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geode provides an easy-to-use storage mechanism for Ruby objects (including nested hashes). It can store this data in either Redis or any relational database supported by Sequel.

require 'geode/redis'

store = do |table|
  # store anything you like!
  table[:time] ||= {}
  table[:time][:now] =

p store[:time]
# {:now=>2021-10-15 16:34:22.664022392 +0100}

Marshal is used for serialisation. geode was inspired by pstore and bindi.


Install geode from RubyGems:

$ gem install geode

Or add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'geode'

And then execute:

$ bundle install


module Store

A Store is simply an abstraction (over some underlying database) of a key-value store, where the values can be any Ruby object. Hashes as values enable hierarchical data organisation.

geode provides two types of Store: RedisStore and SequelStore. As the names suggest, these differ in terms of which database adapters they use, but otherwise, all their methods behave identically.

A store, once initialised, has three basic operations; #open, #peek and #destroy!:


"Open" the store for reading and/or writing. { |table| table[:key] = 5 } { |table| table[:key] } #=> 5
  • Parameters:
    • a block which receives table as its sole parameter. Changes to this Hash will be persisted in the store.
    • table (Hash) The table belonging to @name
  • Returns:
    • (Object) The return value of the block


"Peek" inside the store, returning a copy of its table. Changes to this copy will NOT be persisted in the store. Use this if you simply need to fetch a value from the store.

store.peek.key?(:test) #=> false
  • Returns:
    • (Hash) A copy of the store's table


Retrieve the object at key from the store. This is sugar for #peek[] and therefore changes to the object returned by this method will NOT be persisted in the store. Use this if you simply need to fetch a value from the store.

store[:key] #=> 5
  • Parameters:
    • key (Object) The key to look up
  • Returns:
    • (Object) The object at key


"Destroy" the store, deleting all data. The store can be opened again, recreating it in a blank state.

store.destroy! #=> nil



require 'geode/redis'

A store implemented using Redis.

#initialize(name, connection = nil)

Connect to a store within Redis.

  • Parameters:
    • name (Symbol, String) The name of the store
    • connection (Hash) Connection parameters passed to Defaults to empty hash


require 'geode/sequel'

A store that uses a relational database supported by Sequel instead of Redis. This is mainly useful for Heroku, where persistent Postgres is free, but the same is not true of Redis. Unless you have a similarly good reason to use this class, use RedisStore instead.

The pg gem will be installed by default. If you need to work with a database other than Postgres, you should install that database's adapter yourself. Sequel will determine the adapter it uses based on the connection hash.

#initialize(name, connection = nil)

Connect to a store held in a relational database supported by Sequel. A table named geode will be created and used to store the data.

  • Parameters:
    • name (Symbol, String) The name of the store
    • connection (Hash, String) Connection parameters passed to Sequel.connect. Defaults to { adapter: 'postgres' }

To implement your own variants of Store


  • include Geode::Store in your class
  • implement the #initialize, #open and #destroy! methods.