Node.js module for working with the NCBI API (aka e-utils).
Install bionode-ncbi
with npm:
$ npm install bionode-ncbi
To use it as a command line tool, you can install it globally by adding -g
If you are using bionode-ncbi
with Node.js, you can require the module:
var ncbi = require('bionode-ncbi')'sra', 'solenopsis').on('data', console.log)
Please read the documentation for the methods exposed by bionode.
$ bionode-ncbi search taxonomy solenopsis
$ bionode-ncbi download assembly solenopsis invicta
$ bionode-ncbi urls sra solenopsis invicta
$ bionode-ncbi link assembly bioproject 244018
Usage with Dat
bionode-ncbi search gds solenopsis | dat import --json
To contribute, clone this repo locally and commit your code on a separate branch.
Please write unit tests for your code, and check that everything works by running the following before opening a pull-request:
$ npm test
Please also check for code coverage:
$ npm run coverage
To rebuild the documentation using the comments in the code:
$ npm run build-docs
Check the issues for ways to contribute.
Bruno Vieira <> @bmpvieira
Yannick Wurm ( @yannick__
bionode-ncbi is licensed under the MIT license.
Check for details.