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Instruments adaptive streaming video players and collects information to be sent to the Bitmovin Analytics service.

To get started collecting data with Bitmovin Analytics you need a license key which you can get for free by signing up for a free Bitmovin account.

Platform Support

Version Platform Player
3.2.0 - 3.x.x iOS 14+, tvOS 14+, visionOS 1+ Bitmovin v3, AVPlayer, Amazon IVS
3.0.0 - 3.1.2 iOS 14+, tvOS 14+ Bitmovin v3, AVPlayer, Amazon IVS
2.11.0 - 2.12.1 iOS 14+, tvOS 14+ Bitmovin v3, AVPlayer, Amazon IVS
2.9.0 - 2.10.1 iOS 12+, tvOS 12+ Bitmovin v3, AVPlayer
2.0.0 - 2.8.0 iOS 9+, tvOS 9+ Bitmovin v3, AVPlayer
> 1.30.0 iOS 9+, tvOS 9+ Bitmovin v2, AVPlayer


Integrated Analytics within Bitmovin Player

We recommend to use the integrated Analytics that comes with the Bitmovin Player for iOS, tvOS and visionOS SDK. Since Analytics is directly integrated in the Player, usage is simplified compared to the standalone collector.

Please check out the Getting Started guide.

Collector for Amazon IVS and AVPlayer

The following example creates an AnalyticsConfig object and attaches an AVPlayer instance to it.

// Create a AnalyticsConfig using your Bitmovin analytics license key
let analyticsConfig = AnalyticsConfig(licenseKey: "YOUR_ANALYTICS_KEY")

// Create an AVPlayerCollector object using the config just created (for Amazon IVS use AmazonIVSPlayerCollectorFactory)
let analyticsCollector = AVPlayerCollectorFactory.create(config: analyticsConfig)

// Attach your player instance
analyticsCollector.attach(to: player)

// Detach your player when you are done.

Additional Metadata (Optional)

Provide information for every session during the collector lifetime with DefaultMetadata

let customData = CustomData(
  customData1: "customData1"

let defaultMetadata = DefaultMetadata(
  cdnProvider: CdnProvider.akamai,
  customerUserId: "customUserId",
  customData: customData

let config: AnalyticsConfig = AnalyticsConfig(
  licenseKey: "YOUR_ANALYTICS_KEY",
  defaultMetadata: defaultMetadata

Provide video specific information with SourceMetadata

let sourceMetadata = SourceMetadata(
  videoId: "video-123",
  tile: "my Video",
  isLive: false,
  customData: customData

// For AVPlayerCollector and AmazonIVSCollector
analyticsCollector.sourceMetadata = sourceMetadata

A full example app can be seen here.


To add the BitmovinAnalyticsCollector as a dependency to your project, you have two options: Swift Package Manager or CocoaPods.

Swift Package Manager

Swift Package Manager is supported since version 2.8.0.

We provide three products:

  • BitmovinCollector including BitmovinPlayer v3 Collector
  • AVFoundationCollector including AVPlayer Collector
  • AmazonIVSCollector including Amazon IVS Player Collector

Using Xcode

Open your Project file and specify it in Project > Package Dependencies using the following URL:

Using Package.swift

You can also add us manually. For that you need to add the following as a dependency to your Package.swift and replace <Bitmovin Analytics Version Number> with the desired version of the SDK.

.package(name: "BitmovinAnalytics", url: "", .exact("<Bitmovin Analytics Version Number>"))

And then specify the BitmovinAnalytics as a dependency of the desired target. Here is an example of a Package.swift file:

let package = Package(
  dependencies: [
    .package(name: "BitmovinAnalytics", url: "", .exact("<Bitmovin Analytics Version Number>"))
  targets: [
      name: "<NAME_OF_YOUR_PACKAGE>",
      dependencies: [
        .product(name: "BitmovinCollector", package: "BitmovinAnalytics"),
        .product(name: "AVFoundationCollector", package: "BitmovinAnalytics")
        .product(name: "AmazonIVSCollector", package: "BitmovinAnalytics")

⚠️ Note: Executing swift build from the command line is currently not supported. Open the Package in Xcode if you are developing another Package depending on BitmovinAnalytics.

How to import the collector

We have split the BitmovinAnalytics into 4 targets

  • CoreCollector - including shared code for all collectors
  • BitmovinCollector - including BitmovinPlayer Collector
  • AVFoundationCollector - including AVPlayer Collector
  • AmazonIVSCollector - including AmazonIVSPlayer Collector

If you are working with our Collectors you need to add at least import CoreCollector as many Classes are relocated to that package.

Going further you need to import the corresponding Collector package for player.

Example when using BitmovinPlayer:

import CoreCollector
import BitmovinCollector


We depend on cocoapods version >= 1.13.0.

Add the following lines to the Podfile of your project while replacing VERSION_NUMBER with the desired version of the SDK.

All available versions from 3.8.1 on can be listed via pod trunk info BitmovinAnalyticsCollector and are available in CocoaPods trunk repository. Earlier versions are listed in our CocoaPods repository instead

Bitmovin Player v3

The collector for the Bitmovin Player has a dependency on BitmovinPlayerCore version >= 3.48.

pod 'BitmovinAnalyticsCollector/Core', '<Bitmovin Analytics Version Number>'
pod 'BitmovinAnalyticsCollector/BitmovinPlayer', '<Bitmovin Analytics Version Number>'
pod 'BitmovinPlayer', '<Player Version Number>'



pod 'BitmovinAnalyticsCollector/Core', '<Bitmovin Analytics Version Number>'
pod 'BitmovinAnalyticsCollector/AVPlayer', '<Bitmovin Analytics Version Number>'



The collector for the Amazon IVS Player has a dependency on AmazonIVSPlayer version 1.24.0.

pod 'BitmovinAnalyticsCollector/Core', '<Bitmovin Analytics Version Number>'
pod 'BitmovinAnalyticsCollector/AmazonIVSPlayer', '<Bitmovin Analytics Version Number>'
pod 'AmazonIVSPlayer', '<Player Version Number>'


Then, in your command line run

pod install

Known Issues

  • The audioCodec property is not collected at the moment, as the information isn't available in the player.
  • subtitleLanguage will fallback to the label, if no language is defined.


If you have any questions or issues with this Analytics Collector or its examples, or you require other technical support for our services, please login to your Bitmovin Dashboard at and create a new support case. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible 👍