Releases: biovault/ImaCytE
Releases · biovault/ImaCytE
Extended Version of ImaCytE
New features:
- Load Normalized Data
- Enable Cohort Comparison of Imaging Mass Cytometry data in an integrated manner.
Also, there are exemplary data to illustrate the exact form of the needed data for the initialization of ImaCytE.
Fixed Bugs
- Load Phenotypes as text, numbers
New features
-Select a subset of saples for interaction analysis
-Enabling phenotypes loading from .csv , .fcs, .mat files
-Exctracting data as .fcs, .csv files
-Save_as button in order to save images
-Added texture atsne for even faster tsne map generation
Fixed minor bugs
- For the executable, now only the tSNE option is possible, as A-tSNE could not load all the points properly. Still, if you run the code from the source you can use tSNE
- Fix minor bugs with highlighting the heatmap