ClassLoader per Test runner for JUnit 4.12+ based on myfaces-test "TestPerClassLoaderRunner".
Each test method will run with its very own ClassLoader which can be very useful for a variety of use cases (testing classes with static fields for example).
import org.bitstrings.test.junit.runner.ClassLoaderPerTestRunner;
@RunWith( ClassLoaderPerTestRunner.class )
public class Test
You can exclude a package or a specific class.
@RunWith( ClassLoaderPerTestRunner.class )
@ClptrExclude( "mockit." )
public class Test
@RunWith( ClassLoaderPerTestRunner.class )
@ClptrExclude( { "mockit.", "org.somethings.MyClass" } )
public class Test
You may use @ClptrExclude
on classes and methods.
Use the default file
to add excluded packages or classes from isolation.
The file should be on the classpath.
You can override the excludes file location using the system property org.bitstrings.test.junit.runner.TestClassLoader.excludes
The file is simply a list of packages and classes (see @ClptrExclude
- @ClptrExclude annotation;
- Fix for "@Rule" annotated field and method;
- Threadsafe (Hopeful...);
- Support excludes.