A tool for imputation of genotype array datasets from dbGaP. The Genotype Imputation Pipeline consists of the following steps:
- Identify input genome build version outomatically
- Lift the input to build GRCh37 (hg19)
- Quality control 1: LD-based fix of strand flips, fix strand swaps, filter variants by missingness
- Split samples by ancestry
- Quality control 2: filter samples by missingness, filter variants by HWE
- Phase
- Impute
The pipeline was tested in garibaldi using the following required software and packages:
- R v3.5.1
- vcftools v0.1.14
- PLINK v1.9
- PLINK v2.00a3LM 64-bit Intel
- samtools v1.9
- GenotypeHarmonizer v1.4.20
- Eagle v2.4
- Minimac4
- liftOver
If you are in garibaldi, you don't need to install these packages, and tools, they are either loaded by the job script, or executed from the required_tools directory included in this repository (see bellow).
Before starting the pipeline, copy the contends of the required_tools folder into your home folder in garibaldi:
cp -r required_tools $HOME/
After copying the required tools, please read the following instructions on how to run the steps 0-6 manually (automated metod comming soon!).
- N/A
Usage example
qsub 0_check_vcf_build.job -v myinput=/path/to/vcf/genotype_array.vcf,myoutput=/path/to/output/0_check_vcf_build/genotype_array.BuildChecked,gz=yes
- myinput is the full path to the input genotype array dataset in either vcf or vcf.gz format
- myoutput is the full path to save the output of this step
- gz (gz=yes or gz=no) is whether the input file is either vcf or vcf.gz format
The output file will have the sufix *.BuildChecked
- N/A
Usage example
qsub 1_lift_vcfs_to_GRCh37.job -v myinput=/path/to/vcf/genotype_array.vcf,buildcheck=/path/to/output/0_check_vcf_build/genotype_array.BuildChecked,myoutdir=/path/to/output/1_lift,custom_temp=/my/temp/path/tmp
This step will lift the input to GRCh37 build using the *.BuildChecked file generated in the previous steo to select the correct chain file.
- myinput is the same input file as step 0 (use full path)
- buildcheck is the full path to *.BuildChecked file generated in previous step
- myoutdir is path to the output folder (no file name should be used, just output folder name)
- custom_temp (optional) set a different path to be used as temporary directory, recommended in case your input file is too large (more than 100GB).
The output file will have the suffix *.lifted_[old_build]_to_GRCh37.bed
Step 2: LD-based fix of strand flips, fix strand swaps and mismatching alleles, and initial quality control (90% missingnes per variant)
Usage example
qsub 2_Genotype_Harmonizer.job -v myinput=/path/to/output/1_lift/genotype_array.lifted_NCBI36_to_GRCh37.bed,myoutdir=/path/to/output/2_GH,ref_path=/my/ref/path
- myinput is the path to the *.lifted_[old_build]_to_GRCh37.bed file generated by step 1, in the example above the /path/to/vcf/genotype_array.vcf file was lifted to /path/to/output/1_lift/genotype_array.lifted_NCBI36_to_GRCh37.bed becase the input file was generated from NCBI36 reference build version.
- myoutdir is path to the output folder (no file name should be used, just output folder name)
- ref_path (optional) is your custom reference file path (just the folder path containing 1000 Genomes reference, no file name needed). WARNING: before using your custom reference, prepare the reference following this ste-by-step documentation: https://github.com/TorkamaniLab/preprocessing_reference_panels_for_phasing_imputation. If no custom reference path is provided, this will be the default path: /mnt/stsi/stsi0/raqueld/1000G.
The output files will have the suffix *.lifted_[old_build]to_GRCh37.GH.bim, *.lifted[old_build]to_GRCh37.GH.fam, and *.lifted[old_build]_to_GRCh37.GH.bed.
Usage example
qsub 3_ancestry_analysis.job -v myinput=/stsi/raqueld/2_GH/6800_JHS_all_chr_sampleID_c1.lifted_hg19_to_GRCh37.GH.bed,myoutdir=/stsi/raqueld/3_ancestry -N 3_6800_JHS_all_chr_sampleID_c1
- myinput=
- with
- with
- myoutdir=
Usage example
qsub 4_split_QC2.job -v myinput=/gpfs/home/raqueld/mapping_MESA/mesa_genotypes-black.lifted_NCBI36_to_GRCh37.GH.bed,myoutdir=/stsi/raqueld/N_tests,hwe='',geno=0.1,mind=0.1 -N 4_N_mesa_genotypes-black
qsub 4_split_QC2.job -v myinput=/stsi/raqueld/3_ancestry/6800_JHS_all_chr_sampleID_c1/6800_JHS_all_chr_sampleID_c1.lifted_hg19_to_GRCh37.GH.ancestry-5.bed,myoutdir=/stsi/raqueld/4_split_QC2,hwe='',geno=0.1,mind=0.1 -N 4_6800_JHS_all_chr_sampleID_c1
- myinput=
- myoutputdir=
- hwe=
, geno=0.1
, mind=0.1
- set as
to disable the flag.
