These are languages, tools, and technologies I either use at work or enjoy using on my own time.
$JPEG is the first cryptocurrency backed by NFTs (and so much more).
- Upgraded the token contract handling taxes :
- Autoswap and liquidity providing, cross chain BSC and etherum.
- Peer code reviews
#etherum #bsc #token #crosschain #uniswap #pancakeswap
You can contact Sv2 (Founder) here
Taiga island is a village defense earn to play game.
- Created the NFT Mint contract.
- Helped the web developer to integrate with the blockchain
#etherum #gaming #defi Gallus is a play to earn DeFi game based on rooster fights on BSC.
- Created the mint contract :
- Setup and configured the Vault to secure funds.
- Helped the web developer to integrate with the blockchain
#gaming #bsc #defi
Meta Retrowave is a collection of randomly generated artworks inspired by 80s and 90s graphic design popular culture. Each layout is made with the Verceighty classic shape library
#polygon #collectibles #art
Testimonial from Pierre, creator of the collection : “Benoit is an excellent developer but also an efficient project manager, who knows perfectly how to circulate information between his client and him. He managed to involve me as much as I wanted in a meticulous process using the Polygon blockchain and smart contract programming. I am perfectly satisfied with the result, and especially with the way in which the project was carried out..” Visible here :
Not Rich Yet is a 32 NFT collection of fully compiling solidity codeart trying to say something about work and money
- Creation of the art pieces
- Created and deployed the smart contract.
#polygon #NFT #opensea