Releases: bioinfo-chru-strasbourg/vcf2circos
Releases · bioinfo-chru-strasbourg/vcf2circos
vcf2circos 1.2.0
- Add Genome assembly in HTML results
- Add favicon (only for the AnnoSV webserver)
vcf2circos 1.1.1 patch
- Remove bugs regarding metaheader data, but remember if 1 in Number of metadata of INFO field, PyVCF3 will only keep first value (sep=",") for this annotations, that's why it's smart to keep Number="." for all values
- Add compatibility with mouse mm9 and mm10 assembly
vcf2circos 1.1
bug fix, overlapping genes, hover color, assembly
gc for hg38
options extend
Update and fix
- Cast svtype in capslock in order to fetch AnnotSV input requirements
- Legend order, from genes to inv
- Intermediate link between breakends is darker
- REF and ALT field are limited to 15 char
- vcf2circos configuration is available (conf readme)
- PyVCF3 modified version is also available on (automatically installed with vcf2circos)
First release
@bioinfo-chru-strasbourg @JbaptisteLam
First release of vcf2circos