Welcome to the Coffee Shop backend API. This backend serves the Coffee Shop frontend with drink menus. Find the live backend hosted here
This backend was built following PEP8 standards.
Follow instructions to install the latest version of python for your platform in the python docs
We recommend working within a virtual environment whenever using Python for projects. This keeps your dependencies for each project separate and organaized. Instructions for setting up a virual enviornment for your platform can be found in the python docs
Once you have your virtual environment setup and running, install dependencies by naviging to the /backend
directory and running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This will install all of the required packages we selected within the requirements.txt
Flask is a lightweight backend microservices framework. Flask is required to handle requests and responses.
SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and ORM we'll use handle the lightweight sqlite database. You'll primarily work in app.py and can reference models.py.
Flask-CORS is the extension we'll use to handle cross origin requests from our frontend server.
The sqlite databases are provided in the database folder under the api
From within the root
directory first ensure you are working using your created virtual environment.
To run the server, create a .env file.
touch .env
Inside the .env file, export your database URIs
export AUTH0_DOMAIN='your Oauth domain name'
export ALGORITHMS=['your Oauth algorithm']
export API_AUDIENCE='your API audience'
Then excecute:
py app.py
GET 'api/v1/drinks'
GET 'api/v1/drinks/<int:drink_id>'
POST 'api/v1/drinks'
PATCH '/api/v1/drinks/<int:drink_id>'
DELETE '/api/v1/drinks/<int:drink_id>'
- Fetches a list of drinks
- Returns:
"drinks": [
"id": 1,
"title": "capuchino"
"id": 2,
"title": "late"
"id": 3,
"title": "chilotte"
"id": 4,
"title": "spiced latte"
"success": true
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {{token}}"
- Fetches drink details
- Returns:
"drinks": {
"id": 1,
"recipe": [
"color": "yellow",
"name": "milk",
"parts": "1"
"color": "brown",
"name": "water",
"parts": "2"
"title": "capuchino"
"success": true
curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer {{token}}"
- Deletes a drink
- Returns:
"delete": 20,
"success": true
curl -X POST
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{token}}"
-d '{"title": "Capuchino7","recipes": [{"name": "milk", "color":"cream", "parts": 3}, {"name":"coffee", color":"brown", "parts": 1}]}'
- Posts a drink
- Returns:
"drink": {
"id": 26,
"recipe": [
"color": "cream",
"name": "milk",
"parts": "3"
"color": "brown",
"name": "coffee",
"parts": "1"
"title": "Capuchino7"
"success": true
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{token}}"
-d '{"title": "Capuchino7", "recipes": [{"name": "milk", "color":"cream", "parts": 3},
{"name":"coffee", "color":"brown", "parts": 1}]
- Updates a drink
- Returns:
"drink": {
"id": 26,
"recipe": [
"color": "cream",
"drink": 26,
"id": 35,
"name": "milk",
"parts": "3"
"color": "brown",
"drink": 26,
"id": 36,
"name": "coffee",
"parts": "1"
"title": "Capuchino7"
"success": true
## Error Handling
Errors are returned as JSON objects in the following format:
"success": False,
"error": 400,
"message": "bad request"
The API will return five error types when requests fail:
400: Bad Request
"success": False,
"error": 400,
"message": "bad request"
404: Resource Not Found
"success": False,
"error": 404,
"message": "resource not found"
405: Method Not Allowed
"success": False,
"error": 405,
"message": "method not allowed"
422: Not Processable
"success": False,
"error": 422,
"message": "unable to process request"
500: Internal Server Error
"success": False,
"error": 500,
"message": "internal server error"
To run the tests, run