This is an extension for IPython 0.11+ that at the moment mainly enables easy input of physical quantities (i.e. numbers with units). The implementation is adapted from Konrad Hinsen's "Scientific.Physics.PhysicalQuantities" module.
If the "uncertainties" module ( is installed, you can also enter values with standard errors wherever you can enter quantities, see the examples below.
You can have a look at a short notebook tutorial put together by Hans Fangohr at
Quick installation advice:
in any directory on PYTHONPATH, or add its directory to
in your IPython
file. Then you can load it
either in the config file or on the command line as described here:
Quick usage examples:
In: 1 m // cm # convert between units
Out: 100 cm # (syntax inspired by Mathematica)
In: (1 m)/(1 s) # sugar for inline quantity input
Out: 1 m/s # in arbitrary expressions
In: Quantity('1 m')/Quantity('1 s') # this is the desugared form
Out: 1 m/s
In: // furlong/fortnight # convert units in last result
Out: 6012.8848 furlong/fortnight
In: alpha = 90 deg # more sugar for assignment: no
# parentheses needed
In: sin(alpha) # angle units work with NumPy
Out: 1.0 # trigonometric functions
In: m = 80 +/- 5 kg # calculating with uncertainties
In: v = 130 +/- 10 m/s # (needs the "uncertainties" module)
In: 0.5 * m * v**2 // kJ
Out: 676 +/- 112.25445 kJ
In: %tbl sqrt(?x**2 + ?y**2) // cm # quickly tabulate a formula:
x = 1 m # provide some values
y = 2 m
Out: 223.6068 cm # and get the result
x = 3 m # ... this continues as long as you
y = 4 m # enter new values
Out: 500 cm
In: c0 # important physical constants
Out: 2.9979246e+08 m/s
In: setprec(4) # set the display precision
In: c0
Out: 2.998e+08 m/s
The predefined constants are:
c0 -- vacuum speed of light
mu0 -- magnetic constant
eps0 -- electric constant
Grav -- Newton's constant
hpl -- Planck's constant
hbar -- Planck's constant / 2pi
e0 -- elementary charge
me -- electron mass
mp -- proton mass
mn -- neutron mass
NA -- Avogadro's number
kb -- Boltzmann constant
g0 -- Standard earth gravity
R -- Universal gas constant
alpha -- fine structure constant
Ry -- Rydberg constant
mu_n -- Magnetic moment of the neutron
gamma -- Gyromagnetic ratio of the neutron
h0 -- dimensionless Hubble parameter
Please let me know if anything is missing.