- set as
The input file will be split by chromosome and test for missingness per variant, per sample or by Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium filtering.
qsub 5_phase.job -v myinput=/stsi/raqueld/N_tests/aric_genotypes-black/aric_genotypes-black.lifted_NCBI36_to_GRCh37.GH.chr1.bed,myoutdir=/stsi/raqueld/5_N_tests,reftype=HRC -N 5_N_mesa_genotypes-black
the imput must have the suffix *.lifted*.chr1.bed, *lifted*.chr2.bed, *.lifted*.chr3.bed, etc. The previous steps in the pipeline generate those suffixes automatically, but keep these suffixes in mind if you are running this step as a stand alone tools, without running the previous steps
qsub 6_impute.job -v myinput=/stsi/raqueld/5_N_tests/mesa_genotypes-white/mesa_genotypes-white.lifted_NCBI36_to_GRCh37.GH.chr18.phased.vcf.gz,myoutdir=/stsi/raqueld/6_N_tests,reftype=HRC -N 6_mesa_genotypes-white.lifted_NCBI36_to_GRCh37.GH.chr18
if running this step as stand alone tool, input file must have the suffix .lifted_*.chr*.phased.vcf.gz, otherwise the pipeline wont work, if you use the previous step to generate this input file, then it will work fine. date
This script will setup job dependencies and submit/monitore all the jobs for all the steps automatically.
bash genotype_imputation_distributor.sh
## ##
## Imputation / QC Pipeline ##
## Torkamani Lab ##
## ##
## Author: Raquel Dias ##
## Shaun Chen ##
## Last modified: 12/27/19 ##
## ##
Usage: bash script.sh --vcf --out --ref --start --end (--confirm) > LOG
script.sh This script
--vcf -v [STR] Full path of the input vcf file to be QCed/imputed
--out -o [STR] Path of the directory where all the output folders will be created
--ref -r [STR] Imputation reference panel (HRC or 1000G)
--start -s [INT] First step
--end -e [INT] Last step
--temp -t [STR] (Optional) Enable larger temp storage in step2 (or use PBSTMPDIR scratch folder)
--wgs -w (Optional) Enable variant down-sampling in step3 for WGS/imputed data
--confirm -c (Optional) Initiate working mode
LOG (Optional) Log report file name
Prepare input: for chrom in {1..22}; do printf "${chrom}\t$(ls $(pwd)/[##inprefix##]*chr${chrom}.vcf.gz)\n"; done > [##inprefix##].txt
Debug Example: bash script.sh --vcf /mnt/stsi/stsi0/raqueld/vcf/SHARE_MESA_c2_flipfix.vcf --out /mnt/stsi/stsi0/raqueld --ref HRC --start 0 --end 1 > MESA_jobs_c1_0-1.txt
Working Example: bash script.sh --vcf /mnt/stsi/stsi0/raquel
Once you ran the script setting the run variable inside the script as --confirm
, the script will save all the submited job commands and job IDs into a log file that you can use for debugging and locating your results.
Use the following command:
for chrom in {1..22}; do printf "${chrom}\t$(ls $(pwd)/[##inprefix##]*chr${chrom}.vcf.gz)\n"; done > [##inprefix##].txt
To prepare an txt input taken by --vcf
1 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr1.vcf.gz
2 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr2.vcf.gz
3 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr3.vcf.gz
4 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr4.vcf.gz
5 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr5.vcf.gz
6 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr6.vcf.gz
7 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr7.vcf.gz
8 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr8.vcf.gz
9 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr9.vcf.gz
10 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr10.vcf.gz
11 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr11.vcf.gz
12 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr12.vcf.gz
13 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr13.vcf.gz
14 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr14.vcf.gz
15 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr15.vcf.gz
16 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr16.vcf.gz
17 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr17.vcf.gz
18 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr18.vcf.gz
19 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr19.vcf.gz
20 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr20.vcf.gz
21 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr21.vcf.gz
22 /mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr22.vcf.gz
- Raquel Dias – @RaquelDiasSRTI – raqueld@scripps.edu
- Shaun Chen - @ShaunFChen - sfchen@scripps.edu
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