SpaCeCo is an interactive tool for the data-driven comparison of spatially resolved single-cell data as presented in the paper " Visual cohort comparison for spatial single-cell omics-data".
If you use our interactive tool or any of the created visual interfaces within the scope of a scientific article you must cite the original publication:
Somarakis A., Ijsselsteijn, M.E., Luk, S.J., Kenkhuis, B., de Miranda, N.F., Lelieveldt B., and Höllt T., Visual cohort comparison for spatial single-cell omics-data, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, pp. 1-1, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2020.3030336
You can download and install the executable from the release page .
Select the Option menu
Click on Load Data
Here, provide a folder. In this folder should be two subfolders, one for each cohort you want to load. In each subfolder you must contain for each sample of the cohort a ".csv" file with each row representing the cell type of each cell and a "*.tiff" file which is used as the cell mask.
An example of the folder structure and the form of the Input data can be seen from the Example data in the release page.