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Flutter Install

Step changelog

Install Flutter SDK.


This Step git clones the selected branch or tag of the official Flutter repository and runs the initial setup of the Flutter SDK. Use this step before the cache-pull step to make sure caching works correctly.

Configuring the Step

  1. In the Flutter SDK git repository version input set the tag or branch of the Flutter. The default value is stable which clones and installs the latest stable Flutter branch.
  2. In the Update to the latest version input select false to use a preinstalled Flutter version or true to update Flutter SDK to the latest version released in the build release channel. By default, this input is set to true.
  3. Enable Print debug information to run flutter doctor to see if there are any missing platform dependencies for setting up Flutter.


If you prefer to install Flutter from an installation bundle instead of the git repository, use the Flutter SDK installation bundle URL input. Insert the URL of the preferred bundle, for example, If the input is filled out correctly, it overrides the value set in the Flutter SDK git repository version input.

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🧩 Get started

Add this step directly to your workflow in the Bitrise Workflow Editor.

You can also run this step directly with Bitrise CLI.

⚙️ Configuration

Key Description Flags Default
version Use this input to install from the git repository by specifying a tag or branch. Use this input for the stable channel, as the stable channel can be preinstalled. If the input Flutter SDK installation bundle URL is specified, this input is ignored. To find the available version tags see this list: To see the the avilable branches visit: stable
is_update If the version selected is stable and a preinstalled Flutter version from the stable channel with version 1.2.1 exists: * Setting to false will not update, even if a later release exists. * Setting to true will update Flutter to the latest version released in the channel. true
installation_bundle_url Installation bundle URL. If specified, Flutter will be installed from here and git repository version is ignored. For a channel other than stable (e.g. beta), it is recommended to use this input. It is faster than cloning from git. Official list of Flutter installation bundles: The URL is expected to begin with: Example value (beta channel, version 1.6.3, macOS):
is_debug If enabled will run flutter doctor and print value of PATH eniroment variable. false
Outputs There are no outputs defined in this step

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We welcome pull requests and issues against this repository.

For pull requests, work on your changes in a forked repository and use the Bitrise CLI to run step tests locally.

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