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bit-guber committed Aug 15, 2023
0 parents commit bcb475d
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,141 additions and 0 deletions.
584 changes: 584 additions & 0 deletions Crunchyroll Web Scraping/Basic_Analysis.ipynb

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219 changes: 219 additions & 0 deletions Crunchyroll Web Scraping/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@

import undetected_chromedriver
import requests
from tqdm import tqdm
import json, os, gc, time

target_path = './raw_output'
target_episode_path = target_path + '/Episodes'
os.makedirs( target_path, exist_ok=True )
os.makedirs( target_episode_path, exist_ok=True )

general_headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
'Accept-Language': 'en-GB,en;q=0.9',
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br',
'Referer': '',

'Authorization': 'Basic Y3Jfd2ViOg==',
'Origin': '',
'DNT': '1',
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
'Sec-Ch-Ua': '"Not/A)Brand";v="99", "Google Chrome";v="115", "Chromium";v="115"',
'Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile': '?0',
'Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform': '"Windows"',
'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty',
'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors',
'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-origin',
cookies = dict()

def get_cookie(cookies):

cookies['_dd_s'] = '&'.join( [x if 'expire' not in x else f'expire={ int((time.time()*1000) + 15*60*1000) }' for x in cookies['_dd_s'].split('&') ])
cookies['_dd_s'] = '&'.join( [x if 'created' not in x else f'created={ int(time.time()*1000) }' for x in cookies['_dd_s'].split('&') ])
return '; '.join( [ f'{k}={v}' for k,v in cookies.items() ] )

def get_auth(s,url):
global general_headers,cookies

driver = undetected_chromedriver.Chrome()


cookies = driver.get_cookies()

cookies = dict()
for i in driver.get_cookies():
cookies[i['name']] = i['value']

auth_url = ""

cookie = get_cookie(cookies)
general_headers['Cookie'] = cookie
general_headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic Y3Jfd2ViOg=='
general_headers['Content-Type']= 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

temp_id = [y for x,y in cookies.items() if x == "ajs_anonymous_id"]
if len(temp_id)>0:
general_headers['Etp-Anonymous-Id'] = temp_id[0]

auth_payload = 'grant_type=client_id'
auth_response = s.request("POST", auth_url, data=auth_payload, headers=general_headers)

if general_headers.get( 'Etp-Anonymous-Id' ) is not None:
del general_headers['Etp-Anonymous-Id']
del general_headers['Content-Type']
auth_token = auth_response.json()['access_token']
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
print( "there is problem in get authucation part extract ", auth_response.status_code, general_headers,len(cookies), cookies, url )
raise ValueError(" ")
general_headers['Authorization'] = f"Bearer {auth_token}"
return auth_token, cookies

def get_json( url, path, method = 'GET' , payload = None, headers = None, query = None ):
global cookies, start_time,s
if payload is None:
payload = empty_payload
if headers is None:
headers = general_headers
headers['Cookie'] = get_cookie( cookies )
response = s.get( url, data=payload, headers=headers, params=query )
except requests.ConnectionError :
s = requests.Session()
response = s.get( url, data=payload, headers=headers, params=query )
json_object = response.json()
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
s = requests.Session()
_1, _2 = get_auth(s, general_headers['Referer'] )
print( "login again " )
response = s.get( url, data=payload, headers=general_headers, params=query )
json_object = response.json()

with open(path, 'w') as f:
json.dump( json_object, f )

return json_object
url = ''

s = requests.Session()
auth_token, cookies = get_auth(s,url)
url = ""

querystring = {"n":"1","sort_by":"popularity","ratings":"true","locale":"en-US"}

empty_payload = ""

response = s.get( url, data=empty_payload, headers=general_headers, params=querystring)
total_series_count = response.json()['total']

querystring['n'] = total_series_count

response = s.get(url, data=empty_payload, headers=general_headers, params=querystring)
popular_json = response.json()
with open(target_path + '/popular_list.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump( popular_json, f )

print("total length series in popular list" , popular_json['data'].__len__() )

url = ""
lang_querystring = { 'locale': "en-US" }
response = s.get( url, data=empty_payload, headers=general_headers)
catelogies_json = response.json()
with open(target_path + '/categories.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump( catelogies_json, f )

url = ""
simple_headers = general_headers.copy()
del simple_headers['Cookie']
del simple_headers['Authorization']
simple_headers['Referer'] = simple_headers['Origin'] +'/'

response = s.get( url, data=empty_payload, headers=simple_headers)
audio_json = response.json()
with open(target_path + '/audio_list.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump( audio_json, f )

print("total length series categories " , catelogies_json['data'].__len__() )

movie_count = 0
episodes_count = 0

for x in tqdm( popular_json['data'] ):
if 'movie' in x['type']:
# time.sleep( 5 )
series_id = x['id']

slug_title = x['slug_title']
general_headers['Referer'] = f'{series_id}/{slug_title}'

series_info = f'{series_id}'
path = f'{target_path}/series_des_{series_id}.json'

series_json = get_json( series_info, path, query = lang_querystring )

rating_url = f'{series_id}'
path = f'{target_path}/rating_{series_id}.json'

rating_json = get_json(rating_url, path )

music_url = f'{series_id}'
path = f'{target_path}/music_{series_id}.json'

music_json = get_json( music_url, path, query = lang_querystring )

season_url = f'{series_id}/seasons'
path = f'{target_path}/season_{series_id}.json'
querystring = { 'force_locale':'', 'locale':'en-US' }

season_json = get_json( season_url, path, query = querystring )

for current_season in season_json['data']:
# time.sleep(2)
season_id = current_season['id']

slug_title = x['slug_title']
general_headers['Referer'] = f'{series_id}/{slug_title}'

episodes_url = f'{season_id}/episodes'
path = f'{target_episode_path}/episodes_{season_id}.json'

episodes_json = get_json( episodes_url, path, query = lang_querystring )

for scene in episodes_json['data']:
episodes_count +=1
episode_id = scene['id']

slug_title = scene['slug_title']
general_headers['Referer'] = f'{season_id}/{slug_title}'

episode_rating = f'{episode_id}'
path = f'{target_episode_path}/episode_rating_{episode_id}.json'

episode_rating_json = get_json(episode_rating, path )

comments_url = f''
querystring = { 'guestbook_keys': episode_id, 'locale' : 'en-US' }
path = f'{target_episode_path}/episode_commnets_{episode_id}.json'

episode_comment_json = get_json( comments_url, path, query = querystring )
print("Movies count in crunchyroll", movie_count)
print("Episodes present in crunchyroll", episodes_count)

# Total episodes count + total series meta-data - one folder count
req_per_sec=len(os.listdir(target_episode_path)) + len(os.listdir(target_path)) - 1

print( f"How many requests took in a seconds? \n\t{req_per_sec}" )

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