Sort Tailwind CSS classes in HTML.
This package is ESM-only: Node 12+ is needed to use it and it must be imported
ed instead of required
npm install rehype-sort-tailwind-classes
This package exports no identifiers. The default export is rehypeSortTailwindClasses
On the API:
import { unified } from 'unified';
import rehypeParse from 'rehype-parse';
+import rehypeSortTailwindClasses from 'rehype-sort-tailwind-classes';
import rehypeStringify from 'rehype-stringify';
+ .use(rehypeSortTailwindClasses)
.process('<span>some html</span>', function (err, file) {
console.error(report(err || file));
On the CLI:
rehype input.html --use rehype-sort-tailwind-classes --output output.html
<div class="z-50 z-10 container text-left md:text-center justify-center"></div>
<div class="container z-10 z-50 justify-center text-left md:text-center"></div>
The plugin accepts any options supported by Tailwind Classes Sorter.
Additionally, it supports a pluginOrder: string[]
option to augment the default plugin ordering.