress 0.2.0: Alpha Release
- Add a
parameter for use with tandem plots that removes samples present in the table but not in the ordination- Added information to the README about selecting tables for use with tandem plots, and the various tradeoffs of this choice
- Enhance Empress / Emperor integration: now, clicking on a tip node in Empress in a tandem plot highlights samples in Emperor containing the corresponding feature (or, for an internal node, clicking on the node highlights samples that contain at least one of the descendant tips)
- Fix styling issues:
- Add scrollbars when the side panel gets taller than the screen, or when node names get longer than the menu box
- Clean up the tandem plot interface: remove the scrollbar on the side of the screen and add a clear dividing vertical line
- Add a maximum width to certain selection elements
- Add a new "Tree Properties" tab in the side panel with:
- The ability to re-center the camera
- The ability to toggle node circles on and off
- Replace references to "node ID" with "node name", to be consistent with Newick file / scikit-bio conventions
- Alert user if no unique features can be colored (#239)
- Position node selection menus more intuitively
- Various performance / storage improvements:
- Encode data for the balanced parentheses structure in a more efficient manner (#228)
- Compress feature table and sample / feature metadata information to take up less space in the visualization
- Add more comprehensive tests
- Various bug fixes
- Miscellaneous code improvements
👸 🐧 👟 🌳
This work is supported by IBM Research AI through the AI Horizons Network. For more information visit the IBM AI Horizons Network website.