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This module will allow you to control OBS Studio using the built-in obs-websocket plugin.

Getting Started



In progress

  • New
    • Ability to use variables in Set Filter Settings action


  • Fix
    • Adding new text sources would not populate in action dropdowns if Companion was already open
    • Text and Media sources would occasionally be duplicated in the dropdown list
    • Invalid preset steps would cause issues with Bitfocus Buttons


  • New
    • Added custom_command_response variable, which will show a JSON string of the response data from obs-websocket when using the Custom Command action so the data can be used in Companion
    • Added custom_command_type and custom_command_request variables which show the last Custom Command sent from Companion to obs-websocket to help with data parsing
    • Added custom vendor_event_name, vendor_event_type, and vendor_event_data variables to allow data processing from custom Vendor Event messages


  • New
    • Allow custom variables or strings to be used in Trigger Hotkey by ID action, and Scene in Preview / Program feedbacks


  • Fix
    • Certain text sources (gdiplus_v3) not populating in action dropdowns or variables


  • New
    • Added Previous Scene Active feedback
    • Added scene_previous variable
    • Added Adjust Transition Duration action
    • Allow custom variable in Set Transition Duration action


  • New
    • Added Split Record action (requires OBS 30.2)
    • Added Record Chapter action (requires OBS 30.2)
  • Fix
    • Ensure feedbacks that use custom variables are re-checked if the variable changes
    • Properly throw error if unable to get initial info from obs-websocket


  • New
    • Added transition_active variable
    • Set Filter Settings action
  • Improved
    • Allow customization of Stream Congestion feedback colors, including a color for when streaming is not active
    • Allow custom variables in additional actions and feedbacks
  • Fix
    • Grouped text sources not appearing in dropdown of text sources


  • Fix
    • Module not reconnecting when OBS was reopened under specific situations on Windows


  • Fix
    • "Set Source Transform" action not working
    • Error when updating input settings variables


  • Fix
    • Performance improvements for Scene Collections with a large number of sources
    • More accurately update action/feedback dropdowns when scenes/sources are removed
    • Properly update scene_preview variable and Scene in Preview feedback when switching into Studio Mode
    • Properly update scene_preview and scene_active variables when switching Scene Collections


  • New
    • Disk Space Remaining feedback to alert when available disk space is below specified threshold
    • free_disk_space_mb variable that returns a raw number value (no units) of MB free on disk, for use in expressions
  • Improved
    • Rename 'Set Source Filter Visibility' to 'Set Filter Visibility' since it can also be used for scenes
    • Use newly available InputSettingsChanged event (requires OBS v30.1) to more accurately update changes to current_text, image_file_name, and media_file_name variables


  • New
    • Preview next/previous scene actions
    • Adjust source volume by percentage action
    • VendorEvent feedback
  • Improved
    • Control all filters on a source with the "Set Source Filter Visibility" action
  • Fix
    • More reliable behavior when controlling Source Visibility for all sources


  • New
    • New Custom Vendor Request action for sending commands to third party plugins
  • Fix
    • Custom Command failing to run
    • Crash when the file name for an image source was invalid


  • Fix
    • Upgrade script error crashing module
    • Additional fixes for Quick Transition causing transition state to get stuck


  • New
    • Feedback for Studio Mode Enabled
    • Feedback for stream congestion (similar to the green/yellow/red square in the OBS UI)
    • Feedback for audio meters (similar to the audio meters in the OBS UI)
    • Feedback for audio peaking if above a certain value
  • Fix
    • Quick Transition actions causing transition state to get stuck
    • Kbps variable has been restored
    • Certain variable updates (mute, media_status, and others) were not working when the source has an invalid variable name


  • Fix
    • Set Preview Scene action now properly sends scene to preview instead of program
    • Possible error when executing upgrade scripts resolved


  • New
    • Rewrite to support Companion v3
    • Variables for scene names based on the scene order within OBS
  • Fix
    • Filter Enabled feedback now properly lists all filters


  • Improved
    • Allow hostnames to be used in the module configuration
  • Fix
    • All text source now appear as choices in the Set Text action dropdown on startup


  • Improved
    • Update obs-websocket-js to latest version
    • Use obs-websocket's Batch command for certain actions
  • Fix
    • When using Set Scene Visibility on a group source, the sources within groups are now not affected
    • Toggle/Start/Stop Output now works properly with Virtual Camera


  • Fix
    • Properly detect more types of disconnections and properly update module status
    • Grouped sources can now be enabled / disabled via "Set Source Visibility" action
    • Grouped sources feedback is now accurate


  • New
    • Allow Global Audio Devices to be choices for actions, feedback, and variables
  • Fix
    • Show Scenes in the Open Projector action choices


  • Fixes
    • Prevent issue when using more than one instance of the OBS module
    • Add filters from scenes, not just sources


  • New

    • Support for obs-websocket version 5.0.0

    • New "Current Media" option on all media control actions

    • Custom variables for "Set Program Scene", "Set Preview Scene", and "Custom Command" actions

    • Ability to specify a specific scene for a source in the the "Source Visible in Program" feedback

    • New Actions:

      • Toggle Recording Pause
      • Open Source Properties Window
      • Open Source Filters Window
      • Open Source Interact Window
    • New Feedback:

      • Replay Buffer Active
    • New Variables:

      • recording_path
      • stream_service
      • base_resolution
      • output_resolution
      • target_framerate
      • replay_buffer_path
  • Fixes

    • Take Screenshot action now works again
    • Recording feedback should properly reflect recording state