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Emerick Herve edited this page Apr 30, 2019 · 3 revisions

The ASCII Protocol implements a human readable ASCII character based serial console. In order to activate, unlockASCII followed by enter has to be sent. A menu with available commands can be opened via ?

The ASCII protocol can be activated and deactivated by setting allow_ascii in the PROTOCOL_STAT variable.

The Ascii protocol has a number of basic commands, but also allows access to command defined in the 'PARAMSTAT params[]' table in protocol.c

Adding descriptors to the entry enables it int he ascii protocol under the 'F' command, e.g.:

"posn kp x 100",      "pkp", UI_SHORT

tells the ascii protocol to display the availability of a variable called "posn kp x 100", under command 'Fpkp', of type SHORT. (SHORT is the only supported type at the moment).

using 'Fpkp\n' will then read the variable, using 'Fpkp100\n' would write 100 to the variable.

Command list:

? - show options

A n m l -set buzzer (freq, patt, len_ms)

B -toggle sensor Board control

E - dEbug 'E'-disable all, EC-enable consoleLog, ES enable Scope\r\n"\

P - power control - P -disablepoweroff, PE enable poweroff, Pn power off in n seconds

I -enable Immediate commands:

W/S/A/D/X -Faster/Slower/Lefter/Righter/DisableDrive

H/C/G/Q -read Hall posn,speed/read Currents/read GPIOs/Quit immediate mode

N/O/R - read seNsor data/toggle cOntrol/dangeR

Iw - immediate commands apply to PWM

Is - immediate commands apply to PID controlled Speed

Ip - immediate commands apply to PID controlled Posn

T -send a machine test message A-ack N-nack T-test

? -show this